person; $_roles= $_person['role_ids']; // -------------------- // recognized URL arguments $node_id=intval($_GET['id']); if ( ! $node_id ) { plc_error('Malformed URL - id not set'); return; } //////////////////// // Get all columns as we focus on only one entry $nodes= $api->GetNodes( array($node_id)); if (empty($nodes)) { drupal_set_message ("Node " . $node_id . " not found"); } else { $node=$nodes[0]; // node info $hostname= $node['hostname']; $boot_state= $node['boot_state']; $site_id= $node['site_id']; $model= $node['model']; $version= $node['version']; $node_type = $node['node_type']; // arrays of ids of node info $slice_ids= $node['slice_ids']; $conf_file_ids= $node['conf_file_ids']; $interface_ids= $node['interface_ids']; $nodegroup_ids= $node['nodegroup_ids']; $pcu_ids= $node['pcu_ids']; // get peer $peer_id= $node['peer_id']; // gets site info $sites= $api->GetSites( array( $site_id ) ); $site=$sites[0]; $site_name= $site['name']; $site_node_ids= $site['node_ids']; $site_node_hash=array(); if( !empty( $site_node_ids ) ) { // get site node info basics $site_nodes= $api->GetNodes( $site_node_ids ); foreach( $site_nodes as $site_node ) { $site_node_hash[$site_node['node_id']]= $site_node['hostname']; } } // gets slice info for each slice if( !empty( $slice_ids ) ) $slices= $api->GetSlices( $slice_ids, array( "slice_id", "name" , "peer_id" ) ); // gets conf file info if( !empty( $conf_file_ids ) ) $conf_files= $api->GetConfFiles( $conf_file_ids ); // get interface info if( !empty( $interface_ids ) ) $interfaces= $api->GetInterfaces( $interface_ids ); // gets nodegroup info if( !empty( $nodegroup_ids ) ) $nodegroups= $api->GetNodeGroups( $nodegroup_ids, array("groupname","tag_type_id","value")); // xxx Thierry : disabling call to GetEvents, that gets the session deleted in the DB // needs being reworked // gets pcu and port info key to both is $pcu_id if( !empty( $pcu_ids ) ) $PCUs= $api->GetPCUs( $pcu_ids ); // display node info plc_peer_block_start ($peer_hash,$peer_id); drupal_set_title("Details for node " . $hostname); // extra privileges to admins, and (pi||tech) on this site $extra_privileges = plc_is_admin () || ( plc_in_site($site_id) && ( plc_is_pi() || plc_is_tech())); $tabs=array(); // available actions if ( ! $peer_id && $extra_privileges ) { $tabs["All nodes"]=l_nodes(); // xxx subject to roles $tabs["Add Interface"]=l_interface_add_u($node_id); $tabs["Comon"]=l_comon("node_id",$node_id); if ($extra_privileges) { $tabs["Events"]=l_event("Node","node",$node_id); } plc_tabs($tabs); // the javascript callback we set on the form; this // (*) checks whether we clicked on 'delete' // (*) in this case performs a javascript 'confirm' // (*) then, notice that if we select delete, then cancel, we can select back 'Choose action' // so submit only when value is not empty $change='if (document.actions.action.value=="delete") if (! confirm("Are you sure you want to delete ' . $hostname . ' ? ") ) return false; if (document.actions.action.value!="") submit();'; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
"; } echo "
"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if ( ! $peer_id && $extra_privileges) { echo "\n"; } // site info and all site nodes echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
Hostname: $hostname
Type: $node_type
Model: $model
Version: $version
Boot State: "; if ($peer_id) { echo $boot_state; } else { echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; } echo "
Download "; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; echo "
Site: $site_name
All site nodes: "; if (empty($site_node_hash)) { echo "Site has no node"; } else { foreach( $site_node_hash as $key => $val ) { echo "$val
"; } } echo "

\n"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// interfaces if ( ! $peer_id ) { // display interfaces if( ! $interfaces ) { echo "

No interface. Please add an interface to make this a usable PLC node

.\n"; } else { $columns=array(); if ( $extra_privileges ) { // a single symbol, marking 'p' for primary and a delete button for non-primary $columns[' ']='string'; } $columns["IP"]="IPAddress"; $columns["Method"]="string"; $columns["Type"]="string"; $columns["MAC"]="string"; $columns["bw limit"]="FileSize"; print "
\n"; plc_table_title('Interfaces'); plc_table_start("interfaces",$columns,2,false); foreach ( $interfaces as $interface ) { $interface_id= $interface['interface_id']; $interface_ip= $interface['ip']; $interface_broad= $interface['broadcast']; $interface_primary= $interface['is_primary']; $interface_network= $interface['network']; $interface_dns1= $interface['dns1']; $interface_dns2= $interface['dns2']; $interface_hostname= $interface['hostname']; $interface_netmaks= $interface['netmask']; $interface_gatewary= $interface['gateway']; $interface_mac= $interface['mac']; $interface_bwlimit= $interface['bwlimit']; $interface_type= $interface['type']; $interface_method= $interface['method']; plc_table_row_start($interface['ip']); if ( $extra_privileges ) { if (!$interface_primary) { // xxx plc_table_cell (plc_delete_link_button ('interfaces.php?id=' . $interface_id . '&delete=1&submitted=1', '\\nInterface ' . $interface_ip)); } else { plc_table_cell('p'); } } plc_table_cell(l_interface2($interface_id,$interface_ip)); plc_table_cell($interface_method); plc_table_cell($interface_type); plc_table_cell($interface_mac); plc_table_cell($interface_bwlimit); plc_table_row_end(); } plc_table_end(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// slices // display slices $peer_hash = plc_peer_get_hash ($api); print "
\n"; plc_table_title ("Slices"); if ( ! $slices ) { echo "

This node is not associated to any slice.

\n"; } else { $columns=array(); $columns['Peer']="string"; $columns['Name']="string"; $columns['Slivers']="string"; plc_table_start ("slivers",$columns,1); foreach ($slices as $slice) { plc_table_row_start($slice['name']); plc_table_cell (plc_peer_shortname($peer_hash,$slice['peer_id'])); plc_table_cell (l_slice2 ($slice['slice_id'],$slice['name'])); plc_table_cell (l_sliver3 ($node_id,$slice['slice_id'],'view')); plc_table_row_end(); } plc_table_end(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nodegroups // display node group info if ( ! $nodegroups ) { echo "

This node is not in any nodegroup.

\n"; } else { $columns=array(); $columns['Name']="string"; $columns['Tag']="string"; $columns['Value']="string"; print "
\n"; plc_table_title("Nodegroups"); plc_table_start("nodegroups",$columns,0,false); foreach( $nodegroups as $nodegroup ) { plc_table_row_start(); plc_table_cell(l_nodegroup2($nodegroup_id,$nodegroup['groupname'])); $tag_types=$api->GetTagTypes(array($nodegroup['tag_type_id'])); plc_table_cell($tag_types[0]['tagname']); plc_table_cell($nodegroup['value']); plc_table_row_end(); } plc_table_end(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// plc_peer_block_end(); } // Print footer include 'plc_footer.php'; ?>