#!/usr/bin/python # # Generates the PLCAPI interface for the website PHP code. # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2005 The Trustess of Princeton University # # $Id: methods.py,v 1.3 2006/11/21 20:00:53 mlhuang Exp $ # import os, sys import time from PLC.API import PLCAPI from PLC.Method import * from PLC.Auth import Auth def php_cast(value): """ Casts Python values to PHP values. """ if value is None: return "NULL" elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)): return "array(%s)" % ", ".join([php_cast(v) for v in value]) elif isinstance(value, dict): items = ["%s => %s" % (php_cast(k), php_cast(v)) for (k, v) in value.items()] return "array(%s)" % ", ".join(items) elif isinstance(value, (int, long, bool, float)): return str(value) else: unicode_repr = repr(unicode(value)) # Truncate the leading 'u' prefix return unicode_repr[1:] # Class functions api = PLCAPI(None) api.methods.sort() for method in api.methods: # Skip system. methods if "system." in method: continue function = api.callable(method) # Commented documentation lines = ["// " + line.strip() for line in function.__doc__.strip().split("\n")] print "\n".join(lines) print # Function declaration print "function " + function.name, # PHP function arguments args = [] (min_args, max_args, defaults) = function.args() parameters = zip(max_args, function.accepts, defaults) for name, expected, default in parameters: # Skip auth structures (added automatically) if isinstance(expected, Auth) or \ (isinstance(expected, Mixed) and \ filter(lambda sub: isinstance(sub, Auth), expected)): continue # Declare parameter arg = "$" + name # Set optional parameters to their defaults if name not in min_args: arg += " = " + php_cast(default) args.append(arg) # Write function declaration print "(" + ", ".join(args) + ")" # Begin function body print "{" # API function arguments i = 0 for name, expected, default in parameters: # Automatically added auth structures if isinstance(expected, Auth) or \ (isinstance(expected, Mixed) and \ filter(lambda sub: isinstance(sub, Auth), expected)): print " $args[] = $this->auth;" continue print " ", if name not in min_args: print "if (func_num_args() > %d)" % i, print "$args[] = $%s;" % name i += 1 # Call API function print " return $this->call('%s', $args);" % method # End function body print "}" print