'); //////////////////////////////////////// function plc_table_cell($cell) { printf (' %s ',$cell); } //////////////////////////////////////// // table_id: 's id tag // headers: an associative array "label"=>"type" // column_sort: the column to sort on at load-time // options : an associative array to override options (should be passed to both _stsart and _end) // - search_area : boolean (default true) // - notes_area : boolean (default true) // - pagesize: the initial pagination size // - pagesize_def: the page size when one clicks the pagesize reset button // - max_pages: the max number of pages to display in the paginator function plc_table_start ($table_id, $headers, $column_sort, $options) { $search_area = array_key_exists('search_area',$options) ? $options['search_area'] : true; $max_pages = array_key_exists('max_pages',$options) ? $options['max_pages'] : 10; $pagesize = array_key_exists('pagesize',$options) ? $options['pagesize'] : 25; $pagesize_def = array_key_exists('pagesize_def',$options) ? $options['pagesize_def'] : 999; if ($search_area) plc_table_search_area($table_id,$pagesize,$pagesize_def); plc_table_head($table_id,$headers,$column_sort,$max_pages,$pagesize); } function plc_table_end ($options) { plc_table_foot(); $notes_area = array_key_exists('notes_area',$options) ? $options['notes_area'] : true; if ($notes_area) plc_table_notes(); } //////////////////// function plc_table_search_area ($table_id,$pagesize,$pagesize_def) { $pagesize_text_id = $table_id . "_pagesize"; $search_text_id = $table_id . "_search"; $search_reset_id = $table_id . "_search_reset"; $search_and_id = $table_id . "_search_and"; print <<< EOF
EOF; } //////////////////////////////////////// function plc_table_head ($table_id,$headers,$column_sort,$max_pages,$pagesize) { $paginator=$table_id."_paginator"; $classname="paginationcallback-".$paginator; $classname.=" max-pages-" . $max_pages; $classname.=" paginate-" . $pagesize; print <<< EOF
EOF; foreach ($headers as $label => $type) { if ($type == "string") $type=""; if ($type == "int") $type=""; if ($type == "float") $type=""; $class="sortable"; if ( ! empty($type)) $class .= "-sort" . $type; print '\n"; } print <<< EOF EOF; } //////////////////////////////////////// function plc_table_foot () { print <<< EOF
' . $label . "
EOF; } //////////////////////////////////////// function plc_table_notes () { print <<< EOF

Notes: Enter & or | in the search area to alternate between AND and OR search modes
Hold down the shift key to select multiple columns to sort

EOF; } //////////////////////////////////////// function plc_table_title ($text) { print "


\n"; } function plc_table_row_start ($id="") { if ( $id) { printf ('',$id); } else { print ''; } } function plc_table_row_end () { print "\n"; } ?>