#!/usr/bin/python # # Reboot specified nodes # import getpass, getopt import os, sys import xml, xmlrpclib import errno, time, traceback import urllib2 import urllib import threading, popen2 import array, struct from monitor.wrapper import plc import base64 from subprocess import PIPE, Popen import pcucontrol.transports.ssh.pxssh as pxssh import pcucontrol.transports.ssh.pexpect as pexpect import socket from monitor.util import command # Use our versions of telnetlib and pyssh sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) import pcucontrol.transports.telnetlib as telnetlib sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + "/pyssh") import pcucontrol.transports.pyssh as pyssh from monitor import config from monitor.database.info.model import FindbadPCURecord # Timeouts in seconds TELNET_TIMEOUT = 45 # Event class ID from pcu events #NODE_POWER_CONTROL = 3 # Monitor user ID #MONITOR_USER_ID = 11142 import logging logger = logging.getLogger("monitor") verbose = 1 #dryrun = 0; class ExceptionNoTransport(Exception): pass class ExceptionNotFound(Exception): pass class ExceptionPassword(Exception): pass class ExceptionTimeout(Exception): pass class ExceptionPrompt(Exception): pass class ExceptionSequence(Exception): pass class ExceptionReset(Exception): pass class ExceptionPort(Exception): pass class ExceptionUsername(Exception): pass def telnet_answer(telnet, expected, buffer): global verbose output = telnet.read_until(expected, TELNET_TIMEOUT) #if verbose: # logger.debug(output) if output.find(expected) == -1: raise ExceptionNotFound, "'%s' not found" % expected else: telnet.write(buffer + "\r\n") # PCU has model, host, preferred-port, user, passwd, # This is an object derived directly form the PLCAPI DB fields class PCU(object): def __init__(self, plc_pcu_dict): for field in ['username', 'password', 'site_id', 'hostname', 'ip', 'pcu_id', 'model', 'node_ids', 'ports', ]: if field in plc_pcu_dict: self.__setattr__(field, plc_pcu_dict[field]) else: raise Exception("No such field %s in PCU object" % field) # These are the convenience functions build around the PCU object. class PCUModel(PCU): def __init__(self, plc_pcu_dict): PCU.__init__(self, plc_pcu_dict) self.host = self.pcu_name() def pcu_name(self): if self.hostname is not None and self.hostname is not "": return self.hostname elif self.ip is not None and self.ip is not "": return self.ip else: return None def nodeidToPort(self, node_id): if node_id in self.node_ids: for i in range(0, len(self.node_ids)): if node_id == self.node_ids[i]: return self.ports[i] raise Exception("No such Node ID: %d" % node_id) # This class captures the observed pcu records from FindBadPCUs.py class PCURecord: def __init__(self, pcu_record_dict): for field in ['port_status', 'dns_status', 'entry_complete', ]: if field in pcu_record_dict: if field == "reboot": self.__setattr__("reboot_str", pcu_record_dict[field]) else: self.__setattr__(field, pcu_record_dict[field]) else: raise Exception("No such field %s in pcu record dict" % field) class Transport: TELNET = 1 SSH = 2 HTTP = 3 HTTPS = 4 IPAL = 5 DRAC = 6 TELNET_TIMEOUT = 120 def __init__(self, type, verbose): self.type = type self.verbose = verbose self.transport = None def open(self, host, username=None, password=None, prompt="User Name"): transport = None if self.type == self.TELNET: transport = telnetlib.Telnet(host, timeout=self.TELNET_TIMEOUT) transport.set_debuglevel(self.verbose) if username is not None: self.transport = transport self.ifThenSend(prompt, username, ExceptionUsername) elif self.type == self.SSH: if username is not None: transport = pyssh.Ssh(username, host) transport.set_debuglevel(self.verbose) transport.open() # TODO: have an ssh set_debuglevel() also... else: raise Exception("Username cannot be None for ssh transport.") elif self.type == self.HTTP: self.url = "http://%s:%d/" % (host,80) uri = "%s:%d" % (host,80) # create authinfo authinfo = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() authinfo.add_password (None, uri, username, password) authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler( authinfo ) transport = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler) else: raise Exception("Unknown transport type: %s" % self.type) self.transport = transport return True def close(self): if self.type == self.TELNET: self.transport.close() elif self.type == self.SSH: self.transport.close() elif self.type == self.HTTP: pass else: raise Exception("Unknown transport type %s" % self.type) self.transport = None def sendHTTP(self, resource, data): if self.verbose: print "POSTing '%s' to %s" % (data,self.url + resource) try: f = self.transport.open(self.url + resource ,data) r = f.read() if self.verbose: print r except urllib2.URLError,err: logger.info('Could not open http connection', err) return "http transport error" return 0 def sendPassword(self, password, prompt=None): if self.type == self.TELNET: if prompt == None: self.ifThenSend("Password", password, ExceptionPassword) else: self.ifThenSend(prompt, password, ExceptionPassword) elif self.type == self.SSH: self.ifThenSend("password:", password, ExceptionPassword) elif self.type == self.HTTP: pass else: raise Exception("Unknown transport type: %s" % self.type) def ifThenSend(self, expected, buffer, ErrorClass=ExceptionPrompt): if self.transport != None: output = self.transport.read_until(expected, self.TELNET_TIMEOUT) if output.find(expected) == -1: print "OUTPUT: --%s--" % output raise ErrorClass, "'%s' not found" % expected else: self.transport.write(buffer + "\r\n") else: raise ExceptionNoTransport("transport object is type None") def ifElse(self, expected, ErrorClass): try: self.transport.read_until(expected, self.TELNET_TIMEOUT) except: raise ErrorClass("Could not find '%s' within timeout" % expected) class PCUControl(Transport,PCUModel,PCURecord): supported_ports = [] def __init__(self, plc_pcu_record, verbose, supported_ports=[]): PCUModel.__init__(self, plc_pcu_record) PCURecord.__init__(self, plc_pcu_record) type = None if self.port_status: # NOTE: prefer racadm port over ssh if '5869' in supported_ports and self.port_status['5869'] == "open": type = Transport.DRAC# DRAC cards user this port. elif '22' in supported_ports and self.port_status['22'] == "open": type = Transport.SSH elif '23' in supported_ports and self.port_status['23'] == "open": type = Transport.TELNET # NOTE: prefer https over http elif '443' in supported_ports and self.port_status['443'] == "open": type = Transport.HTTPS elif '80' in supported_ports and self.port_status['80'] == "open": type = Transport.HTTP elif '9100' in supported_ports and self.port_status['9100'] == "open": type = Transport.IPAL elif '16992' in supported_ports and self.port_status['16992'] == "open": type = Transport.HTTP else: raise ExceptionPort("Unsupported Port: No transport from open ports") else: raise ExceptionPort("No Portstatus: No transport because no open ports") Transport.__init__(self, type, verbose) def run(self, node_port, dryrun): """ This function is to be defined by the specific PCU instance. """ pass def reboot(self, node_port, dryrun): try: return self.run(node_port, dryrun) except ExceptionNotFound, err: return "error: " + str(err) except ExceptionPassword, err: return "Password exception: " + str(err) except ExceptionTimeout, err: return "Timeout exception: " + str(err) except ExceptionUsername, err: return "No username prompt: " + str(err) except ExceptionSequence, err: return "Sequence error: " + str(err) except ExceptionPrompt, err: return "Prompt exception: " + str(err) except ExceptionNoTransport, err: return "No Transport: " + str(err) except ExceptionPort, err: return "No ports exception: " + str(err) except socket.error, err: return "socket error: timeout: " + str(err) except urllib2.HTTPError, err: return "HTTPError: " + str(err) except urllib2.URLError, err: return "URLError: " + str(err) except EOFError, err: if self.verbose: logger.debug("reboot: EOF") logger.debug(err) self.transport.close() import traceback traceback.print_exc() return "EOF connection reset" + str(err) class IPMI(PCUControl): supported_ports = [80,443,623] # TODO: get exit codes to determine success or failure... def run(self, node_port, dryrun): if not dryrun: cmd = "ipmitool -I lanplus -H %s -U %s -P '%s' power cycle" p = os.popen(cmd % ( self.host, self.username, self.password) ) result = p.read() print "RESULT: ", result else: cmd = "ipmitool -I lanplus -H %s -U %s -P '%s' user list" p = os.popen(cmd % ( self.host, self.username, self.password) ) result = p.read() print "RESULT: ", result if "Error" in result: return result else: return 0 class IPAL(PCUControl): """ This now uses a proprietary format for communicating with the PCU. I prefer it to Telnet, and Web access, since it's much lighter weight and, more importantly, IT WORKS!! HHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA! """ supported_ports = [23,80,9100] def format_msg(self, data, cmd): esc = chr(int('1b',16)) return "%c%s%c%s%c" % (esc, self.password, esc, data, cmd) # esc, 'q', chr(4)) def recv_noblock(self, s, count): import errno try: # TODO: make sleep backoff, before stopping. time.sleep(4) ret = s.recv(count, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT) except socket.error, e: if e[0] == errno.EAGAIN: raise Exception(e[1]) else: # TODO: not other exceptions. raise Exception(e) return ret def run(self, node_port, dryrun): if self.type == Transport.IPAL: ret = self.run_ipal(node_port, dryrun) if ret != 0: ret2 = self.run_telnet(node_port, dryrun) if ret2 != 0: return ret return ret2 return ret elif self.type == Transport.TELNET: return self.run_telnet(node_port, dryrun) else: raise ExceptionNoTransport("Unimplemented Transport for IPAL") def run_telnet(self, node_port, dryrun): # TELNET version of protocol... self.open(self.host) ## XXX Some iPals require you to hit Enter a few times first self.ifThenSend("Password >", "\r\n\r\n", ExceptionNotFound) # Login self.ifThenSend("Password >", self.password, ExceptionPassword) self.transport.write("\r\n\r\n") if not dryrun: # P# - Pulse relay print "node_port %s" % node_port self.ifThenSend("Enter >", "P7", # % node_port, ExceptionNotFound) print "send newlines" self.transport.write("\r\n\r\n") print "after new lines" # Get the next prompt print "wait for enter" self.ifElse("Enter >", ExceptionTimeout) print "closing " self.close() return 0 def run_ipal(self, node_port, dryrun): import errno power_on = False print "open socket" s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: print "connect" s.connect((self.host, 9100)) except socket.error, e: s.close() if e[0] == errno.ECONNREFUSED: # cannot connect to remote host raise Exception(e[1]) else: # TODO: what other conditions are there? raise Exception(e) # get current status print "Checking status" s.send(self.format_msg("", 'O')) ret = self.recv_noblock(s, 8) print "Current status is '%s'" % ret if ret == '': raise Exception("Status returned 'another session already open' %s : %s" % (node_port, ret)) if node_port < len(ret): status = ret[node_port] if status == '1': # up power_on = True elif status == '0': # down power_on = False else: raise Exception("Unknown status for PCU socket %s : %s" % (node_port, ret)) else: raise Exception("Mismatch between configured port and PCU status: %s %s" % (node_port, ret)) if not dryrun: if power_on: print "Pulsing %s" % node_port s.send(self.format_msg("%s" % node_port, 'P')) else: # NOTE: turn power on ; do not pulse the port. print "Power was off, so turning on ..." s.send(self.format_msg("%s" % node_port, 'E')) #s.send(self.format_msg("%s" % node_port, 'P')) print "Receiving response." ret = self.recv_noblock(s, 8) print "Current status is '%s'" % ret if node_port < len(ret): status = ret[node_port] if status == '1': # up power_on = True elif status == '0': # down power_on = False else: raise Exception("Unknown status for PCU socket %s : %s" % (node_port, ret)) else: raise Exception("Mismatch between configured port and PCU status: %s %s" % (node_port, ret)) if power_on: return 0 else: return "Failed Power On" s.close() return 0 class APCControl(PCUControl): supported_ports = [22,23,80,443] reboot_sequence = [] def run(self, node_port, dryrun): print "RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!" if self.type == Transport.HTTPS or self.type == Transport.HTTP: print "APC via http...." return self.run_http_or_https(node_port, dryrun) else: print "APC via telnet/ssh...." return self.run_telnet_or_ssh(node_port, dryrun) def run_telnet_or_ssh(self, node_port, dryrun): self.open(self.host, self.username) self.sendPassword(self.password) first = True for val in self.reboot_sequence: if first: self.ifThenSend("\r\n> ", val, ExceptionPassword) first = False else: self.ifThenSend("\r\n> ", val) if not dryrun: self.ifThenSend("Enter 'YES' to continue or to cancel", "YES\r\n", ExceptionSequence) else: self.ifThenSend("Enter 'YES' to continue or to cancel", "", ExceptionSequence) self.ifThenSend("Press to continue...", "", ExceptionSequence) self.close() return 0 def run_http_or_https(self, node_port, dryrun): if not dryrun: # send reboot signal. # TODO: send a ManualPCU() reboot request for this PCU. # NOTE: this model defies automation because, the port numbering # and the form numbers are not consistent across models. There is # not direct mapping from port# to form#. return "Manual Reboot Required" else: # TODO: also send message for https, since that doesn't work this way... if self.type == Transport.HTTPS: cmd = self.get_https_cmd() elif self.type == Transport.HTTP: cmd = self.get_http_cmd() else: raise ExceptionNoTransport("Unsupported transport for http command") cmd = cmd % ( self.username, self.password, self.host) print "CMD: %s" % cmd p = os.popen(cmd) result = p.read() if len(result.split('\n')) > 2: self.logout() return 0 else: # NOTE: an error has occurred, so no need to log out. print "RESULT: ", result return result def get_https_cmd(self): version = self.get_version() print "VERSION: %s" % version if "AP96" in version: cmd = "curl -s --insecure --user '%s:%s' https://%s/outlets.htm " + \ " | grep -E '^[^<]+' " + \ " | grep -v 'Protected Object' " else: # NOTE: no other case known right now... cmd = "curl -s --insecure --user '%s:%s' https://%s/outlets.htm " + \ " | grep -E '^[^<]+' " + \ " | grep -v 'Protected Object' " return cmd def get_http_cmd(self): version = self.get_version() print "VERSION: %s" % version if "AP7900" in version: cmd = "curl -s --anyauth --user '%s:%s' http://%s/rPDUout.htm | grep -E '^[^<]+'" elif "AP7920" in version: cmd = "curl -s --anyauth --user '%s:%s' http://%s/ms3out.htm | grep -E '^[^<]+' " else: # default case... print "USING DEFAULT" cmd = "curl -s --anyauth --user '%s:%s' http://%s/ms3out.htm | grep -E '^[^<]+' " return cmd def get_version(self): # NOTE: this command returns and formats all data. #cmd = """curl -s --anyauth --user '%s:%s' http://%s/about.htm """ + # """ | sed -e "s/<[^>]*>//g" -e "s/ //g" -e "/^$/d" """ + # """ | awk '{line=$0 ; if ( ! /:/ && length(pline) > 0 ) \ # { print pline, line } else { pline=line} }' """ + # """ | grep Model """ # NOTE: we may need to return software version, no model version to # know which file to request on the server. if self.type == Transport.HTTP: cmd = """curl -s --anyauth --user '%s:%s' http://%s/about.htm """ + \ """ | sed -e "s/<[^>]*>//g" -e "s/ //g" -e "/^$/d" """ + \ """ | grep -E "AP[[:digit:]]+" """ #""" | grep -E "v[[:digit:]].*" """ elif self.type == Transport.HTTPS: cmd = """curl -s --insecure --user '%s:%s' https://%s/about.htm """ + \ """ | sed -e "s/<[^>]*>//g" -e "s/ //g" -e "/^$/d" """ + \ """ | grep -E "AP[[:digit:]]+" """ #""" | grep -E "v[[:digit:]].*" """ else: raise ExceptionNoTransport("Unsupported transport to get version") cmd = cmd % ( self.username, self.password, self.host) p = os.popen(cmd) result = p.read() return result.strip() def logout(self): # NOTE: log out again, to allow other uses to access the machine. if self.type == Transport.HTTP: cmd = """curl -s --anyauth --user '%s:%s' http://%s/logout.htm """ + \ """ | grep -E '^[^<]+' """ elif self.type == Transport.HTTPS: cmd = """curl -s --insecure --user '%s:%s' http://%s/logout.htm """ + \ """ | grep -E '^[^<]+' """ else: raise ExceptionNoTransport("Unsupported transport to logout") cmd = cmd % ( self.username, self.password, self.host) p = os.popen(cmd) print p.read() class APCControl12p3(APCControl): def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.reboot_sequence = ["1", "2", str(node_port), "3"] return super(APCControl12p3, self).run(node_port, dryrun) class APCControl1p4(APCControl): def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.reboot_sequence = ["1", str(node_port), "4"] return super(APCControl1p4, self).run(node_port, dryrun) class APCControl121p3(APCControl): def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.reboot_sequence = ["1", "2", "1", str(node_port), "3"] return super(APCControl121p3, self).run(node_port, dryrun) class APCControl121p1(APCControl): def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.reboot_sequence = ["1", "2", "1", str(node_port), "1", "3"] return super(APCControl121p1, self).run(node_port, dryrun) class APCControl13p13(APCControl): def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.reboot_sequence = ["1", "3", str(node_port), "1", "3"] return super(APCControl13p13, self).run(node_port, dryrun) class IntelAMT(PCUControl): supported_ports = [16992] def run(self, node_port, dryrun): cmd = command.CMD() # TODO: need to make this path universal; not relative to pwd. cmd_str = config.MONITOR_SCRIPT_ROOT + "/pcucontrol/models/intelamt/remoteControl" if dryrun: # NOTE: -p checks the power state of the host. # TODO: parse the output to find out if it's ok or not. cmd_str += " -p http://%s:16992/RemoteControlService -user admin -pass '%s' " % (self.host, self.password ) else: cmd_str += " -A http://%s:16992/RemoteControlService -user admin -pass '%s' " % (self.host, self.password ) print cmd_str return cmd.system(cmd_str, self.TELNET_TIMEOUT) class DRAC(PCUControl): supported_ports = [22,443,5869] def run(self, node_port, dryrun): if self.type == Transport.DRAC: print "trying racadm_reboot..." return racadm_reboot(self.host, self.username, self.password, node_port, dryrun) elif self.type == Transport.SSH: return self.run_ssh(node_port, dryrun) else: raise ExceptionNoTransport("No implementation for open ports") def run_ssh(self, node_port, dryrun): ssh_options="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "+\ "-o PasswordAuthentication=yes "+\ "-o PubkeyAuthentication=no" s = pxssh.pxssh() if not s.login(self.host, self.username, self.password, ssh_options, original_prompts="Dell", login_timeout=TELNET_TIMEOUT): raise ExceptionPassword("Invalid Password") print "logging in..." s.send("\r\n\r\n") try: # Testing Reboot ? #index = s.expect(["DRAC 5", "[%s]#" % self.username ]) # NOTE: be careful to escape any characters used by 're.compile' index = s.expect(["\$", "\[%s\]#" % self.username ]) print "INDEX:", index if dryrun: if index == 0: s.send("racadm getsysinfo") elif index == 1: s.send("getsysinfo") else: if index == 0: s.send("racadm serveraction powercycle") elif index == 1: s.send("serveraction powercycle") s.send("exit") except pexpect.EOF: raise ExceptionPrompt("EOF before expected Prompt") except pexpect.TIMEOUT: print s raise ExceptionPrompt("Timeout before expected Prompt") s.close() return 0 class DRACDefault(PCUControl): supported_ports = [22,443,5869] def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.open(self.host, self.username) self.sendPassword(self.password) print "logging in..." self.transport.write("\r\n") # Testing Reboot ? if dryrun: self.ifThenSend("[%s]#" % self.username, "getsysinfo") else: # Reset this machine self.ifThenSend("[%s]#" % self.username, "serveraction powercycle") self.ifThenSend("[%s]#" % self.username, "exit") self.close() return 0 class HPiLO(PCUControl): supported_ports = [22,443] def run(self, node_port, dryrun): if self.type == Transport.SSH: return self.run_ssh(node_port, dryrun) elif self.type == Transport.HTTP or self.type == Transport.HTTPS: return self.run_https(node_port, dryrun) else: raise ExceptionNoTransport("Unimplemented Transport for HPiLO %s" % self.type) def run_ssh(self, node_port, dryrun): self.open(self.host, self.username) self.sendPassword(self.password) # hpiLO-> self.ifThenSend("hpiLO->", "cd system1") # Reboot Outlet N (Y/N)? if dryrun: self.ifThenSend("hpiLO->", "POWER") else: # Reset this machine self.ifThenSend("hpiLO->", "reset") self.ifThenSend("hpiLO->", "exit") self.close() return 0 def run_https(self, node_port, dryrun): locfg = command.CMD() cmd_str = config.MONITOR_SCRIPT_ROOT + "/pcucontrol/models/hpilo/" cmd = cmd_str + "locfg.pl -s %s -f %s -u %s -p '%s' | grep 'MESSAGE' | grep -v 'No error'" % ( self.host, cmd_str+"iloxml/Get_Network.xml", self.username, self.password) sout, serr = locfg.run_noexcept(cmd) if sout.strip() != "" or serr.strip() != "": print "sout: %s" % sout.strip() return sout.strip() + serr.strip() if not dryrun: locfg = command.CMD() cmd = cmd_str + "locfg.pl -s %s -f %s -u %s -p '%s' | grep 'MESSAGE' | grep -v 'No error'" % ( self.host, cmd_str+"iloxml/Reset_Server.xml", self.username, self.password) sout, serr = locfg.run_noexcept(cmd) if sout.strip() != "": print "sout: %s" % sout.strip() #return sout.strip() return 0 class BayTechRPC3NC(PCUControl): def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.open(self.host, self.username, None, "Enter user name:") self.sendPassword(self.password, "Enter Password:") #self.ifThenSend("RPC-16>", "Status") self.ifThenSend("RPC3-NC>", "Reboot %d" % node_port) # Reboot Outlet N (Y/N)? if dryrun: self.ifThenSend("(Y/N)?", "N") else: self.ifThenSend("(Y/N)?", "Y") self.ifThenSend("RPC3-NC>", "") self.close() return 0 class BayTechRPC16(PCUControl): def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.open(self.host, self.username, None, "Enter user name:") self.sendPassword(self.password, "Enter Password:") #self.ifThenSend("RPC-16>", "Status") self.ifThenSend("RPC-16>", "Reboot %d" % node_port) # Reboot Outlet N (Y/N)? if dryrun: self.ifThenSend("(Y/N)?", "N") else: self.ifThenSend("(Y/N)?", "Y") self.ifThenSend("RPC-16>", "") self.close() return 0 class BayTechCtrlCUnibe(PCUControl): """ For some reason, these units let you log in fine, but they hang indefinitely, unless you send a Ctrl-C after the password. No idea why. """ def run(self, node_port, dryrun): print "BayTechCtrlC %s" % self.host ssh_options="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=yes -o PubkeyAuthentication=no" s = pxssh.pxssh() if not s.login(self.host, self.username, self.password, ssh_options): raise ExceptionPassword("Invalid Password") # Otherwise, the login succeeded. # Send a ctrl-c to the remote process. print "sending ctrl-c" s.send(chr(3)) # Control Outlets (5 ,1).........5 try: #index = s.expect("Enter Request") index = s.expect(["Enter Request :"]) if index == 0: print "3" s.send("3\r\n") index = s.expect(["DS-RPC>", "Enter user name:"]) if index == 1: s.send(self.username + "\r\n") index = s.expect(["DS-RPC>"]) if index == 0: print "Reboot %d" % node_port time.sleep(5) s.send("Reboot %d\r\n" % node_port) time.sleep(5) index = s.expect(["\(Y/N\)\?", "Port in use", "DS-RPC>"]) if index == 0: if dryrun: print "sending N" s.send("N\r\n") else: print "sending Y" s.send("Y\r\n") elif index == 1: raise ExceptionPrompt("PCU Reported 'Port in use.'") elif index == 2: raise ExceptionSequence("Issued command 'Reboot' failed.") time.sleep(5) index = s.expect(["DS-RPC>"]) #print "got prompt back" s.close() except pexpect.EOF: raise ExceptionPrompt("EOF before expected Prompt") except pexpect.TIMEOUT: raise ExceptionPrompt("Timeout before expected Prompt") return 0 class BayTechCtrlC(PCUControl): """ For some reason, these units let you log in fine, but they hang indefinitely, unless you send a Ctrl-C after the password. No idea why. """ def run(self, node_port, dryrun): print "BayTechCtrlC %s" % self.host ssh_options="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=yes -o PubkeyAuthentication=no" s = pxssh.pxssh() if not s.login(self.host, self.username, self.password, ssh_options): raise ExceptionPassword("Invalid Password") # Otherwise, the login succeeded. # Send a ctrl-c to the remote process. print "SENDING ctrl-c" s.send(chr(3)) # Control Outlets (5 ,1).........5 try: print "EXPECTING: ", "Enter Request :" index = s.expect(["Enter Request :"]) if index == 0: print "SENDING: 5" s.send("5\r\n") print "EXPECTING: ", "DS-RPC>" index = s.expect(["DS-RPC>", "Enter user name:", "Port in use."]) if index == 1: print "sending username" s.send(self.username + "\r\n") index = s.expect(["DS-RPC>"]) elif index == 2: raise ExceptionPrompt("PCU Reported 'Port in use.'") if index == 0: print "SENDING: Reboot %d" % node_port s.send("Reboot %d\r\n" % node_port) print "SLEEPING: 5" time.sleep(5) print "EXPECTING: ", "Y/N?" index = s.expect(["\(Y/N\)\?", "Port in use", "DS-RPC>"]) if index == 0: if dryrun: print "sending N" s.send("N\r\n") else: print "SENDING: Y" s.send("Y\r\n") elif index == 1: raise ExceptionPrompt("PCU Reported 'Port in use.'") elif index == 2: raise ExceptionSequence("Issued command 'Reboot' failed.") # NOTE: for some reason, the script times out with the # following line. In manual tests, it works correctly, but # with automated tests, evidently it fails. print "SLEEPING: 5" time.sleep(5) #print "TOTAL--", s.allstr, "--EOT" index = s.expect(["DS-RPC>"]) print "got prompt back" s.close() except pexpect.EOF: raise ExceptionPrompt("EOF before 'Enter Request' Prompt") except pexpect.TIMEOUT: raise ExceptionPrompt("Timeout before Prompt") return 0 class BayTech(PCUControl): supported_ports = [22,23] def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.open(self.host, self.username) self.sendPassword(self.password) # Control Outlets (5 ,1).........5 self.ifThenSend("Enter Request :", "5") # Reboot N try: self.ifThenSend("DS-RPC>", "Reboot %d" % node_port, ExceptionNotFound) except ExceptionNotFound, msg: # one machine is configured to ask for a username, # even after login... print "msg: %s" % msg self.transport.write(self.username + "\r\n") time.sleep(5) self.ifThenSend("DS-RPC>", "Reboot %d" % node_port) # Reboot Outlet N (Y/N)? if dryrun: self.ifThenSend("(Y/N)?", "N") else: self.ifThenSend("(Y/N)?", "Y") time.sleep(5) self.ifThenSend("DS-RPC>", "") self.close() return 0 class WTIIPS4(PCUControl): supported_ports = [23] def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.open(self.host) self.sendPassword(self.password, "Enter Password:") self.ifThenSend("IPS> ", "/Boot %s" % node_port) if not dryrun: self.ifThenSend("Sure? (Y/N): ", "N") else: self.ifThenSend("Sure? (Y/N): ", "Y") self.ifThenSend("IPS> ", "") self.close() return 0 class ePowerSwitchNew(PCUControl): # NOTE: # The old code used Python's HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() # For some reason this both doesn't work and in some cases, actually # hangs the PCU. Definitely not what we want. # # The code below is much simpler. Just letting things fail first, # and then, trying again with authentication string in the header. # def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.transport = None self.url = "http://%s:%d/" % (self.host,80) uri = "%s:%d" % (self.host,80) req = urllib2.Request(self.url) try: handle = urllib2.urlopen(req) except IOError, e: # NOTE: this is expected to fail initially pass else: print self.url print "-----------" print handle.read() print "-----------" return "ERROR: not protected by HTTP authentication" if not hasattr(e, 'code') or e.code != 401: return "ERROR: failed for: %s" % str(e) base64data = base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password))[:-1] # NOTE: assuming basic realm authentication. authheader = "Basic %s" % base64data req.add_header("Authorization", authheader) try: f = urllib2.urlopen(req) except IOError, e: # failing here means the User/passwd is wrong (hopefully) raise ExceptionPassword("Incorrect username/password") # NOTE: after verifying that the user/password is correct, # actually reboot the given node. if not dryrun: try: data = urllib.urlencode({'P%d' % node_port : "r"}) req = urllib2.Request(self.url + "cmd.html") req.add_header("Authorization", authheader) # add data to handler, f = urllib2.urlopen(req, data) if self.verbose: print f.read() except: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() # fetch url one more time on cmd.html, econtrol.html or whatever. # pass else: if self.verbose: print f.read() self.close() return 0 class CustomPCU(PCUControl): def run(self, node_port, dryrun): url = "https://www-itec.uni-klu.ac.at/plab-pcu/index.php" if not dryrun: # Turn host off, then on formstr = "plab%s=off" % node_port os.system("curl --user %s:%s --form '%s' --insecure %s" % (self.username, self.password, formstr, url)) time.sleep(5) formstr = "plab%s=on" % node_port os.system("curl --user %s:%s --form '%s' --insecure %s" % (self.username, self.password, formstr, url)) else: os.system("curl --user %s:%s --insecure %s" % (self.username, self.password, url)) class ePowerSwitchOld(PCUControl): def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.url = "http://%s:%d/" % (self.host,80) uri = "%s:%d" % (self.host,80) # create authinfo authinfo = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() authinfo.add_password (None, uri, self.username, self.password) authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler( authinfo ) # NOTE: it doesn't seem to matter whether this authinfo is here or not. transport = urllib2.build_opener(authinfo) f = transport.open(self.url) if self.verbose: print f.read() if not dryrun: transport = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler) f = transport.open(self.url + "cmd.html", "P%d=r" % node_port) if self.verbose: print f.read() self.close() return 0 class ePowerSwitchOld(PCUControl): supported_ports = [80] def run(self, node_port, dryrun): self.url = "http://%s:%d/" % (self.host,80) uri = "%s:%d" % (self.host,80) # TODO: I'm still not sure what the deal is here. # two independent calls appear to need to be made before the # reboot will succeed. It doesn't seem to be possible to do # this with a single call. I have no idea why. # create authinfo authinfo = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() authinfo.add_password (None, uri, self.username, self.password) authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler( authinfo ) # NOTE: it doesn't seem to matter whether this authinfo is here or not. transport = urllib2.build_opener() f = transport.open(self.url + "elogin.html", "pwd=%s" % self.password) if self.verbose: print f.read() if not dryrun: transport = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler) f = transport.open(self.url + "econtrol.html", "P%d=r" % node_port) if self.verbose: print f.read() # data= "P%d=r" % node_port #self.open(self.host, self.username, self.password) #self.sendHTTP("elogin.html", "pwd=%s" % self.password) #self.sendHTTP("econtrol.html", data) #self.sendHTTP("cmd.html", data) self.close() return 0 class ManualPCU(PCUControl): supported_ports = [22,23,80,443] def run(self, node_port, dryrun): if not dryrun: # TODO: send email message to monitor admin requesting manual # intervention. This should always be an option for ridiculous, # custom jobs. pass return 0 class PM211MIP(ManualPCU): supported_ports = [80,443] ### rebooting european BlackBox PSE boxes # Thierry Parmentelat - May 11 2005 # tested on 4-ports models known as PSE505-FR # uses http to POST a data 'P=r' # relies on basic authentication within http1.0 # first curl-based script was # curl --http1.0 --basic --user : --data P=r \ # http://:/cmd.html && echo OK # log in: ## BB PSMaverick class BlackBoxPSMaverick(PCUControl): supported_ports = [80] def run(self, node_port, dryrun): if not dryrun: # send reboot signal. cmd = "curl -s --data 'P%s=r' --anyauth --user '%s:%s' http://%s/config/home_f.html" % ( node_port, self.username, self.password, self.host) else: # else, just try to log in cmd = "curl -s --anyauth --user '%s:%s' http://%s/config/home_f.html" % ( self.username, self.password, self.host) p = os.popen(cmd) result = p.read() print "RESULT: ", result if len(result.split()) > 3: return 0 else: return result def bbpse_reboot (pcu_ip,username,password,port_in_pcu,http_port, dryrun): global verbose url = "http://%s:%d/cmd.html" % (pcu_ip,http_port) data= "P%d=r" % port_in_pcu if verbose: logger.debug("POSTing '%s' on %s" % (data,url)) authinfo = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() uri = "%s:%d" % (pcu_ip,http_port) authinfo.add_password (None, uri, username, password) authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler( authinfo ) opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) if (dryrun): return 0 try: f = urllib2.urlopen(url,data) r= f.read() if verbose: logger.debug(r) return 0 except urllib2.URLError,err: logger.info('Could not open http connection', err) return "bbpse error" ### rebooting x10toggle based systems addressed by port # Marc E. Fiuczynski - May 31 2005 # tested on 4-ports models known as PSE505-FR # uses ssh and password to login to an account # that will cause the system to be powercycled. def x10toggle_reboot(ip, username, password, port, dryrun): global verbose ssh = None try: ssh = pyssh.Ssh(username, ip) ssh.open() # Login telnet_answer(ssh, "password:", password) if not dryrun: # Reboot telnet_answer(ssh, "x10toggle>", "A%d" % port) # Close output = ssh.close() if verbose: logger.debug(output) return 0 except Exception, err: if verbose: logger.debug(err) if ssh: output = ssh.close() if verbose: logger.debug(output) return errno.ETIMEDOUT ### rebooting Dell systems via RAC card # Marc E. Fiuczynski - June 01 2005 # tested with David Lowenthal's itchy/scratchy nodes at UGA # def runcmd(command, args, username, password, timeout = None): result = [None] result_ready = threading.Condition() def set_result(x): result_ready.acquire() try: result[0] = x finally: result_ready.notify() result_ready.release() def do_command(command, username, password): try: # Popen4 is a popen-type class that combines stdout and stderr p = popen2.Popen4(command) # read all output data p.tochild.write("%s\n" % username) p.tochild.write("%s\n" % password) p.tochild.close() data = p.fromchild.read() while True: # might get interrupted by a signal in poll() or waitpid() try: retval = p.wait() set_result((retval, data)) break except OSError, ex: if ex.errno == errno.EINTR: continue raise ex except Exception, ex: set_result(ex) if args: command = " ".join([command] + args) worker = threading.Thread(target = do_command, args = (command, username, password, )) worker.setDaemon(True) result_ready.acquire() worker.start() result_ready.wait(timeout) try: if result == [None]: raise Exception, "command timed-out: '%s'" % command finally: result_ready.release() result = result[0] if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result else: (retval, data) = result if os.WIFEXITED(retval) and os.WEXITSTATUS(retval) == 0: return data else: out = "system command ('%s') " % command if os.WIFEXITED(retval): out += "failed, rc = %d" % os.WEXITSTATUS(retval) else: out += "killed by signal %d" % os.WTERMSIG(retval) if data: out += "; output follows:\n" + data raise Exception, out def racadm_reboot(host, username, password, port, dryrun): global verbose ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) try: cmd = "/usr/sbin/racadm" os.stat(cmd) if not dryrun: output = runcmd(cmd, ["-r %s -i serveraction powercycle" % ip], username, password) else: output = runcmd(cmd, ["-r %s -i getsysinfo" % ip], username, password) print "RUNCMD: %s" % output if verbose: logger.debug(output) return 0 except Exception, err: logger.debug("runcmd raised exception %s" % err) if verbose: logger.debug(err) return err def pcu_name(pcu): if pcu['hostname'] is not None and pcu['hostname'] is not "": return pcu['hostname'] elif pcu['ip'] is not None and pcu['ip'] is not "": return pcu['ip'] else: return None def get_pcu_values(pcu_id): print "pcuid: %s" % pcu_id try: pcurec = FindbadPCURecord.get_latest_by(plc_pcuid=pcu_id).first() if pcurec: values = pcurec.to_dict() else: values = None except: values = None return values def reboot(nodename): return reboot_policy(nodename, True, False) def reboot_str(nodename): global verbose continue_probe = True dryrun=False pcu = plc.getpcu(nodename) if not pcu: logger.debug("no pcu for %s" % nodename) print "no pcu for %s" % nodename return False # "%s has no pcu" % nodename values = get_pcu_values(pcu['pcu_id']) if values == None: logger.debug("No values for pcu probe %s" % nodename) print "No values for pcu probe %s" % nodename return False #"no info for pcu_id %s" % pcu['pcu_id'] # Try the PCU first logger.debug("Trying PCU %s %s" % (pcu['hostname'], pcu['model'])) ret = reboot_test_new(nodename, values, verbose, dryrun) return ret def reboot_policy(nodename, continue_probe, dryrun): global verbose pcu = plc.getpcu(nodename) if not pcu: logger.debug("no pcu for %s" % nodename) print "no pcu for %s" % nodename return False # "%s has no pcu" % nodename values = get_pcu_values(pcu['pcu_id']) if values == None: logger.debug("No values for pcu probe %s" % nodename) print "No values for pcu probe %s" % nodename return False #"no info for pcu_id %s" % pcu['pcu_id'] # Try the PCU first logger.debug("Trying PCU %s %s" % (pcu['hostname'], pcu['model'])) ret = reboot_test_new(nodename, values, verbose, dryrun) if ret != 0: print ret return False else: print "return true" return True class Unknown(PCUControl): supported_ports = [22,23,80,443,5869,9100,16992] def model_to_object(modelname): if modelname is None: return ManualPCU if "AMT" in modelname: return IntelAMT elif "BayTech" in modelname: return BayTech elif "HPiLO" in modelname: return HPiLO elif "IPAL" in modelname: return IPAL elif "APC" in modelname: return APCControl elif "DRAC" in modelname: return DRAC elif "WTI" in modelname: return WTIIPS4 elif "ePowerSwitch" in modelname: return ePowerSwitchNew elif "IPMI" in modelname: return IPMI elif "BlackBoxPSMaverick" in modelname: return BlackBoxPSMaverick elif "PM211MIP" in modelname: return PM211MIP elif "ManualPCU" in modelname: return ManualPCU else: print "UNKNOWN model %s"%modelname return Unknown def reboot_test_new(nodename, values, verbose, dryrun): rb_ret = "" if 'plc_pcu_stats' in values: values.update(values['plc_pcu_stats']) try: modelname = values['model'] if modelname: object = eval('%s(values, verbose, ["22", "23", "80", "443", "9100", "16992", "5869"])' % modelname) rb_ret = object.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) else: rb_ret = "Not_Run" # TODO: how to handle the weird, georgetown pcus, the drac faults, and ilo faults except ExceptionPort, err: rb_ret = str(err) return rb_ret def reboot_test(nodename, values, continue_probe, verbose, dryrun): rb_ret = "" if 'plc_pcu_stats' in values: values.update(values['plc_pcu_stats']) try: # DataProbe iPal (many sites) if continue_probe and values['model'].find("IP-41x_IP-81x") >= 0: ipal = IPAL(values, verbose, ['23', '80', '9100']) rb_ret = ipal.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) # APC Masterswitch (Berkeley) elif continue_probe and ( values['model'].find("AP79xx") >= 0 or \ values['model'].find("Masterswitch") >= 0 ): print values # TODO: make a more robust version of APC if values['pcu_id'] in [1102,1163,1055,1111,1231,1113,1127,1128,1148]: apc = APCControl12p3(values, verbose, ['22', '23']) rb_ret = apc.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) elif values['pcu_id'] in [1110,86]: apc = APCControl1p4(values, verbose, ['22', '23']) rb_ret = apc.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) elif values['pcu_id'] in [1221,1225,1220,1192]: apc = APCControl121p3(values, verbose, ['22', '23']) rb_ret = apc.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) elif values['pcu_id'] in [1173,1240,47,1363,1405,1401,1372,1371]: apc = APCControl121p1(values, verbose, ['22', '23']) rb_ret = apc.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) else: apc = APCControl13p13(values, verbose, ['22', '23']) rb_ret = apc.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) # BayTech DS4-RPC elif continue_probe and values['model'].find("DS4-RPC") >= 0: if values['pcu_id'] in [1056,1237,1052,1209,1002,1008,1041,1013,1022]: # These require a 'ctrl-c' to be sent... baytech = BayTechCtrlC(values, verbose, ['22', '23']) rb_ret = baytech.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) elif values['pcu_id'] in [93]: baytech = BayTechRPC3NC(values, verbose, ['22', '23']) rb_ret = baytech.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) elif values['pcu_id'] in [1057]: # These require a 'ctrl-c' to be sent... baytech = BayTechCtrlCUnibe(values, verbose, ['22', '23']) rb_ret = baytech.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) elif values['pcu_id'] in [1012]: # This pcu sometimes doesn't present the 'Username' prompt, # unless you immediately try again... try: baytech = BayTechRPC16(values, verbose, ['22', '23']) rb_ret = baytech.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) except: baytech = BayTechRPC16(values, verbose, ['22', '23']) rb_ret = baytech.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) else: baytech = BayTech(values, verbose, ['22', '23']) rb_ret = baytech.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) # iLO elif continue_probe and values['model'].find("ilo") >= 0: try: hpilo = HPiLO(values, verbose, ['22']) rb_ret = hpilo.reboot(0, dryrun) if rb_ret != 0: hpilo = HPiLOHttps(values, verbose, ['443']) rb_ret = hpilo.reboot(0, dryrun) except: hpilo = HPiLOHttps(values, verbose, ['443']) rb_ret = hpilo.reboot(0, dryrun) # DRAC ssh elif continue_probe and values['model'].find("DRAC") >= 0: # TODO: I don't think DRAC will throw an exception for the # default method to catch... try: drac = DRAC(values, verbose, ['443', '5869']) rb_ret = drac.reboot(0, dryrun) except: drac = DRACDefault(values, verbose, ['22']) rb_ret = drac.reboot(0, dryrun) elif continue_probe and values['model'].find("WTI IPS-4") >= 0: wti = WTIIPS4(values, verbose, ['23']) rb_ret = wti.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) elif continue_probe and values['model'].find("AMT") >= 0: amt = IntelAMT(values, verbose, ['16992']) rb_ret = amt.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) elif continue_probe and values['model'].find("bbsemaverick") >=0: print "TRYING BlackBoxPSMaverick" bbe = BlackBoxPSMaverick(values, verbose, ['80']) rb_ret = bbe.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) elif continue_probe and values['model'].find("ipmi") >=0: print "TRYING IPMI" ipmi = IPMI(values, verbose, ['80', '443', '623']) rb_ret = ipmi.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) elif continue_probe and values['model'].find("ePowerSwitch") >=0: # TODO: allow a different port than http 80. if values['pcu_id'] in [1089, 1071, 1046, 1035, 1118]: eps = ePowerSwitchNew(values, verbose, ['80']) elif values['pcu_id'] in [1003]: # OLD EPOWER print "OLD EPOWER" eps = ePowerSwitchOld(values, verbose, ['80']) else: eps = ePowerSwitchNew(values, verbose, ['80']) rb_ret = eps.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) elif continue_probe and values['pcu_id'] in [1122]: custom = CustomPCU(values, verbose, ['80', '443']) custom.reboot(values[nodename], dryrun) elif continue_probe: rb_ret = "Unsupported_PCU" elif continue_probe == False: if 'port_status' in values: rb_ret = "NetDown" else: rb_ret = "Not_Run" else: rb_ret = -1 except ExceptionPort, err: rb_ret = str(err) return rb_ret # ???? #elif continue_probe and values['protocol'] == "racadm" and \ # values['model'] == "RAC": # rb_ret = racadm_reboot(pcu_name(values), # values['username'], # values['password'], # pcu[nodename], # dryrun) def main(): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('LOGGER - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) try: if "test" in sys.argv: dryrun = True else: dryrun = False for node in sys.argv[1:]: if node == "test": continue print "Rebooting %s" % node if reboot_policy(node, True, dryrun): print "success" else: print "failed" except Exception, err: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() print err if __name__ == '__main__': logger = logging.getLogger("monitor") main()