GetNodes( array($node_id)); if (empty($nodes)) { drupal_set_message ("Node " . $node_id . " not found"); return; } $node=$nodes[0]; // node info $hostname= $node['hostname']; $boot_state= $node['boot_state']; $run_level = $node['run_level']; $site_id= $node['site_id']; $model= $node['model']; $version= $node['version']; $node_type = $node['node_type']; // arrays of ids of node info $slice_ids= $node['slice_ids']; $conf_file_ids= $node['conf_file_ids']; $interface_ids= $node['interface_ids']; $nodegroup_ids= $node['nodegroup_ids']; // get peers $peer_id = $node['peer_id']; $peers=new Peers ($api); // gets site info $sites= $api->GetSites( array( $site_id ) ); $site=$sites[0]; $site_name= $site['name']; $site_node_ids= $site['node_ids']; // hash node_id=>hostname for this site's nodes $site_node_hash=array(); if( !empty( $site_node_ids ) ) { // get site node info basics $site_nodes= $api->GetNodes( $site_node_ids ); foreach( $site_nodes as $site_node ) { $site_node_hash[$site_node['node_id']]= $site_node['hostname']; } } // gets slice info for each slice if( !empty( $slice_ids ) ) $slices= $api->GetSlices( $slice_ids, array( "slice_id", "name" , "peer_id" ) ); // get interface info if( !empty( $interface_ids ) ) $interfaces= $api->GetInterfaces( $interface_ids ); // gets nodegroup info if( !empty( $nodegroup_ids ) ) $nodegroups= $api->GetNodeGroups( $nodegroup_ids, array("groupname","tag_type_id","value")); // Thierry : remaining stuff // (*) events: xxx todo xxx for admins xxx // should display the latest events relating to that node. // historically we had to turn this off at some point as GetEvents was getting the session deleted in the DB // (*) conf_files: xxx todo xxx for admins xxx //if( !empty( $conf_file_ids ) ) // $conf_files= $api->GetConfFiles( $conf_file_ids ); //////////////////// display node info drupal_set_title("Details for node " . $hostname); $local_peer= ! $peer_id; // extra privileges to admins, and (pi||tech) on this site $privileges = (plc_is_admin () && $local_peer) || ( plc_in_site($site_id) && ( plc_is_pi() || plc_is_tech())); $tabs=array(); // available actions $tabs [] = tab_nodes_site($site_id); $tabs [] = tab_site($site_id); //$tabs [] = tab_nodes(); if ( $local_peer && $privileges ) { $tabs["Add Interface"]=array('url'=>l_interface_add($node_id), 'bubble'=>"Define new network interface on $hostname"); $tabs['Delete'] = array ('url'=>l_actions(), 'method'=>'POST', 'values'=>array('action'=>'delete-node','node_id'=>$node_id), 'bubble'=>"Delete node $hostname", 'confirm'=>'Are you sure to delete ' . $hostname); $tabs["Events"]=array_merge(tablook_event(), array('url'=>l_event("Node","node",$node_id), 'bubble'=>"Events for node $hostname")); $tabs["Comon"]=array_merge(tablook_comon(), array('url'=>l_comon("node_id",$node_id), 'bubble'=>"Comon page about node $hostname")); } plekit_linetabs($tabs); // show gray background on foreign objects : start a
with proper class $peers->block_start ($peer_id); $toggle = new PlekitToggle ('node',"Details", array('bubble'=>'Display and modify details for that node', 'visible'=>get_arg('show_details',true))); $toggle->start(); $details=new PlekitDetails($privileges); $details->start(); if ( ! $local_peer) { $details->th_td("Peer",$peers->peer_link($peer_id)); $details->space(); } $details->form_start(l_actions(),array("action"=>"update-node", "node_id"=>$node_id, "hostname"=>$hostname)); // xxx can hostname really be changed like this without breaking the rest, bootcd .. ? //$details->th_td("Hostname",$hostname,"hostname"); $details->th_td("Hostname",$hostname); $details->th_td("Model",$model,"model"); $details->tr_submit("submit","Update Node"); $details->form_end(); if ($privileges) $details->space(); $display_reboot_button = FALSE; //////////////////// // PCU stuff - not too sure why, but GetPCUs is not exposed to the 'user' role $display_pcus = ( $local_peer && (plc_is_admin() || plc_is_pi() || plc_is_tech())); if ($display_pcus) { $pcu_ids= $node['pcu_ids']; $ports= $node['ports']; // avoid 2 API calls : get all site PCUs and then search from there function search_pcu ($site_pcus,$pcu_id) { if ($site_pcus) foreach ($site_pcus as $site_pcu) if ($site_pcu['pcu_id']==$pcu_id) return $site_pcu; return FALSE; } $site_pcus = $api->GetPCUs(array('site_id'=>$site_id)); // not sure what the exact semantics is, but I expect pcu_ids and ports should have same cardinality if (count ($pcu_ids) != count ($ports)) $pcu_string = plc_error_html("Unexpected condition: " . count($pcu_ids) . " pcu_ids and " . count($ports) . " ports"); else if (count($pcu_ids) == 0) $pcu_string = plc_warning_html("No PCU !"); else if (count($pcu_ids) == 1) { $pcu_id=$pcu_ids[0]; $port=$ports[0]; $pcu_columns = array('hostname'); $pcu=search_pcu($site_pcus,$pcu_id); if ( ! $pcu ) { $pcu_string = plc_error_html("Cannot find PCU " . $pcu_id); } else { // else : regular case - don't set pcu_string // NOTE: temporarily only offer the reboot_button for DC7x00, DRAC, and HPiLO PCU models if ( $pcu['model'] == "IntelAMT" || $pcu['model'] == "DRAC" || $pcu['model'] == "HPiLO" ){ $display_reboot_button = TRUE; } } } else $pcu_string = plc_warning_html("More than one PCU attached ? "); // in the regular case, pcu_string is not set here $details->form_start(l_actions(),array("action"=>"attach-pcu","node_id"=>$node_id)); // prepare selectors if (! $site_pcus) { $pcu_update_area = "This site has no PCU - " . href ( l_pcu_add(), "add one here"); } else { $pcu_add_link = href (l_pcu_add(),plc_add_icon() . "Add new"); // first option in pcus if ($pcu_ids) $none_detach = 'Detach'; else $none_detach='None'; $pcu_selectors = array(array('display'=>$none_detach,'value'=>-1)); // one option per site pcu foreach ($site_pcus as $site_pcu) { $selector=array('display'=>$site_pcu['hostname'],'value'=>$site_pcu['pcu_id']); if ($pcu_id == $site_pcu['pcu_id']) $selector['selected']=true; $pcu_selectors []= $selector; } $pcu_chooser = $details->form()->select_html('pcu_id',$pcu_selectors); function port_selector ($i,$port) { $selector = array ('display'=>'port ' . $i, 'value'=>$i); if ($i == $port) $selector['selected'] = true; return $selector; } $port_selectors = array () ; $available_ports =range(1,8); foreach ($available_ports as $available_port) $port_selectors []= port_selector ($available_port,$port); $port_chooser = $details->form()->select_html('port',$port_selectors); $pcu_attach_button = $details->form()->submit_html('attach_pcu',"Attach PCU"); $pcu_update_area = $pcu_add_link . "
Or, select existing " . $pcu_chooser . " " . $port_chooser . " " . $pcu_attach_button; } if ($pcu_string) $pcu_value_area=plc_vertical_table(array($pcu_string,$pcu_update_area)); else $pcu_value_area=$pcu_update_area; $details->th_td("PCU",$pcu_value_area); $details->form_end(); } //////////////////// Reboot Node if ( $display_reboot_button ) { if ( ! empty($_SESSION['messages']) ) { $msg = $_SESSION['messages']['status'][0]; } else { $msg = ""; } $body="Hello, This message is a template from the 'Report a problem' link on the node details page. I've experienced a problem rebooting $hostname with the pcu_id $pcu_id; http://".PLC_WWW_HOST."/db/sites/pcu.php?id=$pcu_id http://".PLC_WWW_HOST."/db/nodes/node.php?id=$node_id\n\n"; if ( $msg != "" ) { $body .= "The last time I tried, it returned:\n $msg\n\n"; } $body .= "And, this is what I've tried, which leads me to believe that there is a bug on your side:"; $url=rawurlencode($body); $email = ">Report a problem"; $details->form_start(l_actions(),array("action"=>"reboot-node-with-pcu", "node_id"=>$node_id, "hostname"=>$hostname)); print $details->tr_html($email . $details->form->submit_html("submit","Reboot Node"), "right"); $details->form_end(); } $details->space(); //////////////////// type & version $details->th_td("Type",$node_type); $details->th_td("Version",$version); // let's use plc_objects $Node = new Node($node); $details->th_td("Date created",$Node->dateCreated()); $details->th_td("Last update",$Node->lastUpdated()); $details->th_td("Last contact",$Node->lastContact()); // boot area $details->space (); $stale_text = $Node->stale() ? ("... (more than " . Node::stale_text() . " ago)") : "" ; $details->th_td ("Observed Boot state", $run_level . $stale_text); if ( ! ($local_peer && $privileges)) { // just display it $boot_value=$boot_state; } else { $boot_value=""; $boot_form = new PlekitForm (l_actions(), array("node_id"=>$node_id, "action"=>"node-boot-state")); $boot_value .= $boot_form->start_html(); $states = array( 'boot'=>'Boot', 'safeboot'=>'SafeBoot', 'disabled' => 'Disabled', 'reinstall'=>'Reinstall'); $selectors=array(); foreach ($states as $dbname=>$displayname) { $selector=array("display"=>$displayname, "value"=>$dbname); if ($dbname == $boot_state) $selector['selected']=true; $selectors []= $selector; } $boot_value .= $boot_form->select_html("boot_state",$selectors,array('autosubmit'=>true)); $boot_value .= $boot_form->end_html(); } $details->th_td ("Preferred Boot state",$boot_value); // same here for the download area if ( $local_peer && $privileges) { $download_value=""; $download_form = new PlekitForm (l_actions_download(),array("node_id"=>$node_id)); $download_value .= $download_form->start_html(); $selectors = array( array("display"=>"-- All in one images --","disabled"=>true), array("value"=>"download-node-iso","display"=>"Download ISO image for $hostname"), array("value"=>"download-node-usb","display"=>"Download USB image for $hostname"), array("value"=>"download-node-usb-partition", "display"=>"Download partitioned, USB image for $hostname"), // array("display"=>"-- Floppy + generic image --","disabled"=>true), // array("value"=>"download-node-floppy","display"=>"Download Floppy file for $hostname"), // array("value"=>"download-generic-iso","display"=>"Download generic ISO image (requires floppy)"), // array("value"=>"download-generic-usb","display"=>"Download generic USB image (requires floppy)"), ); $download_value .= $download_form->select_html("action",$selectors, array('label'=>"Download mode",'autosubmit'=>true)); $download_value .= $download_form->end_html(); $details->th_td ("Download",$download_value); } // site info and all site nodes $details->space (); $details->th_td("Site",l_site_t($site_id,$site_name)); // build list of node links $nodes_area=array(); foreach ($site_node_hash as $hash_node_id => $hash_hostname) { $nodes_area []= l_node_t($hash_node_id,$hash_hostname); } $details->th_tds ("All site nodes",$nodes_area); $details->end (); $toggle->end(); $form=new PlekitForm (l_actions(), array('node_id'=>$node_id)); $form->start(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// slivers { $toggle=new PlekitToggle ('slices',count_english_warning($slices,'sliver'), array('bubble'=>'Review slices running on that node', 'visible'=>get_arg('show_slices',false))); $toggle->start(); if ( ! $slices ) { plc_warning ("This node is not associated to any slice"); } else { $headers=array(); $headers['Peer']="string"; $headers['Slice Name']="string"; $headers['Sliver']="string"; $reasonable_page=10; $table_options = array('notes_area'=>false,"search_width"=>10,'pagesize'=>$reasonable_page); if (count ($slices) <= $reasonable_page) { $table_options['search_area']=false; $table_options['pagesize_area']=false; } $table=new PlekitTable("node_slices",$headers,1,$table_options); $table->start(); foreach ($slices as $slice) { $table->row_start(); $peers->cell ($table,$slice['peer_id']); $table->cell (l_slice_t ($slice['slice_id'],$slice['name'])); $table->cell (l_sliver_t ($node_id,$slice['slice_id'],'sliver tags')); $table->row_end(); } $table->end(); } $toggle->end(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Tags // tags section if ( $local_peer ) { $tags=$api->GetNodeTags (array('node_id'=>$node_id)); function get_tagname ($tag) { return $tag['tagname'];} // xxx looks like tech-only see an error here, // might be that GetNodeTags is not accessible or something $tagnames = array_map ("get_tagname",$tags); $nodegroups_hash=plc_nodegroup_global_hash($api,$tagnames); $toggle = new PlekitToggle ('tags',count_english($tags,'tag'), array('bubble'=>'Inspect and set tags on that node', 'visible'=>get_arg('show_tags',false))); $toggle->start(); $headers=array("Name"=>"string", "Value"=>"string", "Nodegroup"=>"string", ); if (plc_is_admin()) $headers[plc_delete_icon()]="none"; $table_options=array("notes_area"=>false,"pagesize_area"=>false,"search_width"=>10); $table=new PlekitTable("node_tags",$headers,0,$table_options); $table->start(); if ($tags) foreach ($tags as $tag) { // does this match a nodegroup ? $nodegroup_name="n/a"; $nodegroup_key=$tag['tagname'] . "=" . $tag['value']; $nodegroup=$nodegroups_hash[$nodegroup_key]; if ($nodegroup) $nodegroup_name=l_nodegroup_t($nodegroup['nodegroup_id'],$nodegroup['groupname']); $table->row_start(); $table->cell(l_tag_obj($tag)); $table->cell($tag['value']); $table->cell($nodegroup_name); // the remove checkbox if (plc_is_admin()) $table->cell ($form->checkbox_html('node_tag_ids[]',$tag['node_tag_id'])); $table->row_end(); } if ($privileges) { $table->tfoot_start(); // remove tag $table->row_start(); $table->cell($form->submit_html("delete-node-tags","Remove Tags"), // use the whole columns and right adjust array('hfill'=>true,'align'=>'right')); $table->row_end(); // set tag area $table->row_start(); // get list of tag names in the node/* category $all_tags= $api->GetTagTypes( array ("category"=>"node*","-SORT"=>"tagname"), array("tagname","tag_type_id")); // xxx cannot use onchange=submit() - would need to somehow pass action name function tag_selector ($tag) { return array("display"=>$tag['tagname'],"value"=>$tag['tag_type_id']); } $selector=array_map("tag_selector",$all_tags); $table->cell($form->select_html("tag_type_id",$selector,array('label'=>"Choose"))); $table->cell($form->text_html("value","",array('width'=>8))); $table->cell($form->submit_html("set-tag-on-node","Set Tag"),array('columns'=>2,'align'=>'left')); $table->row_end(); } $table->end(); $toggle->end(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// interfaces if ( $local_peer ) { $toggle=new PlekitToggle ('interfaces',count_english_warning($interfaces,'interface'), array('bubble'=>'Inspect and tune interfaces on that node', 'visible'=>get_arg('show_interfaces',false))); $toggle->start(); // display interfaces if( ! $interfaces ) { echo '

'; plc_warning_html("This node has no interface"); echo "Please add an interface to make this a usable PLC node.

\n"; } else { // display a hostname column iff at least one interface has a hostname $need_hostname=false; if ($interfaces) foreach ($interfaces as $interface) if ($interface['hostname']) $need_hostname=true; $headers=array(); $sort_column=0; if (plc_is_admin()) { $headers['I']='int'; $sort_column +=1;} $headers["IP"]="sortIPAddress"; if ($need_hostname) $headers['hostname']='string'; $headers["Method"]="string"; $headers["Type"]="string"; $headers["MAC"]="string"; $headers["bw limit"]="sortBandwidth"; $headers["tags"]=array('type'=>'int', 'title'=>"number of tags set on interface"); // a single symbol, marking 'p' for primary and a delete button for non-primary if ( $privileges ) $headers[plc_delete_icon()]='string'; $table_options=array('search_area'=>false,"pagesize_area"=>false,'notes_area'=>false); $table=new PlekitTable("node_interfaces",$headers,$sort_column,$table_options); $table->start(); foreach ( $interfaces as $interface ) { $interface_id= $interface['interface_id']; $interface_ip= $interface['ip']; $table->row_start(); if (plc_is_admin()) $table->cell(l_interface_t($interface_id,$interface_id)); $table->cell(l_interface_t($interface_id,$interface_ip)); if ($need_hostname) $table->cell($interface['hostname']); $table->cell($interface['method']); $table->cell($interface['type']); $table->cell($interface['mac']); $table->cell(pretty_bandwidth($interface['bwlimit'])); $table->cell(href(l_interface_tags($interface_id), count($interface['interface_tag_ids']))); if ( $privileges ) { if ($interface['is_primary']) { $table->cell(plc_bubble("p","Cannot delete a primary interface")); } else { $table->cell ($form->checkbox_html('interface_ids[]',$interface_id)); } } $table->row_end(); } if ($privileges) { $table->tfoot_start(); $table->row_start(); // we should have 6 cols, use 3 for the left (new) and the rest for the right (remove) //$add_button=new PlekitFormButton (l_interface_add($node_id),"add","Add Interface","GET"); //$table->cell($add_button->html(),array('columns'=> 3,'align'=>'left')); $table->cell($form->submit_html("new-interface","Add Interface"), array('columns'=> 3,'align'=>'left')); $table->cell($form->submit_html("delete-interfaces","Remove Interfaces"), array('columns'=>$table->columns()-3,'align'=>'right')); $table->row_end(); } $table->end(); } $toggle->end(); } $form->end(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $peers->block_end($peer_id); //plekit_linetabs ($tabs,"bottom"); // Print footer include 'plc_footer.php'; ?>