#!/usr/bin/python # Baris Metin import os import sys import Queue from twisted.words.xish import domish from twisted.web import xmlrpc, server from twisted.internet import reactor, task from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import xmlstream, client, jid sys.path.append("/usr/share/plc_api/") from PLC.Config import Config class BaseClient(object): """ Base XMPP client: handles authentication and basic presence/message requests. """ def __init__(self, id, secret, verbose = False, log = None): if isinstance(id, (str, unicode)): id = jid.JID(id) x = client.XMPPClientFactory(id, secret) x.addBootstrap(xmlstream.STREAM_CONNECTED_EVENT, self.event_connected) x.addBootstrap(xmlstream.STREAM_END_EVENT, self.event_disconnected) x.addBootstrap(xmlstream.INIT_FAILED_EVENT, self.event_init_failed) x.addBootstrap(xmlstream.STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT, self.event_authenticated) self.id = id self.factory = x self.verbose = verbose self.log = log or sys.stdout def __rawDataIN(self, buf): if self.verbose: self.msg("RECV: %s" % buf) def __rawDataOUT(self, buf): if self.verbose: self.msg("SEND: %s" % buf) def msg(self, msg): self.log.write("%s\n" % msg) self.log.flush() def error(self, msg): self.msg("ERROR: %s" % msg) def warn(self, msg): self.msg("WARN: %s" % msg) def info(self, msg): self.msg("INFO: %s" % msg) def event_connected(self, xs): # log all traffic xs.rawDataInFn = self.__rawDataIN xs.rawDataOutFn = self.__rawDataOUT self.xmlstream = xs def event_disconnected(self, xs): pass def event_init_failed(self, xs): self.error("Init Failed") def event_authenticated(self, xs): presence = domish.Element(("jabber:client", "presence")) presence.addElement("show", content="dnd") presence.addElement("status", content="man at work") xs.send(presence) # add protocol handlers xs.addObserver("/presence[@type='subscribe']", self.presence_subscribe) xs.addObserver("/presence[@type='unsubscribe']", self.presence_unsubscribe) xs.addObserver("/precence", self.presence) xs.addObserver("/message[@type='chat']", self.message_chat) def presence_subscribe(self, m): self.info("%s request to add us, granting." % m['from']) p = domish.Element(("jabber:client", "presence")) p['from'], p['to'] = m['to'], m['from'] p['type'] = "subscribed" self.xmlstream.send(p) def presence_unsubscribe(self, m): # try to re-subscribe self.info("%s removed us, trying to re-authenticate." % m['from']) p = domish.Element(("jabber:client", "presence")) p['from'], p['to'] = m['to'], m['from'] p['type'] = "subscribe" self.xmlstream.send(p) def presence(self, m): p = domish.Element(("jabber:client", "presence")) p['from'], p['to'] = m['to'], m['from'] presence.addElement("show", content="dnd") presence.addElement("status", content="man at work") self.xmlstream.send(p) def message_chat(self, m): n = domish.Element((None, "message")) n['to'] = m['from'] n['from'] = self.id.full() n.addElement("body", content = "don't have time to chat. working!") self.xmlstream.send(n) class PubSubClient(BaseClient): """ PubSub (XEP 0060) implementation """ def __init__(self, id, secret, verbose = False, log = None): BaseClient.__init__(self, id, secret, verbose = verbose, log = log) self.hooks = {} def add_result_hook(self, hook_to, hook): self.hooks[hook_to] = hook def delete_result_hook(self, hook_to): if self.hooks.has_key(hook_to): del self.hooks[hook_to] def event_authenticated(self, xs): BaseClient.event_authenticated(self, xs) self.requests = {} xs.addObserver("/iq/pubsub/create", self.result_create_node) xs.addObserver("/iq/pubsub/delete", self.result_delete_node) xs.addObserver("/iq/query[@xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items']", self.result_discover) xs.addObserver("/iq/pubsub/subscription[@subscription='subscribed']", self.result_subscribe_to_node) xs.addObserver("/iq/pubsub/configure/x", self.result_configure_node) xs.addObserver("/iq/pubsub/configure/error", self.result_configure_node) def __iq(self, t="get"): iq = domish.Element((None, "iq")) iq['from'] = self.id.full() iq['to'] = "pubsub.vplc27.inria.fr" iq['type'] = t iq.addUniqueId() return iq def __add_pubsub(self, iq): pubsub = iq.addElement("pubsub") pubsub['xmlns'] = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub" return pubsub def discover(self, node = None): iq = self.__iq("get") query = iq.addElement("query") query['xmlns'] = "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items" if node: query['node'] = node self.requests[iq['id']] = node self.xmlstream.send(iq) def result_discover(self, iq): hook = self.hooks.get('discover', None) if hook: hook(iq) self.delete_result_hook('discover') self.requests.pop(iq['id']) def subscribe_to_node(self, node): iq = self.__iq("set") pubsub = self.__add_pubsub(iq) subscribe = pubsub.addElement("subscribe") subscribe['node'] = node subscribe['jid'] = self.id.full() self.requests[iq['id']] = node self.xmlstream.send(iq) def result_subscribe_to_node(self, iq): self.requests.pop(iq['id']) def publish_to_node(self, node, payload): iq = self.__iq("set") pubsub = self.__add_pubsub(iq) publish = pubsub.addElement("publish") publish['node'] = node items = publish.addElement("item", content=payload) self.requests[iq['id']] = node self.xmlstream.send(iq) def result_publish_to_node(self, iq): self.requests.pop(iq['id']) # TODO: ejabberd doesn't have the node configuration feature implmented yet! def configure_node(self, node, fields=None): iq = self.__iq("set") pubsub = self.__add_pubsub(iq) configure = pubsub.addElement("configure") configure['node'] = node # TODO: add fields self.requests[iq['id']] = node self.xmlstream.send(iq) def result_configure_node(self, iq): hook = self.hooks.get('configure', None) if hook: hook(iq) self.delete_result_hook('configure') self.requests.pop(iq['id']) def create_node(self, node = None): iq = self.__iq("set") pubsub = self.__add_pubsub(iq) create = pubsub.addElement("create") if node: create['node'] = node configure = pubsub.addElement("configure") self.requests[iq['id']] = node self.xmlstream.send(iq) def result_create_node(self, iq): node = self.requests[iq['id']] if iq.error: if iq.error.conflict: # node is already there, nothing important. self.warn("NodeID exists: %s" % node) else: err_type = "" if iq.error['type']: err_type = iq.error['type'] self.error("Can not create node: %s (error type: %s)" % (node, err_type)) else: # no errors # try subscribing to the node for debugging purposes self.subscribe_to_node(node) self.requests.pop(iq['id']) def delete_node(self, node): iq = self.__iq("set") pubsub = self.__add_pubsub(iq) delete = pubsub.addElement("delete") delete['node'] = node self.requests[iq['id']] = node self.xmlstream.send(iq) def result_delete_node(self, iq): self.requests.pop(iq['id']) def message_chat(self, m): body = "" for e in m.elements(): if e.name == "body": body = "%s" % e break # try: # node = m.event.items['node'] # n = domish.Element((None, "message")) # n.addElement("body", content = "published to: %s\n%s" % (node, m.event.items.toXml())) # # for each listener in promiscuous mode send the published event # self.xmlstream.send(n) # return # except: # # not a pubsub message continue on # pass if body == "list groups": def list_groups(iq): reply = "" for i in iq.query.elements(): reply += "%s\n" % i['node'] n = domish.Element((None, "message")) n['to'] = m['from'] n['from'] = self.id.full() n.addElement("body", content = reply) self.xmlstream.send(n) self.add_result_hook("discover", list_groups) self.discover() elif body.startswith("configuration"): # "configuration NODE" node = "" try: node = body.split()[1].strip() except IndexError: pass def get_configuration(iq): reply = iq.toXml() n = domish.Element((None, "message")) n['to'] = m['from'] n['from'] = self.id.full() n.addElement("body", content = reply) self.xmlstream.send(n) self.add_result_hook("configure", get_configuration) self.configure_node(node) else: BaseClient.message_chat(self, m) class Slicemgr(xmlrpc.XMLRPC, PubSubClient): DOMAIN = "/OMF" RESOURCES = 'resources' def __init__(self, id, secret, verbose = False, log = None): xmlrpc.XMLRPC.__init__(self, allowNone=True) PubSubClient.__init__(self, id, secret, verbose = verbose, log = log) self.command_queue = Queue.Queue() xmlrpc.addIntrospection(self) def xmlrpc_createSlice(self, slice): self.create_slice(slice) def xmlrpc_addResource(self, slice, resource): self.add_resource(slice, resource) def xmlrpc_deleteSlice(self, slice): self.delete_slice(slice) def xmlrpc_removeResource(self, slice, resource): self.delete_resource(slice, resource) def flush_commands(self): # self.info("Running %d commands" % self.command_queue.qsize()) while not self.command_queue.empty(): (meth, param) = self.command_queue.get() meth(param) def create_slice(self, slice): self.command_queue.put(( self.create_node, "/".join([self.DOMAIN,slice]) )) self.command_queue.put(( self.create_node, "/".join([self.DOMAIN,slice,self.RESOURCES]) )) def add_resource(self, slice, resource): self.command_queue.put(( self.create_node, "/".join([self.DOMAIN,slice,self.RESOURCES,resource]) )) def delete_slice(self, slice): slice_prefix = "/".join([self.DOMAIN,slice]) resource_prefix = "/".join([self.DOMAIN,slice,self.RESOURCES]) def delete_slice_resources(iq): for i in iq.query.elements(): node = i['node'] if node.startswith(resource_prefix): self.command_que.put(self.delete_node, node) self.add_result_hook("discover", delete_slice_resources) self.discover() self.command_queue.put(( self.delete_node, resource_prefix) ) self.command_queue.put(( self.delete_node, slice_prefix) ) def delete_resource(self, slice, resource): self.command_queue.put(( self.delete_node, "/".join([self.DOMAIN,slice,self.RESOURCES,resource]) )) if __name__ == "__main__": config = Config("/etc/planetlab/plc_config") xmppserver = config.PLC_OMF_XMPP_SERVER xmppuser = "@".join([config.PLC_OMF_XMPP_USER, xmppserver]) xmpppass = config.PLC_OMF_XMPP_PASSWORD slicemgr = Slicemgr(xmppuser, xmpppass, log=open("/var/log/omf/pubsub_client.log", "a"), verbose=True) t = task.LoopingCall(slicemgr.flush_commands) t.start(5.0) # check every 5 seconds reactor.connectTCP(slicemgr.id.host, 5222, slicemgr.factory) reactor.listenTCP(5053, server.Site(slicemgr), interface="localhost") reactor.run(installSignalHandlers=True)