1.3 header ("Pragma: hack"); header ("Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate"); // outputs the whole file contents print (file_get_contents($filename)); // unlink the file if (! unlink ($filename) ) { // cannot unlink, but how can we notify this ? // certainly not by printing } exit(); } function show_download_confirm_button ($api, $node_id, $action, $can_gen_config, $show_details) { if( $can_gen_config ) { if ($show_details) { $preview=$api->GetBootMedium($node_id,"node-preview",""); print ("
"); print ("

Configuration file contents

"); print ("
\n"); print ("
"); } $action_labels = array ('download-node-floppy' => 'textual node config (for floppy)' , 'download-node-iso' => 'ISO image', 'download-node-usb' => 'USB image' ); $format = $action_labels [ $action ] ; print( "
"); print (""); print (""); print (""); print( "" ); print( "
\n" ); } else { echo "

Configuration file cannot be created until missing values above are updated."; } } // check arguments if (empty($_POST['node_id'])) { plc_redirect (l_nodes()); } else { $node_id = intval($_POST['node_id']); } $action=$_POST['action']; switch ($action) { case "download-generic-iso": case "download-generic-usb": if ($action=="download-generic-iso") { $boot_action="generic-iso"; } else { $boot_action="generic-usb"; } // place the result in a random-named sub dir for clear filenames $filename = $api->GetBootMedium ($node_id, $boot_action, "%d/%n-%p-%a-%v%s"); $error=$api->error(); // NOTE. for some reason, GetBootMedium sometimes does not report an error but the // file is not created - this happens e.g. when directory owmer/modes are wrong // in this case we get an empty filename // see /etc/httpd/logs/error_log in this case if (empty($error) && empty($filename)) { $error="Unexpected error from GetBootMedium - probably wrong directory modes"; } if (! empty($error)) { print ("

\n"); print ("

Back to node \n"); return ; } else { deliver_and_unlink ($filename); exit(); } break; // ACTION: download-node // from former downloadconf.php case "download-node-floppy": case "download-node-iso": case "download-node-usb": $nodes = $api->GetNodes( array( $node_id ) ); $node = $nodes[0]; // non-admin people need to be affiliated with the right site if( ! plc_is_admin() ) { $node_site_id = $node['site_id']; $in_site = plc_in_site($node_site_id); if( ! $in_site) { $error= "Insufficient permission. You cannot create configuration files for this node."; } } $hostname= $node['hostname']; // search for the primary interface $interfaces = $api->GetInterfaces( array( "node_id" => $node_id, "is_primary"=>true ), NULL ); $can_gen_config= 1; if ( ! $interfaces ) { $can_gen_config= 0; } else { $interface = $interfaces[0]; if ( $node['hostname'] == "" ) { $can_gen_config= 0; $node['hostname']= plc_warning("Missing"); } # fields to check $fields= array("method","ip"); if ( $interface['method'] == "static" ) $fields = array_merge ( $fields, array("gateway","netmask","network","broadcast","dns1")); foreach( $fields as $field ) { if( $interface[$field] == "" ) { $can_gen_config= 0; $interface[$field]= plc_warning("Missing"); } } if( $interface['method'] != "static" && $interface['method'] != "dhcp" ) { $can_gen_config= 0; $interface['method']= "Unknown method"; } } $download= $_POST['download']; if( $can_gen_config && !empty($download) ) { switch ($action) { case 'download-node-floppy': $boot_action='node-floppy'; $location = "%d/%n-%v-rename-into-plnode%s"; break; case 'download-node-iso': $boot_action='node-iso'; $location = "%d/%n-%a-%v%s"; break; case 'download-node-usb': $boot_action='node-usb'; $location = "%d/%n-%a-%v%s"; break; } $filename=$api->GetBootMedium($node_id,$boot_action,$location); $error=$api->error(); if (empty($error) && empty($filename)) { $error="Unexpected error from GetBootMedium - probably wrong directory modes"; } if (! empty($error)) { print ("

\n"); print ("

Back to node \n"); return ; } else { deliver_and_unlink ($filename); exit(); } } drupal_set_title("Download boot medium for $hostname"); $header= << WARNING: Downloading a new boot medium for this node will generate a new node key, and any formerly downloaded boot medium for that node will become outdated.

In order to create a configuration file for this node using this page, the interface settings must be up to date. Below is summary of these values.

EOF; echo $header; show_download_confirm_button($api, $node_id, $action, $can_gen_config, false); print ("
"); print ("

Current node configuration

"); $details = new PlekitDetails (false); $details->start(); if( ! $interface ) { print (plc_warning("This node has no configured primary interface.")); } else { $details->tr(l_node_t($node_id,"Node details"),"center"); $details->th_td("node_id",$node_id); $details->th_td("Hostname",$node['hostname']); $interface_id = $interface['interface_id']; $details->tr(l_interface_t($interface_id,"Interface Details"),"center"); $details->th_td("Method",$interface['method']); $details->th_td("IP",$interface['ip']); if( $interface['method'] == "static" ) { $details->th_td("Gateway",$interface['gateway']); $details->th_td("Network mask",$interface['netmask']); $details->th_td("Network address",$interface['network']); $details->th_td("Broadcast address",$interface['broadcast']); $details->th_td("DNS 1",$interface['dns1']); if ($interface['dns2']) $details->th_td("DNS 2",$interface['dns2']); } $details->tr(href(l_interface_tags($interface_id),"Interface extra settings (tags)"),"center"); $interface_id = $interface['interface_id']; $settings=$api->GetInterfaceTags(array("interface_id" => array($interface_id))); if ( ! $settings) { $details->tr("no tag set","center"); } else foreach ($settings as $setting) { $category=$setting['category']; $name=$setting['tagname']; $value=$setting['value']; $details->th_td($category . " " . $name,$value); } } $details->end(); show_download_confirm_button($api, $node_id, $action, $can_gen_config, true); break; default: drupal-set_error("Unkown action $action in node_downloads.php"); plc_redirect (l_node($node_id)); break; } ?>