person['role_ids']); } function plc_is_pi () { global $plc; return in_array( 20, $plc->person['role_ids']); } function plc_is_tech () { global $plc; return in_array( 40, $plc->person['role_ids']); } function plc_in_site ($site_id) { global $plc; return in_array( $site_id, $plc->person['site_ids']); } function plc_my_site_id () { global $plc; return $plc->person['site_ids'][0]; } function plc_my_person_id () { global $plc; return $plc->person['person_id']; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// links function href ($url,$text) { return "" . $text . ""; } // naming scheme is // l_objects() -> the url to the page that list objects // l_object($object_id) -> the url to hte page thas details object with given id // l_object_t($object_id,text) -> an tag that shows text and links to the above // l_object_add () -> the url to that object-afding page function l_actions () { return "/db/actions.php"; } function l_nodes () { return "/db/nodes/index.php"; } function l_nodes_local () { return "/db/nodes/index.php?peerscope=local"; } function l_node ($node_id) { return "/db/nodes/node.php?id=$node_id"; } function l_node_t ($node_id,$text) { return href (l_node($node_id),$text); } function l_node_add () { return "/db/nodes/node_add.php"; } function l_nodes_site ($site_id) { return "/db/nodes/index.php?site_id=$site_id"; } function l_interface ($interface_id) { return "/db/nodes/interfaces.php?id=$interface_id"; } function l_interface_t ($interface_id,$text) { return href (l_interface($interface_id),$text); } function l_interface_add($node_id) { return "/db/nodes/interfaces.php?node_id=$node_id"; } function l_sites () { return "/db/sites/index.php"; } function l_sites_local () { return "/db/sites/index.php?peerscope=local"; } function l_site ($site_id) { return "/db/sites/index.php?id=$site_id"; } function l_site_t ($site_id,$text) { return href (l_site($site_id),$text); } function l_site_update($site_id) { return "/xxx-undefined"; } function l_slices () { return "/db/slices/index.php"; } function l_slice ($slice_id) { return "/db/slices/index.php?id=$slice_id"; } function l_slice_t ($slice_id,$text) { return href (l_slice($slice_id),$text); } function l_slice_add () { return "/db/slices/add_slice.php"; } function l_slices_site($site_id) { return "/db/slices/index.php?site_id=$site_id"; } // from an object function l_slice_text ($slice) { return l_slice_t ($slice['slice_id'],$slice['name']); } function l_sliver ($node_id,$slice_id) { return "/db/nodes/slivers.php?node_id=$node_id&slice_id=$slice_id"; } function l_sliver_t ($node_id,$slice_id,$text) { return href (l_sliver($node_id,$slice_id),$text) ; } function l_persons () { return "/db/persons/index.php"; } function l_person ($person_id) { return "/db/persons/index.php?id=$person_id"; } function l_person_t ($person_id,$text) { return href (l_person($person_id),$text); } function l_persons_site ($site_id) { return "/db/persons/index.php?site_id=$site_id"; } function l_tags () { return "/db/tags/index.php"; } function l_tag ($tag_type_id) { return "/db/tags/index.php"; } function l_tag_add() { return "/db/tags/tag_form.php"; } function l_tag_update($id) { return "/db/tags/tag_form.php&action=update-tag-type&id=$id"; } function l_nodegroups () { return "/db/tags/nodegroups.php"; } function l_nodegroup ($nodegroup_id) { return "/db/tags/nodegroups.php?id=$nodegroup_id"; } function l_nodegroup_t ($nodegroup_id,$text) { return href(l_nodegroup($nodegroup_id),$text); } function l_events () { return "/db/events/index.php"; } function l_event ($type,$param,$id) { return "/db/events/index.php?type=$type&$param=$id"; } function l_peers() { return "/db/peers/index.php"; } function l_peer($peer_id) { return "/db/peers/index.php?id=$peer_id"; } function l_comon($id_name,$id_value) { return "/db/nodes/comon.php?$id_name=$id_value"; } function l_sirius() { return "/db/sirius/index.php"; } function l_about() { return "/db/about.php"; } function l_doc_plcapi() { return "/db/doc/PLCAPI.php"; } function l_doc_nmapi() { return "/db/doc/NMAPI.php"; } function l_admin() { return "/db/adminsearch.php"; } function l_logout() { return "/planetlab/logout.php"; } function l_sulogout() { return "/planetlab/sulogout.php"; } function l_reset_password() { return "/db/persons/reset_password.php"; } function l_person_register() { return "/db/persons/register.php"; } function l_site_register() { return "/db/sites/register.php"; } function l_sites_pending() { return "/db/sites/join_request.php"; } function tabs_events() { return array('image'=>'/planetlab/icons/event.png','height'=>18);} function tabs_comon() { return array('image'=>'/planetlab/icons/comon.png','height'=>18);} // returns array ['url' => path, 'values' => hash (key=>value)* ] function split_url ($full_url) { list($url,$args) = explode("?",$full_url); $values=array(); if ($args) { $pairs=explode("&",$args); foreach ($pairs as $pair) { list ($name,$value) = explode("=",$pair); $values[$name]=$value; } } return array("url"=>$url,"values"=>$values); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// validation functions function topdomain ($hostname) { $exploded=array_reverse(explode(".",$hostname)); return $exploded[0]; } function is_valid_email_addr ($email) { if (ereg("^.+@.+\\..+$", $email) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function is_valid_url ($url) { if (ereg("^(http|https)://.+\..+$", strtolower($url) ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function is_valid_ip ($ip) { if (ereg("^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})$", $ip ) ) { // it's at least in the right format, now check to see if // each part is equal to less than 255 $parts= explode( '.', $ip ); $count= count($parts); for( $i= 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) { if( intval($parts[$i]) > 255 ) return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } function is_valid_network_addr($network_addr,$mask) { $lNetwork= ip2long($network_addr); $lMask= ip2long($mask); // are they the correct format? if( $lNetwork == -1 || $lMask == -1 ) return false; // is network address valid for the mask? if( ($lNetwork & $lMask) != $lNetwork ) return false; return true; } // returns whether or not a network address is in the reserved space // in the case of a invalid network address, false will be returned. function is_reserved_network_addr($network_addr) { $lNetwork= ip2long($network_addr); if( $lNetwork == -1 ) return false; // does the network address fall in a reserved block? $reserved_ips = array ( array('',''), array('',''), array('','') ); foreach ($reserved_ips as $r) { $min = ip2long($r[0]); $max = ip2long($r[1]); if (($lNetwork >= $min) && ($lNetwork <= $max)) return true; } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// peer & peerscopes function plc_role_global_hash ($api) { $hash=array(); $roles=$api->GetRoles(); foreach ($roles as $role) { $hash[$role['role_id']]=$role['name']; } return $hash; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// peer & peerscopes // when shortnames are needed on peers function plc_peer_global_hash ($api) { $peer_columns=array('peer_id','shortname'); $peer_filter=array(); $peers = $api->GetPeers($peer_filter,$peer_columns); $peer_hash=array(); if ($peers) foreach ($peers as $peer) { $peer_hash[$peer['peer_id']]=$peer; } } function plc_peer_shortname ($peer_hash,$peer_id) { if ( ! $peer_id ) { return PLC_SHORTNAME; } else { return $peer_hash[$node['peer_id']]['shortname']; } } function plc_peer_label ($peer) { if (! $peer) { return "Local object on " . PLC_NAME . " (" . PLC_SHORTNAME . ")"; } $result= $peer['peername'] . " (" . $peer['shortname'] . ")"; $result= href(l_peer($peer['peer_id']),$result); return plc_foreign_text($result); } // to set the background to grey on foreign objects // return true if the peer is local function plc_peer_block_start ($peer_hash,$peer_id) { if ( ! $peer_id ) { print "
"; return true; } else { // set two classes, one eneraic to all foreign, and one based on the peer's shortname for finer grain tuning printf ('
\n"; } // interpret standard syntax for peerscope function plc_peer_info ($api,$peerscope) { switch ($peerscope) { case '': $peer_filter=array(); $peer_label="all peers"; break; case 'local': $peer_filter=array("peer_id"=>NULL); $peer_label=PLC_SHORTNAME; break; case 'foreign': $peer_filter=array("~peer_id"=>NULL); $peer_label="foreign peers"; break; default: if (is_int ($peerscope)) { $peer_id=intval($peerscope); $peers=$api->GetPeers(array("peer_id"=>$peer_id)); } else { $peers=$api->GetPeers(array("shortname"=>$peerscope)); } if ($peers) { $peer=$peers[0]; $peer_id=$peer['peer_id']; $peer_filter=array("peer_id"=>$peer_id); $peer_label='peer "' . $peer['shortname'] . '"'; } else { $peer_filter=array(); $peer_label="[no such peer " . $peerscope . "]"; } break; } return array ($peer_filter,$peer_label); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nodegroups // hash by 'tagname=value' function plc_nodegroup_global_hash ($api,$tagnames=NULL) { $filter=NULL; // xxx somehow this does not work; I've checked that the feature is working from plcsh // but I suspect the php marshalling or something; no time to fix, get all nodegroups for now // if ($tagnames) $filter=array("tagname"=>$tagnames); $nodegroups=$api->GetNodeGroups($filter); $hash=array(); if ($nodegroups) foreach ($nodegroups as $nodegroup) { $key=$nodegroup['tagname']."=".$nodegroup['value']; $hash[$key]=$nodegroup; } return $hash; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// titles function t_site($site) { return " on site " . $site['name'] . " (" . $site['login_base'] .")"; } function t_slice ($slice) { return " running slice " . $slice['name'] . " (" . $slice['slice_id'] . ")"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nav tabs function tabs_node($node) { return array('Node ' . $node['hostname']=>l_node($node_id)); } function tabs_site($site) { return array('Site ' . $site['name']=>l_site($site_id)); } function tabs_slice($slice) { return array('Slice ' . $slice['name']=>l_slice($slice_id)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// presentation // builds a table from an array of strings, with the given class // attempt to normalize the delete buttons and confirmations function plc_delete_button($width=15) { return 'Delete this entry'; } function plc_js_confirm($message) { return "onclick=\"javascript:return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete " . $message . " ?')\""; } function plc_delete_link($url,$delete_message,$visible) { return "" . $visible . ""; } function plc_delete_link_button($url,$delete_message,$width=15) { return "" . plc_delete_button($width) . ""; } function plc_event_button($type,$param,$id) { return ' '; } function plc_comon_button ($id_name, $id_value,$target="") { $result=''; $result.=' '; return $result; } function plc_vertical_table ($messages, $class="") { // pretty print the cell if ( empty( $messages) ) return ""; $formatted = ""; $formatted .= ""; } $formatted .= ""; return $formatted; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// various mappers // could not figure how to use anonymous lambdas.. function get_site_id ($site) { return $site['site_id'];} function get_tagname ($tag) { return $tag['tagname'];} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function plc_section ($text,$line=true) { if ($line) { print "
";} print "


\n"; } function plc_error ($text) { // should use the same channel as the php errors.. print "
Error " . $text . "
"; } function plc_errors ($list) { print( "
" ); print( "

The following errors occured:

" ); print("
    "); foreach( $errors as $err ) { print( "
  • $err
  • \n" ); } print( "
\n" ); } function plc_warning_text ($text) { return "" . $text . "";} function plc_warning ($text) { print plc_warning_text("Warning " . $text); } function plc_foreign_text($text) { return "$text"; } // shows a php variable verbatim with a heading message function plc_debug ($message,$object) { print "
" . $message . "
  print_r ($object);
  print "
"; } ?>