#!/usr/bin/python # # This is a replacement for the formerly bash-written function pl_parsePkgs () # # Usage: $0 [-a arch] default_arch keyword fcdistro pldistro pkgs-file[..s] # default_arch is $pl_DISTRO_ARCH, but can be overridden # #################### original language was (in this example, keyword=package) ## to add to all distros # package: p1 p2 ## to add in one distro # package+f12: p1 p2 ## to remove in one distro # package-f10: p1 p2 #################### replacement language ## add in distro f10 # +package=f10: p1 p2 # or simply # package=f10: p1 p2 ## add in fedora distros starting with f10 # +package>=f10: p1 p2 # or simply # package>=f10: p1 p2 ## ditto but remove instead # -package=centos5: p1 p2 # -package<=centos5: p1 p2 from __future__ import print_function import sys from sys import stderr from optparse import OptionParser import re default_arch='x86_64' known_arch = ['i386', 'i686', 'x86_64'] default_fcdistro = 'f22' known_fcdistros = [ 'centos5', 'centos6', 'f14', 'f18', 'f20', 'f21', 'f22', 'sl6', # debians 'wheezy','jessie', # ubuntus 'precise', # 12.04 LTS 'trusty', # 14.04 LTS 'utopic', # 14.10 'vivid', # 15.04 'wily', # 15.10 ] default_pldistro='onelab' known_keywords = [ 'group', 'groupname', 'groupdesc', 'package', 'pip', 'gem', 'nodeyumexclude', 'plcyumexclude', 'yumexclude', 'precious', 'junk', 'mirror', ] m_fcdistro_cutter = re.compile('([a-z]+)([0-9]+)') re_ident = '[a-z]+' class PkgsParser: def __init__(self, arch, fcdistro, pldistro, keyword, inputs, options): self.arch = arch self.fcdistro = fcdistro self.pldistro = pldistro self.keyword = keyword self.inputs = inputs # for verbose, new_line, and the like self.options = options ok = False for known in known_fcdistros: if fcdistro == known: try: (distro, version) = m_fcdistro_cutter.match(fcdistro).groups() # debian-like names can't use numbering except: distro = fcdistro version = 0 ok = True if ok: self.distro = distro self.version = int(version) else: print('unrecognized fcdistro', fcdistro, file=stderr) sys.exit(1) # qualifier is either '>=','<=', or '=' def match (self, qualifier, version): if qualifier == '=': return self.version == version elif qualifier == '>=': return self.version >= version elif qualifier == '<=': return self.version <= version else: raise Exception('Internal error - unexpected qualifier {qualifier}'.format(**locals())) m_comment = re.compile('\A\s*#') m_blank = re.compile('\A\s*\Z') m_ident = re.compile('\A'+re_ident+'\Z') re_qualified = '\s*' re_qualified += '(?P[+-]?)' re_qualified += '\s*' re_qualified += '(?P{re_ident})'.format(re_ident=re_ident) re_qualified += '\s*' re_qualified += '(?P>=|<=|=)' re_qualified += '\s*' re_qualified += '(?P{re_ident}[0-9]+)'.format(re_ident=re_ident) re_qualified += '\s*' m_qualified = re.compile('\A{re_qualified}\Z'.format(**locals())) re_old = '[a-z]+[+-][a-z]+[0-9]+' m_old = re.compile('\A{re_old}\Z'.format(**locals())) # returns a tuple (included, excluded) def parse(self, filename): ok = True included = [] excluded = [] lineno = 0 try: for line in file(filename).readlines(): lineno += 1 line = line.strip() if self.m_comment.match(line) or self.m_blank.match(line): continue try: lefts, rights = line.split(':', 1) for left in lefts.split(): ########## single ident if self.m_ident.match(left): if left not in known_keywords: raise Exception("Unknown keyword {left}".format(**locals())) elif left == self.keyword: included += rights.split() else: m = self.m_qualified.match(left) if m: (plus_minus, kw, qual, fcdistro) = m.groups() if kw not in known_keywords: raise Exception("Unknown keyword in {left}".format(**locals())) if fcdistro not in known_fcdistros: raise Exception('Unknown fcdistro {fcdistro}'.format(**locals())) # skip if another keyword if kw != self.keyword: continue # does this fcdistro match ? (distro, version) = m_fcdistro_cutter.match(fcdistro).groups() version = int (version) # skip if another distro family if distro != self.distro: continue # skip if the qualifier does not fit if not self.match (qual, version): if self.options.verbose: print('{filename}:{lineno}:qualifer {left} does not apply' .format(**locals()), file=stderr) continue # we're in, let's add (default) or remove (if plus_minus is minus) if plus_minus == '-': if self.options.verbose: print('{filename}:{lineno}: from {left}, excluding {rights}' .format(**locals()), file=stderr) excluded += rights.split() else: if self.options.verbose: print('{filename}:{lineno}: from {left}, including {rights}'\ .format(**locals()), file=stderr) included += rights.split() elif self.m_old.match(left): raise Exception('Old-fashioned syntax not supported anymore {left}'.\ format(**locals())) else: raise Exception('error in left expression {left}'.format(**locals())) except Exception as e: ok = False print("{filename}:{lineno}:syntax error: {e}".format(**locals()), file=stderr) except Exception as e: ok = False print('Could not parse file', filename, e, file=stderr) return (ok, included, excluded) def run (self): ok = True included = [] excluded = [] for input in self.inputs: (o, i, e) = self.parse (input) included += i excluded += e ok = ok and o # avoid set operations that would not preserve order results = [ x for x in included if x not in excluded ] results = [ x.replace('@arch@', self.arch).\ replace('@fcdistro@', self.fcdistro).\ replace('@pldistro@', self.pldistro) for x in results] if self.options.sort_results: results.sort() # default is space-separated if not self.options.new_line: print(" ".join(results)) # but for tests results are printed each on a line else: for result in results: print(result) return ok def main (): usage = "Usage: %prog [options] keyword input[...]" parser = OptionParser (usage=usage) parser.add_option ('-a', '--arch', dest='arch', action='store', default=default_arch, help='target arch, e.g. i386 or x86_64, default={}'.format(default_arch)) parser.add_option ('-f', '--fcdistro', dest='fcdistro', action='store', default=default_fcdistro, help='fcdistro, e.g. f12 or centos5') parser.add_option ('-d', '--pldistro', dest='pldistro', action='store', default=default_pldistro, help='pldistro, e.g. onelab or planetlab') parser.add_option ('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='verbose when using qualifiers') parser.add_option ('-n', '--new-line', dest='new_line', action='store_true', default=False, help='print outputs separated with newlines rather than with a space') parser.add_option ('-u', '--no-sort', dest='sort_results', default=True, action='store_false', help='keep results in the same order as in the inputs') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) <= 1 : parser.print_help(file=stderr) sys.exit(1) keyword = args[0] inputs = args[1:] if not options.arch in known_arch: print('Unsupported arch', options.arch, file=stderr) parser.print_help(file=stderr) sys.exit(1) if options.arch == 'i686': options.arch='i386' if not options.fcdistro in known_fcdistros: print('Unsupported fcdistro', options.fcdistro, file=stderr) parser.print_help(file=stderr) sys.exit(1) pkgs = PkgsParser(options.arch, options.fcdistro, options.pldistro, keyword, inputs, options) if pkgs.run(): sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': if main(): sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1)