#!/usr/bin/python import time, sys, urllib, os, tempfile, random import xmlrpclib from optparse import OptionParser from getpass import getpass from time import sleep parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-c", "--config", action="store", dest="config", help="Path to alternate config file") parser.add_option("-x", "--url", action="store", dest="url", help = "API URL") parser.add_option("-s", "--slice", action="store", dest="slice", help = "Name of slice to use") parser.add_option("-n", "--nodes", action="store", dest="nodes", help = "File that contains a list of nodes to try to access") parser.add_option("-k", "--key", action="store", dest="key", help = "Path to alternate public key") parser.add_option("-u", "--user", action="store", dest="user", help = "API user name") parser.add_option("-p", "--password", action="store", dest="password", help = "API password") parser.add_option("-g", "--graph-only", action="store_true", dest="graph_only", help = "Only plot the current data, then exit") parser.add_option("-l", "--plot-length", action="store", dest="plot_length", help = "Plot x-axis (time) length in seconds") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help="Be verbose (default: %default)") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # If user is specified but password is not if options.user is not None and options.password is None: try: options.password = getpass() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): print sys.exit(0) class Config: def __init__(self, options): # if options are specified use them # otherwise use options from config file if options.config: config_file = options.config else: config_file = '/usr/share/planetlab/tests/node-ssh/nst_config' try: execfile(config_file, self.__dict__) except: raise "Could not find nst config in " + config_file if options.url: self.url = self.NST_API_SERVER = options.url if options.slice: self.NST_SLICE = options.slice if options.key: self.NST_KEY_PATH = options.key if options.user: self.NST_USER = options.user if options.password: self.NST_PASSWORD = options.password if options.nodes: self.NST_NODES = options.nodes else: self.NST_NODES = None if options.plot_length: self.NST_PLOT_LENGTH = options.plot_length self.api = xmlrpclib.Server(self.NST_API_SERVER) self.auth = {} self.auth['Username'] = self.NST_USER self.auth['AuthString'] = self.NST_PASSWORD self.auth['AuthMethod'] = 'password' self.key = self.NST_KEY_PATH self.slice = self.NST_SLICE self.nodes = self.NST_NODES self.plot_length = self.NST_PLOT_LENGTH self.sleep_time = 900 self.verbose = options.verbose # set up directories self.data_path = '/var/lib/planetlab/tests/node-ssh/data/' self.plots_path = '/var/lib/planetlab/tests/node-ssh/plots/' # set up files self.all_nodes_filename = self.data_path + os.sep + "nodes" self.nodes_in_slice_filename = self.data_path + os.sep + "nodes_in_slice" self.nodes_can_ssh_filename = self.data_path + os.sep + "nodes_can_ssh" self.nodes_good_comon_filename = self.data_path + os.sep + "nodes_good" # get formatted tic string for gnuplot def getTimeTicString(t1, t2, step): first_hour = list(time.localtime(t1)) if not first_hour[4] == first_hour[5] == 0: first_hour[4] = 0 first_hour[5] = 0 first_hour_time = int(time.mktime(first_hour)) first_hour_time += 3600 backsteps = (first_hour_time - t1) backsteps /= step start = first_hour_time - backsteps * step tics = [] thistime = start while thistime < t2: tics.append("\"%s\" %d" % \ (time.strftime("%H:%M", time.localtime(thistime)), thistime)) thistime += step ticstr = ", ".join(tics) return ticstr # count total number of nodes in PlanetLab, according to the api # count total number of nodes in slice, according to the api def count_nodes_by_api(config, current_time, all_nodes): # count all nodes all_nodes_output = "%d\t%d" % (current_time, len(all_nodes)) # count all nodes in slice if config.slice == 'root': nodes_in_slice = all_nodes nodes_in_slice_output = all_nodes_output else: slice_id =config.api.GetSlices(config.auth, {'name': config.slice}, ['slice_id'])[0]['slice_id'] nodes_in_slice = [row['node_id'] for row in \ all_nodes if slice_id in row['slice_ids']] nodes_in_slice_output = "%d\t%d" % (current_time, len(nodes_in_slice)) # write result to datafiles all_nodes_file = open(config.all_nodes_filename, 'a') all_nodes_file.write(all_nodes_output + "\n") all_nodes_file.close() nodes_in_slice_file = open(config.nodes_in_slice_filename, 'a') nodes_in_slice_file.write(nodes_in_slice_output + "\n") nodes_in_slice_file.close() if config.verbose: print "all node: " + all_nodes_output print "nodes in slice: " + nodes_in_slice_output # count total number of "good" nodes, according to CoMon def count_nodes_good_by_comon(config, current_time): comon = urllib.urlopen("http://summer.cs.princeton.edu/status/tabulator.cgi?table=table_nodeviewshort&format=nameonly&select='resptime%20%3E%200%20&&%20((drift%20%3E%201m%20||%20(dns1udp%20%3E%2080%20&&%20dns2udp%20%3E%2080)%20||%20gbfree%20%3C%205%20||%20sshstatus%20%3E%202h)%20==%200)'") good_nodes = comon.readlines() comon_output = "%d\t%d" % (current_time, len(good_nodes)) nodes_good_comon_file = open(config.nodes_good_comon_filename, 'a') nodes_good_comon_file.write(comon_output + "\n") nodes_good_comon_file.close() if config.verbose: print "comon: " + comon_output # count total number of nodes reachable by ssh def count_nodes_can_ssh(config, current_time, all_nodes): api = config.api slice = config.slice key = config.key verbose = config.verbose auth = config.auth nodes = config.nodes if verbose: verbose_text = "" print "Creating list of nodes to ssh to" else: verbose_text = ">/dev/null 2>&1" # creaet node dict node_dict = {} for node in all_nodes: node_dict[node['hostname']] = node # create node list if nodes: nodes_file = open(nodes, 'r') nodes_filename = nodes_file.name lines = nodes_file.readlines() node_list = [node.replace('\n', '') for node in lines] nodes_file.close() else: node_list = node_dict.keys() nodes_filename = tempfile.mktemp() nodes_file = open(nodes_filename, 'w') for node in node_list: nodes_file.write("%(node)s\n" % locals()) nodes_file.close() # creaet node dict node_dict = {} for node in all_nodes: node_dict[node['hostname']] = node private_key = key.split(".pub")[0] # create ssh command if verbose: print "Attemptng to ssh to nodes in " + nodes_filename ssh_filename = tempfile.mktemp() ssh_file = open(ssh_filename, 'w') ssh_file.write(""" export MQ_SLICE="%(slice)s" export MQ_NODES="%(nodes_filename)s" eval `ssh-agent` >/dev/null 2>&1 trap "kill $SSH_AGENT_PID" 0 ssh-add %(private_key)s >/dev/null 2>&1 multiquery 'hostname' 2>/dev/null | grep "bytes" | grep -v ": 0 bytes" """ % locals()) ssh_file.close() ssh_results = os.popen("bash %(ssh_filename)s" % locals()).readlines() good_nodes= [result.split(':')[0] for result in ssh_results] # remove temp files if os.path.exists(nodes_filename): os.unlink(nodes_filename) if os.path.exists(ssh_filename): os.unlink(ssh_filename) # count number of node we can ssh into ssh_count = len(good_nodes) # determine whince nodes are dead: dead_nodes = set(node_list).difference(good_nodes) # write dead nodes to file dead_node_count_output = "%d\t%d" % (current_time, len(dead_nodes)) dead_nodes_file_name = config.data_path + os.sep + "dead_nodes" dead_nodes_file = open(dead_nodes_file_name, 'w') for hostname in dead_nodes: boot_state = node_dict[hostname]['boot_state'] last_contact = 0 if node_dict[hostname]['last_contact']: last_contact = node_dict[hostname]['last_contact'] dead_nodes_file.write("%(current_time)d\t%(hostname)s\t%(boot_state)s\t%(last_contact)d\n" % \ locals()) dead_nodes_file.close() # write good node count ssh_result_output = "%d\t%d" % (current_time, ssh_count) nodes_can_ssh_file = open(config.nodes_can_ssh_filename, 'a') nodes_can_ssh_file.write(ssh_result_output + "\n") nodes_can_ssh_file.close() if verbose: print "nodes that can ssh: " + ssh_result_output print "dead nodes: " + dead_node_count_output # remove all nodes from a slice def empty_slice(config, all_nodes): if config.verbose: print "Removing %s from all nodes" % config.slice all_node_ids = [row['node_id'] for row in all_nodes] config.api.DeleteSliceFromNodes(config.auth, config.slice, all_node_ids) # add slice to all nodes. # make sure users key is up to date def init_slice(config, all_nodes): api = config.api auth = config.auth slice = config.slice key_path = config.key verbose = config.verbose slices = api.GetSlices(auth, [slice], \ ['slice_id', 'name', 'person_ids', 'node_ids']) if not slices: raise "No such slice %s" % slice slice = slices[0] # make sure user is in slice person = api.GetPersons(auth, auth['Username'], \ ['person_id', 'email', 'slice_ids', 'key_ids'])[0] if slice['slice_id'] not in person['slice_ids']: raise "%s not in %s slice. Must be added first" % \ (person['email'], slice['name']) # make sure user key is up to date current_key = open(key_path, 'r').readline().strip() if len(current_key) == 0: raise "Key cannot be empty" keys = api.GetKeys(auth, person['key_ids']) if not keys: if verbose: print "Adding new key " + key_path api.AddPersonKey(auth, person['person_id'], \ {'key_type': 'ssh', 'key': current_key}) elif not filter(lambda k: k['key'] == current_key, keys): if verbose: print "%s was modified or is new. Updating PLC" old_key = keys[0] api.UpdateKey(auth, old_key['key_id'], \ {'key': current_key}) # add slice to all nodes if verbose: print "Generating list of all nodes not in slice" all_node_ids = [row['node_id'] for row in all_nodes] new_nodes = set(all_node_ids).difference(slice['node_ids']) if verbose: print "Adding %s to nodes: %r " % (slice['name'], new_nodes) api.AddSliceToNodes(auth, slice['slice_id'], list(new_nodes)) # create the fill/empty plot def plot_fill_empty(config): #ticstep = 3600 # 1 hour #plotlength = 36000 # 10 hours ticstep = 1800 plotlength = config.plot_length plots_path = config.plots_path all_nodes_filename = config.all_nodes_filename nodes_in_slice_filename = config.nodes_in_slice_filename nodes_can_ssh_filename = config.nodes_can_ssh_filename nodes_good_comon_filename = config.nodes_good_comon_filename tmpfilename = tempfile.mktemp() tmpfile = open(tmpfilename, 'w') starttime = -1 stoptime = -1 for datafilename in [all_nodes_filename, nodes_in_slice_filename, \ nodes_can_ssh_filename, \ nodes_good_comon_filename]: datafile = open(datafilename, 'r') lines = datafile.readlines() if len(lines) > 0: line_start = lines[0] line_end = lines[len(lines) -1] else: continue thisstarttime = int(line_start.split("\t")[0]) if starttime == -1 or thisstarttime < starttime: starttime = thisstarttime thisstoptime = int(line_end.split("\t")[0]) if stoptime == -1 or thisstoptime > stoptime: stoptime = thisstoptime stopx = stoptime startx = max(starttime, stopx - plotlength) starttime = startx tics = getTimeTicString(starttime, stoptime, ticstep) startdate = time.strftime("%b %m, %Y - %H:%M", time.localtime(startx)) stopdate = time.strftime("%H:%M", time.localtime(stopx)) if config.verbose: print "plotting data with start date: %(startdate)s and stop date: %(stopdate)s" % locals() plot_output =""" set term png set output "%(plots_path)s/fill_empty.png" set title "Number of Nodes / Time - %(startdate)s to %(stopdate)s" set xlabel "Time" set ylabel "Number of Nodes" set xtics (%(tics)s) set xrange[%(startx)d:%(stopx)d] set yrange[0:950] plot "%(all_nodes_filename)s" u 1:2 w lines title "Total Nodes", \ "%(nodes_in_slice_filename)s" u 1:2 w lines title "Nodes in Slice", \ "%(nodes_good_comon_filename)s" u 1:2 w lines title \ "Healthy Nodes (according to CoMon)", \ "%(nodes_can_ssh_filename)s" u 1:2 w lines title "Nodes Reachable by SSH" """ tmpfile.write(plot_output % locals()) tmpfile.close() if config.verbose: print plot_output % locals() os.system("gnuplot %s" % tmpfilename) if os.path.exists(tmpfilename): os.unlink(tmpfilename) # load configuration config = Config(options) if options.graph_only: plot_fill_empty(config) sys.exit(0) current_time = round(time.time()) all_nodes = config.api.GetNodes(config.auth, {}, \ ['node_id', 'boot_state', 'hostname', 'last_contact', 'slice_ids']) # if root is specified we will ssh into root context, not a slice # so no need to add a slice to all nodes if config.slice == 'root': if config.verbose: print "Logging in as root" else: # set up slice and add it to nodes init_slice(config, all_nodes) if config.verbose: print "Waiting %d seconds for nodes to update" % config.sleep_time # wait for nodes to get the data sleep(config.sleep_time) # gather data count_nodes_can_ssh(config, current_time, all_nodes) count_nodes_by_api(config, current_time, all_nodes) count_nodes_good_by_comon(config, current_time) # update plots plot_fill_empty(config) #os.system("cp plots/*.png ~/public_html/planetlab/tests") # clean up empty_slice(config, all_nodes)