PLC_NAME, 'shortname' => PLC_SHORTNAME, 'peer_id'=>'local'); $hash['local']=$local_fake_peer; // remote $peer_columns=array('peer_id','shortname','peername'); $peer_filter=NULL; $peers = $api->GetPeers($peer_filter,$peer_columns); if ($peers) foreach ($peers as $peer) { $hash[$peer['peer_id']]=$peer; } $this->hash=$hash; } public static function is_local ($peer) { return $peer['peer_id'] == 'local'; } function peer ($peer_id) { // use the fake local entry if (!$peer_id) $peer_id='local'; return $this->hash[$peer_id]; } public function peername ($peer_id) { $peer = $this->peer ($peer_id); return $peer['peername']; } public function shortname ($peer_id) { $peer = $this->peer ($peer_id); return $peer['shortname']; } public function label ($peer_id) { $peer = $this->peer ($peer_id); $result = $peer['peername'] . " (" . $peer['shortname'] . ")"; if (Peers::is_local ($peer)) $result = "[local] " . $result; return $result; } public function link ($peer_id,$text) { if (! $peer_id) return href("/",$text); $peer = $this->peer ($peer_id); return l_peer_t($peer['peer_id'],$text); } public function peer_link ($peer_id) { if (! $peer_id) return href("/",$this->label($peer_id)); $peer = $this->peer ($peer_id); return l_peer_t($peer['peer_id'],$this->label($peer_id)); } function classname ($peer_id) { if ( ! $peer_id) return ""; $peer = $this->peer ($peer_id); $shortname=$peer['shortname']; return "plc-$shortname"; } function block_start ($peer_id) { // to set the background to grey on foreign objects // return true if the peer is local if ( ! $peer_id ) { print "
"; return true; } else { $classname=strtolower($this->classname($peer_id)); // set two classes, one generic to all foreign, and one based on the peer's shortname for finer grain tuning printf ("
",$classname); return false; } } function block_end ($peer_id) { print "
\n"; } } class PeerScope { var $filter; var $label; function PeerScope ($api, $peerscope) { switch ($peerscope) { case '': $this->filter=array(); $this->label="all peers"; break; case 'local': $this->filter=array("peer_id"=>NULL); $this->label=PLC_SHORTNAME; break; case 'foreign': $this->filter=array("~peer_id"=>NULL); $this->label="foreign peers"; break; default: if (my_is_int ($peerscope)) { $peer_id=intval($peerscope); $peers=$api->GetPeers(array("peer_id"=>$peer_id)); } else { $peers=$api->GetPeers(array("shortname"=>$peerscope)); } if ($peers) { $peer=$peers[0]; $peer_id=$peer['peer_id']; $this->filter=array("peer_id"=>$peer_id); $this->label='peer "' . $peer['shortname'] . '"'; } else { $this->filter=array(); $this->label="[no such peerscope " . $peerscope . "]"; } break; } } public function filter() { return $this->filter; } public function label() { return $this->label; } } ?>