from pcucontrol.reboot import * class DRAC(PCUControl): supported_ports = [22,443,5869] def run_drac(self, node_port, dryrun): print "trying racadm_reboot..." return racadm_reboot(, self.username, self.password, node_port, dryrun) def run_ssh(self, node_port, dryrun): ssh_options="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "+\ "-o PasswordAuthentication=yes "+\ "-o PubkeyAuthentication=no" s = pxssh.pxssh() if not s.login(, self.username, self.password, ssh_options, original_prompts="Dell", login_timeout=Transport.TELNET_TIMEOUT): raise ExceptionPassword("Invalid Password") print "logging in..." s.send("\r\n\r\n") try: # Testing Reboot ? #index = s.expect(["DRAC 5", "[%s]#" % self.username ]) # NOTE: be careful to escape any characters used by 're.compile' index = s.expect(["\$", "\[%s\]#" % self.username ]) print "INDEX:", index if dryrun: if index == 0: s.send("racadm getsysinfo") elif index == 1: s.send("getsysinfo") else: if index == 0: s.send("racadm serveraction powercycle") elif index == 1: s.send("serveraction powercycle") s.send("exit") except pexpect.EOF: raise ExceptionPrompt("EOF before expected Prompt") except pexpect.TIMEOUT: print s raise ExceptionPrompt("Timeout before expected Prompt") s.close() return 0 class DRACDefault(PCUControl): supported_ports = [22,443,5869] def run_ssh(self, node_port, dryrun):, self.username) self.transport.sendPassword(self.password) print "logging in..." self.transport.write("\r\n") # Testing Reboot ? if dryrun: self.transport.ifThenSend("[%s]#" % self.username, "getsysinfo") else: # Reset this machine self.transport.ifThenSend("[%s]#" % self.username, "serveraction powercycle") self.transport.ifThenSend("[%s]#" % self.username, "exit") self.transport.close() return 0 ### rebooting Dell systems via RAC card # Marc E. Fiuczynski - June 01 2005 # tested with David Lowenthal's itchy/scratchy nodes at UGA # def runcmd(command, args, username, password, timeout = None): result = [None] result_ready = threading.Condition() def set_result(x): result_ready.acquire() try: result[0] = x finally: result_ready.notify() result_ready.release() def do_command(command, username, password): try: # Popen4 is a popen-type class that combines stdout and stderr p = popen2.Popen4(command) # read all output data p.tochild.write("%s\n" % username) p.tochild.write("%s\n" % password) p.tochild.close() data = while True: # might get interrupted by a signal in poll() or waitpid() try: retval = p.wait() set_result((retval, data)) break except OSError, ex: if ex.errno == errno.EINTR: continue raise ex except Exception, ex: set_result(ex) if args: command = " ".join([command] + args) worker = threading.Thread(target = do_command, args = (command, username, password, )) worker.setDaemon(True) result_ready.acquire() worker.start() result_ready.wait(timeout) try: if result == [None]: raise Exception, "command timed-out: '%s'" % command finally: result_ready.release() result = result[0] if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result else: (retval, data) = result if os.WIFEXITED(retval) and os.WEXITSTATUS(retval) == 0: return data else: out = "system command ('%s') " % command if os.WIFEXITED(retval): out += "failed, rc = %d" % os.WEXITSTATUS(retval) else: out += "killed by signal %d" % os.WTERMSIG(retval) if data: out += "; output follows:\n" + data raise Exception, out def racadm_reboot(host, username, password, port, dryrun): global verbose ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) try: cmd = "/usr/sbin/racadm" os.stat(cmd) if not dryrun: output = runcmd(cmd, ["-r %s -i serveraction powercycle" % ip], username, password) else: output = runcmd(cmd, ["-r %s -i getsysinfo" % ip], username, password) print "RUNCMD: %s" % output if verbose: logger.debug(output) return 0 except Exception, err: logger.debug("runcmd raised exception %s" % err) if verbose: logger.debug(err) return err