person; $_roles= $_person['role_ids']; //////////////////// // The set of columns to fetch // and the filter applied for fetching sites $columns = array( "node_id", "hostname", "boot_state", "peer_id" ) ; $filter = array("node_type"=>"regular"); if ( in_array( '10', $_roles ) || in_array('20', $_roles) || in_array('40',$_roles)) { // admins, PIs and techs can see interface details $columns [] = "interface_ids"; } ////////////////// // perform post-processing on objects as returned by GetNodes // performs sanity check and summarize the result in a single column // performs in-place replacement, so passes a reference function layout_node ($node) { // we need the 'interface_ids' field to do this // so regular users wont run this if ( ! array_key_exists ('interface_ids', $node)) return $node; $messages=array(); // do all this stuff on local nodes only if ( ! $node['peer_id'] ) { // check that the node has keys if (count($node['interface_ids']) == 0) $messages [] = "No interface"; } // but always cleanup $node columns unset ($node['interface_ids']); $node['status'] = plc_make_table('plc-warning',$messages); $node['comon'] = plc_comon_button("node_id",$node['node_id']); return $node; } // if nodepattern is set then set id to that node's id. // we use GET rather than POST so paginate can display the right contents on subsequent pages // can be useful for writing bookmarkable URL's as well if( $_GET['nodepattern'] || $_GET['peerscope']) { // nodepattern $nodepattern= $_GET['nodepattern']; // need to use a hash filter for patterns to be properly handled if (empty($nodepattern)) { $nodepattern="*"; } $filter = array_merge (array( "hostname"=>$nodepattern ), $filter); // peerscope list ( $peer_filter, $peer_label) = plc_peer_info($api,$_GET['peerscope']); $filter=array_merge($filter,$peer_filter); $nodes= $api->GetNodes($filter, $columns); $nodes_count = count ($nodes); if ( $nodes_count == 1) { header( "location: index.php?id=". $nodes[0]['node_id'] ); exit(); } else if ( $nodes_count == 0) { echo " No node matching $nodepattern "; } else { drupal_set_title ("Nodes matching $nodepattern on". $peer_label); $nodes = array_map(layout_node,$nodes); sort_nodes ($nodes); echo paginate( $nodes, "node_id", "Nodes", 25, "hostname"); } } // if a site_id is given, display the site nodes only else if( $_GET['site_id'] ) { $site_id= $_GET['site_id']; // Get site info $site_info= $api->GetSites( array( intval( $site_id ) ), array( "name", "node_ids" ) ); drupal_set_title("Nodes on site " . $site_info[0]['name']); // Get site nodes $nodes= $api->GetNodes( array_merge(array('node_id'=>$site_info[0]['node_ids']),$filter), $columns); if ( empty ($nodes) ) { echo "No node to display"; } else { $nodes = array_map(layout_node,$nodes); sort_nodes( $nodes ); echo paginate( $nodes, "node_id", "Nodes", 25, "hostname"); } } // if a slice_id is given, display only the nodes related to this slice else if( $_GET['slice_id'] ) { $slice_id= $_GET['slice_id']; // Get slice infos $slice_info= $api->GetSlices( array( intval( $slice_id ) ), array( "name", "node_ids" ) ); drupal_set_title($slice_info[0]['name']."run on"); // Get slice nodes $nodes= $api->GetNodes( array_merge(array('node_id'=>$slice_info[0]['node_ids']),$filter), $columns); if ( empty ($nodes) ) { echo "No node to display"; } else { $nodes = array_map(layout_node,$nodes); sort_nodes( $nodes ); echo paginate( $nodes, "node_id", "Nodes", 25, "hostname"); echo "

GetNodes( empty($filter) ? NULL : $filter, $columns ); if ( empty ($nodes) ) { echo "No node to display"; } else { $nodes = array_map(layout_node,$nodes); sort_nodes( $nodes ); drupal_set_html_head(' '); echo "

\n"; echo "\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n"; echo paginate( $nodes, "node_id", "Nodes", 25, "hostname" ); echo "\n"; } } if ( $_GET['id'] ) { // get the node id from the URL $node_id= intval( $_GET['id'] ); // make the api call to pull that nodes DATA $node_info= $api->GetNodes( array( $node_id ) ); if (empty ($node_info)) { echo "No such node."; } else { // node info $hostname= $node_info[0]['hostname']; $boot_state= $node_info[0]['boot_state']; $site_id= $node_info[0]['site_id']; $model= $node_info[0]['model']; $version= $node_info[0]['version']; // arrays of ids of node info $slice_ids= $node_info[0]['slice_ids']; $conf_file_ids= $node_info[0]['conf_file_ids']; $interface_ids= $node_info[0]['interface_ids']; $nodegroup_ids= $node_info[0]['nodegroup_ids']; $pcu_ids= $node_info[0]['pcu_ids']; $ports= $node_info[0]['ports']; // get peer $peer_id= $node_info[0]['peer_id']; // gets site info $site_info= $api->GetSites( array( $site_id ) ); $site_name= $site_info[0]['name']; $site_nodes= $site_info[0]['node_ids']; if( !empty( $site_nodes ) ) { // get site node info basics $site_node_list= $api->GetNodes( $site_nodes ); foreach( $site_node_list as $s_node ) { $site_node[$s_node['node_id']]= $s_node['hostname']; } } // gets slice info for each slice if( !empty( $slice_ids ) ) $slice_info= $api->GetSlices( $slice_ids, array( "slice_id", "name" , "peer_id" ) ); // gets conf file info if( !empty( $conf_file_ids ) ) $conf_files= $api->GetConfFiles( $conf_file_ids ); // get interface info if( !empty( $interface_ids ) ) $interfaces= $api->GetInterfaces( $interface_ids ); // gets nodegroup info if( !empty( $nodegroup_ids ) ) $node_groups= $api->GetNodeGroups( $nodegroup_ids ); // xxx Thierry : disabling call to GetEvents, that gets the session deleted in the DB // gets events // $filter= array( "object_type"=>"Node", "object_id"=>$node_id ); // $fields= array( "event_id", "person_id", "fault_code", "call_name", "call", "message", "time" ); // // $event_info= $api->GetEvents( $filter, $fields ); // gets pcu and port info key to both is $pcu_id if( !empty( $pcu_ids ) ) $PCUs= $api->GetPCUs( $pcu_ids ); // display node info if ( $peer_id) { echo "
"; } drupal_set_title("Node " . $hostname . " details"); $is_admin = in_array( 10, $_roles ); $is_pi = in_array( 20, $_roles ); $is_tech = in_array( 40, $_roles ); $in_site = in_array( $site_id, $_person['site_ids'] ); // available actions if ( ! $peer_id && ( $is_admin || ( ($is_pi||$is_tech) && $in_site ) ) ) { // the javascript callback we set on the form; this // (*) checks whether we clicked on 'delete' // (*) in this case performs a javascript 'confirm' // (*) then, notice that if we select delete, then cancel, we can select back 'Choose action' // so submit only when value is not empty $change='if (document.basic.action.value=="delete") if (! confirm("Are you sure you want to delete ' . $hostname . ' ? ") ) return false; if (document.basic.action.value!="") submit();'; echo "
"; if ($is_admin) { echo plc_event_button("Node","node",$node_id); echo ""; } echo plc_comon_button("node_id",$node_id); echo ""; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
"; } echo "
"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if ( ! $peer_id && ( $is_admin || ( ($is_pi||$is_tech) && $in_site ) ) ) { // handle legacy API if ( ! method_exists ($api,"GetBootMedium")) { $new_api_only=" disabled='disabled' "; } echo "\n"; } // site info and all site nodes echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
Hostname: $hostname
Model: $model
Version: $version
Boot State: "; if ($peer_id) { echo $boot_state; } else { echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; } echo "
Download "; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; echo "
Site: $site_name
All site nodes: "; if (empty($site_node)) { echo "Site has no node"; } else { foreach( $site_node as $key => $val ) { echo "$val
"; } } echo "

\n"; if ( ! $peer_id ) { echo "
\n"; // display interfaces if( $interfaces ) { echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; // placeholder for the delete buttons if ( $is_admin || ($is_pi && $in_site)) { echo ""; } echo "\n"; foreach( $interfaces as $interface ) { $nn_id= $interface['interface_id']; $nn_ip= $interface['ip']; $nn_broad= $interface['broadcast']; $nn_primary= $interface['is_primary']; $nn_network= $interface['network']; $nn_dns1= $interface['dns1']; $nn_dns2= $interface['dns2']; $nn_hostname= $interface['hostname']; $nn_netmaks= $interface['netmask']; $nn_gatewary= $interface['gateway']; $nn_mac= $interface['mac']; $nn_bwlimit= $interface['bwlimit']; $nn_type= $interface['type']; $nn_method= $interface['method']; echo ""; if ( $is_admin || ($is_pi && $in_site)) { echo ""; } echo ""; } echo "\n"; } echo "
IP AddressMethodTypeMACBandwidth Limit
"; if (!$nn_primary) { echo plc_delete_link_button('interfaces.php?id=' . $nn_id . '&delete=1&submitted=1', '\\nInterface ' . $nn_ip); } else { echo ' P '; } echo ""; if( $is_admin || $is_pi || $is_tech ) { echo "$nn_ip"; } else { echo "$nn_ip$nn_method$nn_type$nn_mac$nn_bwlimit
\n"; } else { echo "

No interface. Please add an interface to make this a usable PLC node

.\n"; } echo "
Add an interface.\n"; echo "

\n"; } // display node group info if( !empty( $node_groups ) ) { echo "

\n\n"; if( in_array( 10, $_roles ) ) echo ""; echo "\n"; foreach( $node_groups as $node_group ) { echo ""; if( in_array( '10', $_roles ) || ( in_array( 20, $_roles ) && in_array( $site_id, $_person['site_ids'] ) ) || ( in_array( 40, $_roles ) && in_array( $site_id, $_person['site_ids'] ) ) ) echo ""; echo "\n"; } echo "
Node Groups
". $node_group['name'] ."". $node_group['description'] ."Updateremove

\n"; } else { echo "

This node is not in any nodegroup.

\n"; } // select list for adding to node group // get nodegroup info $full_ng_info= $api->GetNodeGroups( NULL ); if( empty( $node_groups ) ) { $person_ng= $full_ng_info; } else { $person_ng= arr_diff( $full_ng_info, $node_groups ); } sort_nodegroups( $person_ng ); if( !empty( $person_ng ) ) { echo "

Select nodegroup to add this node to.
\n"; echo "\n"; } // display slices echo "

\n"; if( !empty( $slice_info ) ) { sort_slices( $slice_info ); echo paginate( $slice_info, "slice_id", "Slices", 15, "name", "slivers", $node_id ); } else { echo "

This node is not associated to any slice.

\n"; } // display events - disabled, see GetEvents above if( !empty( $event_info ) ) { echo "

\n"; echo "

\n\n\n"; // display event on rows of table foreach( $event_info as $event ) { echo "\n"; } echo "
Node Events
Call NameCallMessageTime
". $event['call'] ."". $event['message'] ."". $event['time'] ."
\n"; } if ( $peer_id ) { echo "

"; } } if( $peer_id ) echo "
"; echo "

Back to nodes list"; } // Print footer include 'plc_footer.php'; ?>