=================================================== Open vSwitch Configuration Database Specification =================================================== Basic Notation -------------- The descriptions below use the following shorthand notations for JSON values. Additional notation is presented later. A JSON string. Any Unicode string is allowed, as specified by RFC 4627. Implementations may disallow null bytes. A JSON string matching [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*. s that begin with _ are reserved to the implementation and may not be used by the user. A JSON true or false value. A JSON number. A JSON number with an integer value, within a certain range (currently -2**63...+2**63-1). Any JSON value. Any JSON value except null. A JSON object with the following members: "error": required "details": optional The value of the "error" member is a short string, specified in this document, that broadly indicates the class of the error. Most "error" strings are specific to contexts described elsewhere in this document, but the following "error" strings may appear in any context where an is permitted: "error": "resources exhausted" The operation requires more resources (memory, disk, CPU, etc.) than are currently available to the database server. "error": "I/O error" Problems accessing the disk, network, or other required resources prevented the operation from completing. Database implementations may use "error" strings not specified in this document to indicate errors that do not fit into any of the specified categories. Optionally, an may include a "details" member, whose value is a string that describes the error in more detail for the benefit of a human user or administrator. This document does not specify the format or content of the "details" string. An may also have other members that describe the error in more detail. This document does not specify the names or values of these members. Schema Format ------------- An Open vSwitch configuration database consists of a set of tables, each of which has a number of columns and zero or more rows. A schema is represented by , as described below. A JSON object with the following members: "name": required "comment": optional "tables": {: , ...} required The "name" identifies the database as a whole. It must be provided to most JSON-RPC requests to identify the database being operated on. The "comment" optionally provides more information about the database. The value of "tables" is a JSON object whose names are table names and whose values are s. A JSON object with the following members: "comment": optional "columns": {: , ...} required The "comment" optionally provides information about this table for a human reader. The value of "columns" is a JSON object whose names are column names and whose values are s. Every table has the following columns whose definitions are not included in the schema: "_uuid": This column, which contains exactly one UUID value, is initialized to a random value by the database engine when it creates a row. It is read-only, and its value never changes during the lifetime of a row. "_version": Like "_uuid", this column contains exactly one UUID value, initialized to a random value by the database engine when it creates a row, and it is read-only. However, its value changes to a new random value whenever any other field in the row changes. Furthermore, its value is ephemeral: when the database is closed and reopened, or when the database process is stopped and then started again, each "_version" also changes to a new random value. A JSON object with the following members: "comment": optional "type": required "ephemeral": optional The "comment" optionally provides information about this column for a human reader. The "type" specifies the type of data stored in this column. If "ephemeral" is specified as true, then this column's values are not guaranteed to be durable; they may be lost when the database restarts. The type of a database column. Either an or a JSON object that describes the type of a database column, with the following members: "key": required "value": optional "min": optional "max": or "unlimited" optional If "min" or "max" is not specified, each defaults to 1. If "max" is specified as "unlimited", then there is no specified maximum number of elements, although the implementation will enforce some limit. After considering defaults, "min" must be exactly 0 or exactly 1, "max" must be at least 1, and "max" must be greater than or equal to "min". If "min" and "max" are both 1 and "value" is not specified, the type is the scalar type specified by "key". If "min" is not 1 or "max" is not 1, or both, and "value" is not specified, the type is a set of scalar type "key". If "value" is specified, the type is a map from type "key" to type "value". The type of a key or value in a database column. Either an or a JSON object with the following members: "type": required "minInteger": optional, integers only "maxInteger": optional, integers only "minReal": optional, reals only "maxReal": optional, reals only "minLength": optional, strings only "maxLength": optional, strings only "refTable": optional, uuids only An by itself is equivalent to a JSON object with a single member "type" whose value is the . If "type" is "integer", then "minInteger" or "maxInteger" or both may also be specified, restricting the valid integer range. If both are specified, then the maxInteger must be greater than or equal to minInteger. If "type" is "real", then "minReal" or "maxReal" or both may also be specified, restricting the valid real range. If both are specified, then the maxReal must be greater than or equal to minReal. If "type" is "string", then "minLength" and "maxLength" or both may be specified, restricting the valid length of value strings. If both are specified, then maxLength must be greater than or equal to minLength. String length is measured in characters (not bytes or UTF-16 code units). If "type" is "uuid", then "refTable", if present, must be the name of a table within this database. If "refTable" is set, the allowed UUIDs are limited to UUIDs for rows in the named table. "refTable" constraints are "deferred" constraints: they are enforced only at transaction commit time (see the "transact" request below). The other contraints on are "immediate", enforced immediately by each operation. One of the strings "integer", "real", "boolean", "string", or "uuid", representing the specified scalar type. Wire Protocol ------------- The database wire protocol is implemented in JSON-RPC 1.0. We encourage use of JSON-RPC over stream connections instead of JSON-RPC over HTTP, for these reasons: * JSON-RPC is a peer-to-peer protocol, but HTTP is a client-server protocol, which is a poor match. Thus, JSON-RPC over HTTP requires the client to periodically poll the server to receive server requests. * HTTP is more complicated than stream connections and doesn't provide any corresponding advantage. * The JSON-RPC specification for HTTP transport is incomplete. The database wire protocol consists of the following JSON-RPC methods: list_dbs ........ Request object members: "method": "list_dbs" required "params": [] required "id": required Response object members: "result": [, ...] "error": null "id": same "id" as request This operation retrieves an array whose elements are s that name the databases that can be accessed over this JSON-RPC connection. get_schema .......... Request object members: "method": "get_schema" required "params": [] required "id": required Response object members: "result": "error": null "id": same "id" as request This operation retrieves a that describes hosted database . transact ........ Request object members: "method": "transact" required "params": [, *] required "id": required Response object members: "result": [*] "error": null "id": same "id" as request The "params" array for this method consists of a that identifies the database to which the transaction applies, followed by zero or more JSON objects, each of which represents a single database operation. The "Operations" section below describes the valid operations. The value of "id" must be unique among all in-flight transactions within the current JSON-RPC session. Otherwise, the server may return a JSON-RPC error. The database server executes each of the specified operations in the specified order, except that if an operation fails, then the remaining operations are not executed. The set of operations is executed as a single atomic, consistent, isolated transaction. The transaction is committed only if every operation succeeds. Durability of the commit is not guaranteed unless the "commit" operation, with "durable" set to true, is included in the operation set (see below). Regardless of whether errors occur, the response is always a JSON-RPC response with null "error" and a "result" member that is an array with the same number of elements as "params". Each element of the "result" array corresponds to the same element of the "params" array. The "result" array elements may be interpreted as follows: - A JSON object that does not contain an "error" member indicates that the operation completed successfully. The specific members of the object are specified below in the descriptions of individual operations. Some operations do not produce any results, in which case the object will have no members. - An , which indicates that the operation completed with an error. - A JSON null value indicates that the operation was not attempted because a prior operation failed. In general, "result" contains some number of successful results, possibly followed by an error, in turn followed by enough JSON null values to match the number of elements in "params". There is one exception: if all of the operations succeed, but the results cannot be committed, then "result" will have one more element than "params", with the additional element an . The possible "error" strings include at least the following: "error": "referential integrity violation" When the commit was attempted, a column's value referenced the UUID for a row that did not exist in the table named by the column's key or value "refTable". (This can be caused by inserting a row that references a nonexistent row, by deleting a row that is still referenced by another row, by specifying the UUID for a row in the wrong table, and other ways.) If "params" contains one or more "wait" operations, then the transaction may take an arbitrary amount of time to complete. The database implementation must be capable of accepting, executing, and replying to other transactions and other JSON-RPC requests while a transaction or transactions containing "wait" operations are outstanding on the same or different JSON-RPC sessions. The section "Notation for the Wire Protocol" below describes additional notation for use with the wire protocol. After that, the "Operations" section describes each operation. cancel ...... Request object members: "method": "cancel" required "params": [the "id" for an outstanding request] required "id": null required Response object members: This JSON-RPC notification instructs the database server to immediately complete or cancel the "transact" request whose "id" is the same as the notification's "params" value. If the "transact" request can be completed immediately, then the server sends a response in the form described for "transact", above. Otherwise, the server sends a JSON-RPC error response of the following form: "result": null "error": "canceled" "id": the request "id" member The "cancel" notification itself has no reply. monitor ....... Request object members: "method": "monitor" required "params": [, , ] required "id": required is an object that maps from a table name to a . Each is an object with the following members: "columns": [*] optional "select": optional is an object with the following members: "initial": optional "insert": optional "delete": optional "modify": optional Response object members: "result": "error": null "id": same "id" as request This JSON-RPC request enables a client to replicate tables or subsets of tables within database . Each specifies a table to be replicated. The JSON-RPC response to the "monitor" includes the initial contents of each table. Afterward, when changes to those tables are committed, the changes are automatically sent to the client using the "update" monitor notification. This monitoring persists until the JSON-RPC session terminates or until the client sends a "monitor_cancel" JSON-RPC request. Each describes how to monitor a table: The circumstances in which an "update" notification is sent for a row within the table are determined by : If "initial" is omitted or true, every row in the table is sent as part of the reply to the "monitor" request. If "insert" is omitted or true, "update" notifications are sent for rows newly inserted into the table. If "delete" is omitted or true, "update" notifications are sent for rows deleted from the table. If "modify" is omitted or true, "update" notifications are sent whenever when a row in the table is modified. The "columns" member specifies the columns whose values are monitored. If "columns" is omitted, all columns in the table, except for "_uuid", are monitored. The "result" in the JSON-RPC response to the "monitor" request is a object (see below) that contains the contents of the tables for which "initial" rows are selected. If no tables' initial contents are requested, then "result" is an empty object. update ...... Notification object members: "method": "update" "params": [, ] "id": null The in "params" is the same as the value passed as the in "params" for the "monitor" request. is an object that maps from a table name to a . A is an object that maps from the row's UUID (as a 36-byte string) to a object. A is an object with the following members: "old": present for "delete" and "modify" updates "new": present for "initial", "insert", and "modify" updates This JSON-RPC notification is sent from the server to the client to tell it about changes to a monitored table (or the initial state of a modified table). Each table in which one or more rows has changed (or whose initial view is being presented) is represented in "updates". Each row that has changed (or whose initial view is being presented) is represented in its as a member with its name taken from the row's _uuid member. The corresponding value is a : The "old" member is present for "delete" and "modify" updates. For "delete" updates, each monitored column is included. For "modify" updates, the prior value of each monitored column whose value has changed is included (monitored columns that have not changed are represented in "new"). The "new" member is present for "initial", "insert", and "modify" updates. For "initial" and "insert" updates, each monitored column is included. For "modify" updates, the new value of each monitored column is included. monitor_cancel .............. Request object members: "method": "monitor_cancel" required "params": [] required "id": required Response object members: "result": {} "error": null "id": the request "id" member Cancels the ongoing table monitor request, identified by the in "params" matching the in "params" for an ongoing "monitor" request. No more "update" messages will be sent for this table monitor. echo .... Request object members: "method": "echo" required "params": JSON array with any contents required "id": required Response object members: "result": same as "params" "error": null "id": the request "id" member Both the JSON-RPC client and the server must implement this request. This JSON-RPC request and response can be used to implement connection keepalives, by allowing the server to check that the client is still there or vice versa. Notation for the Wire Protocol ------------------------------ An that names a database. The valid s can be obtained using a "list-db" request. The is taken from the "name" member of . An that names a table. An that names a table column. A JSON object that describes a table row or a subset of a table row. Each member is the name of a table column paired with the of that column. A JSON value that represents the value of a column in a table row, one of , a , or a . A JSON value that represents a scalar value for a column, one of , , , , . Either an , representing a set with exactly one element, or a 2-element JSON array that represents a database set value. The first element of the array must be the string "set" and the second element must be an array of zero or more s giving the values in the set. All of the s must have the same type. A 2-element JSON array that represents a database map value. The first element of the array must be the string "map" and the second element must be an array of zero or more s giving the values in the map. All of the s must have the same key and value types. (JSON objects are not used to represent because JSON only allows string names in an object.) A 2-element JSON array that represents a pair within a database map. The first element is an that represents the key, the second element is an that represents the value. A 2-element JSON array that represents a UUID. The first element of the array must be the string "uuid" and the second element must be a 36-character string giving the UUID in the format described by RFC 4122. For example, the following represents the UUID 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000: ["uuid", "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"] A 2-element JSON array that represents the UUID of a row inserted in an "insert" operation within the same transaction. The first element of the array must be the string "named-uuid" and the second element should be the string specified as the "uuid-name" for an "insert" operation within the same transaction. For example, if an "insert" operation within this transaction specifies a "uuid-name" of "myrow", the following represents the UUID created by that operation: ["named-uuid", "myrow"] A may be used anywhere a is valid. A 3-element JSON array of the form [, , ] that represents a test on a column value. Except as otherwise specified below, must have the same type as . The meaning depends on the type of : integer real must be "<", "<=", "==", "!=", ">=", ">", "includes", or "excludes". The test is true if the column's value satisfies the relation , e.g. if the column has value 1 and is 2, the test is true if is "<", "<=" or "!=", but not otherwise. "includes" is equivalent to "=="; "excludes" is equivalent to "!=". boolean string uuid must be "!=", "==", "includes", or "excludes". If is "==" or "includes", the test is true if the column's value equals . If is "!=" or "excludes", the test is inverted. set map must be "!=", "==", "includes", or "excludes". If is "==", the test is true if the column's value contains exactly the same values (for sets) or pairs (for maps). If is "!=", the test is inverted. If is "includes", the test is true if the column's value contains all of the values (for sets) or pairs (for maps) in . The column's value may also contain other values or pairs. If is "excludes", the test is true if the column's value does not contain any of the values (for sets) or pairs (for maps) in . The column's value may contain other values or pairs not in . If is "includes" or "excludes", then the required type of is slightly relaxed, in that it may have fewer than the minimum number of elements specified by the column's type. If is "excludes", then the required type is additionally relaxed in that may have more than the maximum number of elements specified by the column's type. One of "<", "<=", "==", "!=", ">=", ">", "includes", "excludes". A 3-element JSON array of the form [, , ] that represents a change to a column value. Except as otherwise specified below, must have the same type as . The meaning depends on the type of : integer real must be "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=" or (integer only) "%=". The value of is changed to the sum, difference, product, quotient, or remainder, respectively, of and . Constraints on are ignored when parsing . boolean string uuid No valid s are currently defined for these types. set Any valid for the set's element type may be applied to the set, in which case the mutation is applied to each member of the set individually. must be a scalar value of the same type as the set's element type, except that contraints are ignored. If is "insert", then each of the values in the set in is added to if it is not already present. The required type of is slightly relaxed, in that it may have fewer than the minimum number of elements specified by the column's type. If is "delete", then each of the values in the set in is removed from if it is present there. The required type is slightly relaxed in that may have more or less than the maximum number of elements specified by the column's type. map must be "insert" or "delete". If is "insert", then each of the key-value pairs in the map in is added to only if its key is not already present. The required type of is slightly relaxed, in that it may have fewer than the minimum number of elements specified by the column's type. If is "delete", then may have the same type as (a map type) or it may be a set whose element type is the same as 's key type: - If is a map, the mutation deletes each key-value pair in whose key and value equal one of the key-value pairs in . - If is a set, the mutation deletes each key-value pair in whose key equals one of the values in . For "delete", may have any number of elements, regardless of restrictions on the number of elements in . One of "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "insert", "delete". Operations ---------- Each of the available operations is described below. insert ...... Request object members: "op": "insert" required "table":
required "row": required "uuid-name": optional Result object members: "uuid": Semantics: Inserts "row" into "table". If "row" does not specify values for all the columns in "table", those columns receive default values. The default value for a column depends on its type. The default for a column whose specifies a "min" of 0 is an empty set or empty map. Otherwise, the default is a single value or a single key-value pair, whose value(s) depend on its : - "integer" or "real": 0 - "boolean": false - "string": "" (the empty string) - "uuid": 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 The new row receives a new, randomly generated UUID. If "uuid-name" is supplied, then it is an error if is not unique among the "uuid-name"s supplied on all the "insert" operations within this transaction. The UUID for the new row is returned as the "uuid" member of the result. Errors: "error": "duplicate uuid-name" The same "uuid-name" appears on another "insert" operation within this transaction. "error": "constraint violation" One of the values in "row" does not satisfy the immediate constraints for its column's . This error will occur for columns that are not explicitly set by "row" if the default value does not satisfy the column's constraints. select ...... Request object members: "op": "select" required "table":
required "where": [*] required "columns": [*] optional Result object members: "rows": [*] Semantics: Searches "table" for rows that match all the conditions specified in "where". If "where" is an empty array, every row in "table" is selected. The "rows" member of the result is an array of objects. Each object corresponds to a matching row, with each column specified in "columns" as a member, the column's name as the member name and its value as the member value. If "columns" is not specified, all the table's columns are included. If two rows of the result have the same values for all included columns, only one copy of that row is included in "rows". Specifying "_uuid" within "columns" will avoid dropping duplicates, since every row has a unique UUID. The ordering of rows within "rows" is unspecified. update ...... Request object members: "op": "update" required "table":
required "where": [*] required "row": required Result object members: "count": Semantics: Updates rows in a table. Searches "table" for rows that match all the conditions specified in "where". For each matching row, changes the value of each column specified in "row" to the value for that column specified in "row". The "_uuid" and "_version" columns of a table may not be directly updated with this operation. Columns designated read-only in the schema also may not be updated. The "count" member of the result specifies the number of rows that matched. Errors: "error": "constraint violation" One of the values in "row" does not satisfy the immediate constraints for its column's . mutate ...... Request object members: "op": "mutate" required "table":
required "where": [*] required "mutations": [*] required Result object members: "count": Semantics: Mutates rows in a table. Searches "table" for rows that match all the conditions specified in "where". For each matching row, mutates its columns as specified by each in "mutations", in the order specified. The "_uuid" and "_version" columns of a table may not be directly modified with this operation. Columns designated read-only in the schema also may not be updated. The "count" member of the result specifies the number of rows that matched. Errors: "error": "domain error" The result of the mutation is not mathematically defined, e.g. division by zero. "error": "range error" The result of the mutation is not representable within the database's format, e.g. an integer result outside the range INT64_MIN...INT64_MAX or a real result outside the range -DBL_MAX...DBL_MAX. "error": "constraint violation" The mutation caused the column's value to violate a constraint, e.g. it caused a column to have more or fewer values than are allowed, an arithmetic operation caused a set or map to have duplicate elements, or it violated a constraint specified by a column's . delete ...... Request object members: "op": "delete" required "table":
required "where": [*] required Result object members: "count": Semantics: Deletes all the rows from "table" that match all the conditions specified in "where". The "count" member of the result specifies the number of deleted rows. wait .... Request object members: "op": "wait" required "timeout": optional "table":
required "where": [*] required "columns": [*] required "until": "==" or "!=" required "rows": [*] required Result object members: none Semantics: Waits until a condition becomes true. If "until" is "==", checks whether the query on "table" specified by "where" and "columns", which is evaluated in the same way as specified for "select", returns the result set specified by "rows". If it does, then the operation completes successfully. Otherwise, the entire transaction rolls back. It is automatically restarted later, after a change in the database makes it possible for the operation to succeed. The client will not receive a response until the operation permanently succeeds or fails. If "until" is "!=", the sense of the test is negated. That is, as long as the query on "table" specified by "where" and "columns" returns "rows", the transaction will be rolled back and restarted later. If "timeout" is specified, then the transaction aborts after the specified number of milliseconds. The transaction is guaranteed to be attempted at least once before it aborts. A "timeout" of 0 will abort the transaction on the first mismatch. Errors: "error": "not supported" One or more of the columns in this table do not support triggers. This error will not occur if "timeout" is 0. "error": "timed out" The "timeout" was reached before the transaction was able to complete. commit ...... Request object members: "op": "commit" required "durable": required Result object members: none Semantics: If "durable" is specified as true, then the transaction, if it commits, will be stored durably (to disk) before the reply is sent to the client. Errors: "error": "not supported" When "durable" is true, this database implementation does not support durable commits. abort ..... Request object members: "op": "abort" required Result object members: (never succeeds) Semantics: Aborts the transaction with an error. This may be useful for testing. Errors: "error": "aborted" This operation always fails with this error. comment ....... Request object members: "op": "comment" required "comment": required Result object members: none Semantics: Provides information to a database administrator on the purpose of a transaction. The OVSDB server, for example, adds comments in transactions that modify the database to the database journal.