#!/usr/bin/python # This script is used to manipulate the operational state of nodes in # different node groups. These are basically set operations on nodes via the # PLC api. # # Take the ng name as an argument.... # optionally, # * restart them all. # * Set some or all in the set to rins. # * get a list of nodes in the Alpha nodegroup. # # Given a nodelist, it could tag each one with a nodegroup name. # * import plc import auth api = plc.PLC(auth.auth, auth.plc) from optparse import OptionParser from sets import Set from nodequery import verify,query_to_dict,node_select from nodecommon import * import soltesz def main(): from config import config fb = soltesz.dbLoad("findbad") parser = OptionParser() parser.set_defaults(nodegroup="Alpha", node=None, nodelist=None, list=True, add=False, nocolor=False, notng=False, delete=False, nodeselect=None, ) parser.add_option("", "--not", dest="notng", action="store_true", help="All nodes NOT in nodegroup.") parser.add_option("", "--nodegroup", dest="nodegroup", metavar="NodegroupName", help="Specify a nodegroup to perform actions on") parser.add_option("", "--nodeselect", dest="nodeselect", metavar="querystring", help="Specify a query to perform on findbad db") parser.add_option("", "--site", dest="site", metavar="site name", help="Specify a site to view node status") parser.add_option("", "--nocolor", dest="nocolor", action="store_true", help="Enable color") parser.add_option("", "--list", dest="list", action="store_true", help="List all nodes in the given nodegroup") parser.add_option("", "--add", dest="add", action="store_true", help="Add nodes to the given nodegroup") parser.add_option("", "--delete", dest="delete", action="store_true", help="Delete nodes from the given nodegroup") parser.add_option("", "--node", dest="node", metavar="nodename.edu", help="A single node name to add to the nodegroup") parser.add_option("", "--nodelist", dest="nodelist", metavar="list.txt", help="Use all nodes in the given file for operation.") config = config(parser) config.parse_args() # COLLECT nodegroups, nodes and node lists if config.node or config.nodelist: if config.node: hostlist = [ config.node ] else: hostlist = config.getListFromFile(config.nodelist) # NOTE: preserve order given in file. Otherwise, return values are not in order # given to GetNodes nodelist = [] for h in hostlist: nodelist += api.GetNodes(h) #nodelist = api.GetNodes(hostlist) group_str = "Given" elif config.site: site = api.GetSites(config.site) if len (site) > 0: site = site[0] nodelist = api.GetNodes(site['node_ids']) else: nodelist = [] group_str = config.site elif config.nodeselect: hostlist = node_select(config.nodeselect) nodelist = api.GetNodes(hostlist) group_str = "selection" else: ng = api.GetNodeGroups({'name' : config.nodegroup}) nodelist = api.GetNodes(ng[0]['node_ids']) group_str = config.nodegroup if config.notng: # Get nodegroup nodes ng_nodes = nodelist # Get all nodes all_nodes = api.GetNodes({'peer_id': None}) # remove ngnodes from all node list ng_list = [ x['hostname'] for x in ng_nodes ] all_list = [ x['hostname'] for x in all_nodes ] not_ng_nodes = Set(all_list) - Set(ng_list) # keep each node that *is* in the not_ng_nodes set nodelist = filter(lambda x : x['hostname'] in not_ng_nodes, all_nodes) hostnames = [ n['hostname'] for n in nodelist ] # commands: if config.list: print " ---- Nodes in the %s Node Group ----" % group_str i = 1 for node in nodelist: print "%-2d" % i, print nodegroup_display(node, fb, config) i += 1 elif config.add and config.nodegroup: for node in hostnames: print "Adding %s to %s nodegroup" % (node, config.nodegroup) api.AddNodeToNodeGroup(node, config.nodegroup) elif config.delete: for node in hostnames: print "Deleting %s from %s nodegroup" % (node, config.nodegroup) api.DeleteNodeFromNodeGroup(node, config.nodegroup) else: print "no other options supported." if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except IOError: pass