api=$api; $this->type=$type; $this->columns=NULL; } // returns an ordered set of columns - compute only once function columns () { # if cached if ($this->columns != NULL) return $this->columns; // scan tag types to find relevant additional columns $tag_types = $this->api->GetTagTypes(array('category'=>"$type*/ui*")); $columns = array(); foreach ($tag_types as $tag_type) { $tagname=$tag_type['tagname']; $column=array(); $column['tagname']=$tagname; // defaults $column['header']=$tagname; $column['rank']=$tagname; $column['type']='string'; $column['description']=$tag_type['description']; // split category and parse any setting $category_tokens=explode('/',$tag_type['category']); foreach ($category_tokens as $token) { $assign=explode('=',$token); if (count($assign)==2) $column[$assign[0]]=$assign[1]; } $columns []= $column; } // sort upon 'rank' usort ($columns, create_function('$col1,$col2','return strcmp($col1["header"],$col2["header"]);')); # cache for next time $this->columns=$columns; // plc_debug('columns',$columns); return $columns; } // extract tagname function column_names () { return array_map(create_function('$tt','return $tt["tagname"];'),$this->columns()); } // to add with array_merge to the headers part of the Plekit Table function headers () { $headers=array(); $columns=$this->columns(); foreach ($columns as $column) //panos: needed a few more fields in the header array $headers[$column['header']]=array('header'=>$column['header'],'type'=>$column['type'],'tagname'=>$column['tagname'],'title'=>$column['description']); /* if ($column['header'] == $column['tagname']) $headers[$column['header']]=$column['type']; else $headers[$column['header']]=array('type'=>$column['type'],'title'=>$column['description']); */ return $headers; } // to add with array_merge to the notes part of the Plekit Table function notes () { $notes=array(); $columns=$this->columns(); foreach ($columns as $column) if ($column['header'] != $column['tagname']) $notes []= strtoupper($column['header']) . ' = ' . $column['description']; return $notes; } } ?>