Webservice wrappper demo

Wrap methods exposed by server into php functions

The code demonstrates usage of some the most automagic client usage possible:
1) client that returns php values instead of xmlrpc value objects
2) wrapping of remote methods into php functions
See also proxy.php for an alternative take

You can see the source to this page here: wrap.php

return_type = 'phpvals'; // let client give us back php values instead of xmlrpcvals $resp = $client->send(new PhpXmlRpc\Request('system.listMethods')); if ($resp->faultCode()) { echo "

Server methods list could not be retrieved: error {$resp->faultCode()} '" . htmlspecialchars($resp->faultString()) . "'

\n"; } else { echo "

Server methods list retrieved, now wrapping it up...

\n\n"; flush(); if ($callable) { echo "Now testing function for remote method to convert U.S. state number into state name"; $stateNum = rand(1, 51); // the 2nd parameter gets added to the closure - it is the debug level to be used for the client $stateName = $callable($stateNum, 2); echo "State $stateNum is ".htmlspecialchars($stateName); } } ?>