$desc ) { if( trim($_POST[$field]) == "" ) { $errors[] = "$desc is required"; } elseif( !is_valid_ip(trim($_POST[$field])) ) { $errors[] = "$desc is not a valid address"; } } if( !is_valid_network_addr($network,$netmask) ) { $errors[] = "The network address does not match the netmask"; } } if( $hostname == "" ) { $errors[] = "Hostname is required"; } if( $ip == "" ) { $errors[] = "IP is required"; } else if ( ! is_valid_ip ($ip)) { $errors []= "Invalid IP $ip"; } if( !empty($errors) ) { drupal_set_error(plc_itemize($errors)); } else { // add new node and its interface $node_fields= array( "hostname"=>$hostname, "model"=>$model ); $site_id= plc_my_site_id(); $node_id= $api->AddNode( intval( $site_id ), $node_fields ); if ( empty($node_id) || ($node_id < 0) ) { drupal_set_error ("AddNode failed - hostname already present, or not valid ?"); } else { // now, try to add the network. $interface_fields= array(); $interface_fields['is_primary']= true; $interface_fields['ip']= $ip; $interface_fields['type']= $_POST['type']; $interface_fields['method']= $method; if (!empty($bwlimit)) $interface_fields['bwlimit']=$bwlimit; if ( $method == 'static' ) { $interface_fields['netmask']= $netmask; $interface_fields['network']= $network; $interface_fields['broadcast']= $broadcast; $interface_fields['gateway']= $gateway; $interface_fields['dns1']= $dns1; if (!empty($dns2)) $interface_fields['dns2']= $dns2; } $interface_id= $api->AddInterface( $node_id, $interface_fields); if ($interface_id > 0) { drupal_set_message ("Node successfully created"); drupal_set_message ("Download a boot image in the 'Download' drop down below"); plc_redirect (l_node($node_id)); } else { // if AddInterface fails, we have the node created, // but no primary interface is present. // The primary interface can be added later, // but take a look at the possible Methods, // if we specify TUN/TAP Method we will have // an error on download of the configuration file drupal_set_message ("Node created"); drupal_set_error ("But without an interface"); drupal_set_error ("Please review manually"); plc_redirect (l_node($node_id)); } } } } // Print header require_once 'plc_drupal.php'; include 'plc_header.php'; // include javacsript helpers require_once 'prototype.php'; drupal_set_html_head (' '); $sites=$api->GetSites(array(plc_my_site_id())); $site=$sites[0]; $sitename=$site['name']; drupal_set_title('Add a new node in site "' . $sitename . '"'); // defaults $method = $_POST['method']; if( ! $method ) $method= "static"; $model = $_POST['model']; if( ! $model ) $model= "Custom"; print <<< EOF

This page lets you declare a new machine in your site.
This must be done before the machine is turned on, as it will allow you to download a boot image when complete for this node.
It is now reserved to admins, as regular users are supposed to use the register wizard, that among other things enforces PCU deployment.
An IP address is required even if you use DHCP.

EOF; $toggle = new PlekitToggle ('add-node',"Add Node", array('bubble'=>'Add a node - does not enforce PCU - for admins only !', 'visible'=>get_arg('show_details',true))); $toggle->start(); $details=new PlekitDetails($has_privileges); // xxx hardwire network type for now $form_variables = array('type'=>"ipv4"); //$form=$details->form_start(l_actions(),$form_variables); $form=$details->form_start('/db/nodes/node_add.php',$form_variables, array('onSubmit'=>'return interfaceSubmit()')); $details->start(); $details->th_td("Hostname",$hostname,"hostname"); $details->th_td("Model",$model,"model"); $method_select = $form->select_html ("method", interface_method_selectors($api,$method,true), array('id'=>'method', 'onChange'=>'updateMethodFields()')); $details->th_td("Method",$method_select,"method", array('input_type'=>'select','value'=>$interface['method'])); // dont display the 'type' selector as it contains only ipv4 //>>> GetNetworkTypes() //[u'ipv4'] $details->th_td("IP address",$ip,"ip",array('width'=>15, 'onKeyup'=>'networkHelper()', 'onChange'=>'networkHelper()')); $details->th_td("Netmask",$netmask,"netmask",array('width'=>15, 'onKeyup'=>'networkHelper()', 'onChange'=>'networkHelper()')); $details->th_td("Network",$network,"network",array('width'=>15)); $details->th_td("Broadcast",$broadcast,"broadcast",array('width'=>15)); $details->th_td("Gateway",$gateway,"gateway",array('width'=>15, 'onChange'=>'subnetChecker("gateway",false)')); $details->th_td("DNS 1",$dns1,"dns1",array('width'=>15, 'onChange'=>'subnetChecker("dns1",false)')); $details->th_td("DNS 2",$dns2,"dns2",array('width'=>15, 'onChange'=>'subnetChecker("dns2",true)')); $details->space(); $details->th_td("BW limit (bps)",$bwlimit,"bwlimit",array('width'=>11)); // the buttons $add_button = $form->submit_html ("add-node","Add New Node"); $details->tr($add_button,"right"); $form->end(); $details->end(); $toggle->end(); // Print footer include 'plc_footer.php'; ?>