GetPersons( array($person_id)); if (empty($persons)) { drupal_set_message ("Person " . $person_id . " not found"); } else { $person=$persons[0]; // vars from api $first_name= $person['first_name']; $last_name= $person['last_name']; $title= $person['title']; $url= $person['url']; $phone= $person['phone']; $email= $person['email']; $enabled= $person['enabled']; $peer_id=$person['peer_id']; // arrays from api $role_ids= $person['role_ids']; $roles= $person['roles']; $site_ids= $person['site_ids']; $slice_ids= $person['slice_ids']; $key_ids= $person['key_ids']; // gets more data from API calls $sites= $api->GetSites( $site_ids, array( "site_id", "name", "login_base" ) ); $slices= $api->GetSlices( $slice_ids, array( "slice_id", "name" ) ); $keys= $api->GetKeys( $key_ids ); drupal_set_title("Details for account " . $first_name . " " . $last_name); $plc_hash=plc_peer_get_hash($api); $local_peer = plc_peer_block_start ($peer_hash,$peer_id); $is_my_account = plc_my_person_id() == $person_id; $privileges = plc_is_admin () || ( plc_in_site($site_id) && plc_is_pi()); $tabs=array(); if ($local_peer && $privileges) { if (plc_is_admin()) $tabs['Events'] = array('url'=>l_event("Person","person",$person_id), 'bubble'=>'Related events', 'image'=>'/planetlab/icons/event.png', 'height'=>18); if ($enabled) $tabs['Disable'] = array ('method'=>'POST', 'url'=>'/db/persons/person_actions.php', 'values'=> array ('person_id'=>$person_id, 'action'=>'disable'), 'bubble'=>"Disable $first_name"); else $tabs['Enable'] = array ('method'=>'POST', 'url'=>'/db/persons/person_actions.php', 'values'=> array ('person_id'=>$person_id, 'action'=>'enable'), 'bubble'=>"Enable $first_name"); $tabs['Delete'] = array ('method'=>'POST', 'url'=>'/db/persons/person_actions.php', 'values'=> array ('person_id'=>$person_id, 'action'=>'delete'), 'bubble'=>"Delete $first_name", 'confirm'=>"Are you sure to delete $first_name $last_name"); } if ($privileges || $is_my_account) $tabs['Update'] = array('url'=>'/db/persons/update.php', 'values'=>array('id'=>$person_id), 'bubble'=>"Update $first_name"); $tabs['Persons'] = array ('url'=>l_persons()); plc_tabs($tabs); plc_details_start(); plc_details_line("First Name",$first_name); plc_details_line("Last Name",$last_name); plc_details_line("Title",$title); plc_details_line("Email",href("mailto:$email",$email)); plc_details_line("Phone",$phone); plc_details_line("URL",$url); plc_details_end(); echo "
\n"; // keys $can_manage_keys = ( $local_peer && ( plc_is_admin() || $is_my_account) ); plc_table_title('Keys'); if ( empty( $key_ids ) ) { echo " This user has no known key"; } else { echo "

\n"; echo ""; if ( $can_manage_keys ) echo ""; echo "\n"; foreach( $keys as $key ) { $key_type= $key['key_type']; $key_id= $key['key_id']; $key_text= wordwrap( $key['key'], 70, "
\n", 1 ); echo "\n"; } echo "
$key_type$key_text"; if ( $can_manage_keys ) echo ""; echo "
\n"; if ($can_manage_keys) echo "

\n"; } if( $can_manage_keys ){ echo "
Upload new key: \n \n

\n"; } // sites plc_table_title('Sites'); // sites if (empty( $sites ) ) { plc_warning('This user is not affiliated with a site !!'); } else { $columns=array(); $columns['Name']="string"; $columns['Login_base']="string"; $columns['Remove']="string"; $table_options = array('notes_area'=>false,'search_area'=>false); plc_table_start ("person_slices",$columns,1,$table_options); foreach( $sites as $site ) { $site_name= $site['name']; $site_id= $site['site_id']; $login_base=$site['login_base']; plc_table_row_start(); plc_table_cell (l_site_t($site_id,$site_name)); plc_table_cell ($login_base); plc_table_cell (""); plc_table_row_end (); } plc_table_end($table_options); } echo "\n"; // diplay site select list to add another site for user if ($local_peer && plc_is_admin()) { // get site info $all_sites= $api->GetSites( NULL, array( "site_id", "name" ) ); if( $sites ) $person_site= arr_diff( $all_sites, $sites ); else $person_site= $all_sites; // sort_sites( $person_site ); echo "

Select a site to add this user to: "; echo ""; } echo "

\n"; // roles echo "


\n"; echo "

\n"; echo ""; if( plc_is_admin()) echo ""; echo "\n"; // construct role array for( $n=0; $n$role_ids[$n], 'name'=>$roles[$n] ); } $button_shown=0; if ( !empty ($roles) ) { foreach( $proles as $role ) { $role_name= $role['name']; $role_id= $role['role_id']; echo "\n"; $button_shown=1; } } echo "\n"; } } else { echo " This user has no known role !!"; } echo "
$role_name"; if( plc_is_admin()) { echo ""; if ( ! $button_shown ) { $rowspan=count($roles); echo "
\n"; // if admin show roles to add if( plc_is_admin()) { $all_roles= $api->GetRoles(); $addable_roles= arr_diff( $all_roles, $proles ); ##when the proles array is empty strangely the method arr_diff($all_roles, $proles ) ##return an empty array and the scrolling roles list is not displayed in this case ##assign to addablerole all the roles if (count($proles)==0) $addable_roles=$all_roles; if( !empty( $addable_roles ) ) { echo "

Add role: \n"; } } echo "

\n"; // slices plc_table_title('Slices'); if( empty( $slices ) ) { drupal_set_message ("User has no slice"); } else { $columns=array('Slice name'=>'string'); $table_options=array(); plc_table_start("person_slices",$columns,1,$table_options); foreach( $slices as $slice ) { $slice_name= $slice['name']; $slice_id= $slice['slice_id']; plc_table_row_start(); plc_table_cell(l_slice_t($slice_id,$slice_name)); plc_table_row_end(); } plc_table_end($table_options); } plc_peer_block_end(); } // Print footer include 'plc_footer.php'; ?>