person; $_roles= $_person['role_ids']; //require 'sirius_func.php'; // Print header require_once 'plc_drupal.php'; drupal_set_title('Sirius'); include 'plc_header.php'; ?>

Sirius Calendar Service

You can choose to run your experiment at the earliest available time or give a specific time. The number of repetitions has the following meaning: if you want your job re-inserted on the schedule list (in the earliest slot available) directly after it gets a priority increase, you can do so (up to 4 times). Currently, our admission control policy is that we allow only one slice per time slot.

Currently, time slots are only allocated on the granularity of an hour, and only CPU is increased.

Current Schedule

setDebug(0); $_api_auth = new xmlrpcval(array( "AuthMethod" => new xmlrpcval("password"), "Username" => new xmlrpcval($username), "AuthString" => new xmlrpcval($password), "Role" => new xmlrpcval("user")), "struct"); $func = new xmlrpcmsg("SliceInfo"); $func->addParam($_api_auth); $result = $_api->send($func, 15, 'https'); if( $result == 0 ) { // printf("problem: %s\n", $_api->errstring); return 0; } else if($result->faultCode() != 0) { // printf("server problem: %s\n", $result->errstr); return 0; } else { $result_value = $result->value(); if( !$result_value ) { // printf( "didn't get value back from api\n" ); return 0; } else { $arr = xmlrpc_decode($result_value); // printf( "return value success, value %s\n", $val); // print_r($val); $numElements = count($arr); $i = 0; while ($i < $numElements) { if ($sn == $arr[$i][name]) return 1; $i++; } return 0; } } */ global $api; $slice_list= array(); $result= $api->GetSlices( $slice_list, array( "name" ) ); foreach ( $result AS $slice ) { if ( $slice["name"] == $sn ) return 1; } return 0; } //can a request be satisfied? Currently, answer is yes unless //either this time is taken or you asked for more than one unit //probably will need to change this. function validateRequest ($units, $timesOccupied, $requestedTime, $currentTime) { if ($units != 1) return TOO_MANY_UNITS; // buffer so we aren't too close to deadline, if your request is late // OR if it's within 1 minute of deadline, it's too late if ($requestedTime - 60 <= $currentTime) return TIME_ALREADY_OCCURRED; if (array_key_exists($requestedTime, $timesOccupied)) { if ($timesOccupied[$requestedTime] == MAX_JOBS) return NO_ROOM; } return SUCCESS; } //can a request be satisfied? Currently, answer is yes unless //either this time is taken or you asked for more than one unit //probably will need to change this. function validateAndMarkRequest ($units, &$timesOccupied, $requestedTime, $currentTime, $sn, $jobArray) { // buffer so we aren't too close to deadline, if your request is late // OR if it's within 1 minute of deadline, it's too late if ($requestedTime - 60 <= $currentTime) return TIME_ALREADY_OCCURRED; if (array_key_exists($requestedTime, $timesOccupied)) { if ($timesOccupied[$requestedTime] == MAX_JOBS) return NO_ROOM; else $timesOccupied[$requestedTime]++; } else { $timesOccupied[$requestedTime] = 1; if (array_key_exists($sn, $jobArray)) { $ts = $jobArray[$sn]["timestamp"]; $timesOccupied[$ts]--; } } if ($units != 1) return TOO_MANY_UNITS; return SUCCESS; } function findNextFreeSlot($units, $timesOccupied) { $currYear = gmdate("y"); $currMonth = gmdate("m"); $currDate = gmdate("d"); $currHour = gmdate("H") + 1; $currentTime = gmmktime(); $reqTime = gmmktime($currHour, 0, 0, $currMonth, $currDate, $currYear); $retVal = 1; while ($retVal != SUCCESS) { $retVal = validateRequest($units, $timesOccupied, $reqTime, $currentTime); if ($retVal == NO_ROOM || $retVal == TIME_ALREADY_OCCURRED) { // advance timestamp one hour (3600 seconds) $reqTime = $reqTime + 3600; } } return $reqTime; } function dumpToFile($fileName, $buffer, $which, $timesOccupied) { //open file, and dump newly list into it (buffer is the list) //we're just currently overwriting (fopen with "w" truncates) $fileHandle = fopen($fileName, "w"); //periodically, updateSliceUnits program will update the slices file //this function is general, works for schedule or slices file //lock in case of concurrent accesses flock($fileHandle, LOCK_EX); if ($which == "schedule") { // need to write timestamp in this case $s = gettimeofday(); fwrite($fileHandle, $s[sec]); fwrite($fileHandle, "\n"); } //do the dump here foreach ($buffer as $value) { $t = ""; if ($which == "schedule") { if (strcmp($value["timestamp"], mktime()) > 0) { $numReps = $value["reps"]; $ts = $value["timestamp"]; $t = $value["sliceName"]." ".$value["id"]." ".$value["timestamp"]." ".$value["units"]." ".$value["reps"]." \n"; } else { // job expired, does it need be run again? if ($value["reps"] > 0) { $ts = findNextFreeSlot($value["units"], $timesOccupied); } $numReps = $value["reps"] - 1; } if ($numReps >= 0) $t = $value["sliceName"]." ".$value["id"]." ".$ts." ".$value["units"]." ".$numReps." \n"; } else if ($which == "slices") { $t = $value["sliceName"]." ".$value["units"]." \n"; } if ($t != "") fwrite($fileHandle, $t); } flock($fileHandle, LOCK_UN); fclose($fileHandle); } //update the slice file, takes a slice name (name) and number of units function updateSliceFile($name, $units) { $dummyArray = array(); $sliceFile = fopen("/var/www/html/planetlab/sirius/slices.txt", "rw"); if (!$sliceFile) { echo "

Unable to open remote file.

"; } flock($sliceFile, LOCK_EX); //we'll construct a new list here, will be current slice file except //the slice in question will have it's units decreased, if there are any... while (!feof($sliceFile)) { $num = fscanf($sliceFile, "%s %d\n", $sliceName, $unitsAvailable); //for some reason feof seems to not quite work //precisely, the last entry in the file is read twice (!?!), so hack here if ($num == 0) break; $newArray["sliceName"] = $sliceName; if ($name == $sliceName) { $newUnits = $unitsAvailable - $units; if ($newUnits < 0) // error, slice has no more units return -1; else $newArray["units"] = $newUnits; } else $newArray["units"] = $unitsAvailable; //append this tuple to the entire array $sliceArray[] = $newArray; } flock($sliceFile, LOCK_UN); fclose($sliceFile); //do the dump to new file dumpToFile("/var/www/html/planetlab/sirius/slices.txt", $sliceArray, "slices", dummyArray); return 0; } //pretty obvious what this does; basically, does the slice exist in //the slice file yet? (New user of calendar service user may not have //an entry) function isFirstSliceRequest($name) { $sliceFile = fopen("/var/www/html/planetlab/sirius/slices.txt", "r"); if (!$sliceFile) { echo "

Unable to open remote file.

"; } flock($sliceFile, LOCK_EX); while (!feof($sliceFile)) { $num = fscanf($sliceFile, "%s %d\n", $sliceName, $unitsAvailable); //for some reason feof seems to not quite work //precisely, the last entry in the file is read twice (!?!), so hack here if ($num == 0) break; if ($name == $sliceName) { flock($sliceFile, LOCK_UN); fclose($sliceFile); return 0; } } flock($sliceFile, LOCK_UN); fclose($sliceFile); return 1; } function cmp ($a, $b) { if ($a["timestamp"] == $b["timestamp"]) return 0; else return ($a["timestamp"] < $b["timestamp"]) ? -1 : 1; } function checkForErrors($requestStatus) { if ($requestStatus == NO_ROOM) { printf(" Error: Cannot add your request; that time slot is currently full.

"); } else if ($requestStatus == TOO_MANY_UNITS) { printf(" Error: Cannot add your request; only 1 extra unit is allowed.

"); } else if ($requestStatus == NO_UNITS_LEFT) { printf(" Error: Cannot add your request; no more units remaining.

"); } else if ($requestStatus == TIME_ALREADY_OCCURRED) { printf(" Error: Cannot add your request; that time has already occurred, or is too close to the current time.

"); } else if ($requestStatus == NO_SUCH_SLICE) { printf(" Error: Cannot delete nonexistent slice.

"); } else if ($requestStatus == NOT_SLICE_OWNER) { printf(" Error: Only authorized user can manipulate slice.

"); } else if ($requestStatus == TOO_CLOSE_TO_DEADLINE) { printf(" Error: Cannot delete your request; it is too close to the time that your slice will receive its priority increase.

"); } } function getCurrentSchedule (&$jobArray, &$timesOccupied, &$maxId) { $schedFile = fopen("/var/www/html/planetlab/sirius/schedule.txt", "r"); if (!$schedFile) { echo "

Unable to open remote file.

"; } flock($schedFile, LOCK_EX); //first line is timestamp, throw it away. fscanf($schedFile, "%s\n", $str); //read in current file into array $jobArray = array(); $newArray = array(); $timesOccupied = array(); $maxId = 0; while (!feof($schedFile)) { $num = fscanf($schedFile, "%s %d %s %d %d\n", $sliceName, $id, $timestamp, $units, $reps); if ($id > $maxId) $maxId = $id; //for some reason feof seems to not quite work //precisely, the last entry in the file is read twice (!?!), so hack here if ($num == 0) break; $newArray["sliceName"] = $sliceName; $newArray["id"] = $id; $newArray["units"] = $units; $newArray["timestamp"] = $timestamp; $newArray["reps"] = $reps; $jobArray[$sliceName] = $newArray; if (array_key_exists($timestamp, $timesOccupied)) { $timesOccupied[$timestamp]++; } else { $timesOccupied[$timestamp] = 1; } } flock($schedFile, LOCK_UN); fclose($schedFile); } // Reid: after below function call, you have the current schedule. // It is stored in $jobArray, which is an array of arrays. // Layout: each element of $jobArray is an array with // the following fields. // "sliceName": the name of the slice that occupies the slot // "id": the id of the slice, currently not used; do not display // "units": another field that will be used eventually...but not yet // "reps": indicates how many repetitions slice has specified; for // each repetition, the slice is automatically rescheduled // after running for the earliest available slot // I don't know if you want to pring the schedule out as part of the // queue here, or wait to see if there was a submitted job. // See my comments below for more details. getCurrentSchedule ($jobArray, $timesOccupied, $maxId); $changeMade = 0; // Reid: here, we see if a new request is submitted (which would // be done now as: did the user click into the queue and // select a slice to get the next slot. I think you can just // skip to the end of this if statement (see comment below) // Reid: The problem here is, this is based on the current submission // procedure, which is: click the submit button (or the delete // button). I'm not sure how to change or modularize this // function because I don't know how the queue would precisely // be implemented. I've commented the code below to try to help. //if form was submitted with new job, process it if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'submitted') { $sname = $_POST['sliceName']; if (!authorizeSlice($sname)) { $requestStatus = NOT_SLICE_OWNER; } else if ($_POST['add_delete'] == "delete") { // delete request. Make sure it exists and is early enough to delete, // then delete it. if (array_key_exists($sname, $jobArray)) { $changeMade = 1; $ts = $jobArray[$sname]["timestamp"]; if ($ts - mktime() < DELETE_THRESHOLD) $requestStatus = TOO_CLOSE_TO_DEADLINE; else { $timesOccupied[$ts]--; unset($jobArray[$sname]); } } else $requestStatus = NO_SUCH_SLICE; } else { // it's an add request // grab all the data from the user. $changeMade = 1; // $minute = $_POST['minute']; $reps = $_POST['reps']; // $u = $_POST['units']; $u = 1; $currentTime = mktime(); if ($_POST['whenToRun'] == "asap") { $requestedTime = findNextFreeSlot($u, $timesOccupied); } else { // $requestedTime = gmmktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month, $date, $year); if (!isset( $_POST['queue_time'] )) { $year = $_POST['year']; $month = $_POST['month']; $date = $_POST['date']; $hour = $_POST['hour']; $requestedTime = gmmktime($hour, 0, 0, $month, $date, $year); } else { $currYear = gmdate("y"); $currMonth = gmdate("m"); $currDate = gmdate("d"); $currHour = gmdate("H"); $hour = $_POST['queue_time']; if ($hour < $currHour) { $requestedTime = gmmktime($hour, 0, 0, $currMonth, $currDate+1, $currYear); } else $requestedTime = gmmktime($hour, 0, 0, $currMonth, $currDate, $currYear); } } $id = $maxId + 1; $requestStatus = validateAndMarkRequest($u, $timesOccupied, $requestedTime, $currentTime, $sname, $jobArray); if ($requestStatus == SUCCESS) { // ignore below, it is for future work anyways. if (isFirstSliceRequest($sname)) { $sliceFile = fopen("/var/www/html/planetlab/sirius/slices.txt", "a"); if ($sliceFile == 0) { echo "

Unable to open file.

"; } flock($sliceFile, LOCK_EX); // should be max number of units, not 5 // why is this 6? fwrite($sliceFile, $sname." "."6"); flock($sliceFile, LOCK_UN); fclose($sliceFile); } // if (updateSliceFile($sname, 1) < 0) // temporarily not looking at units... if (0) $requestStatus = NO_UNITS_LEFT; else { // here, pretty simple, just stick all data into // array element, then stick array into $jobArray. $newArray["sliceName"] = $sname; $newArray["id"] = $id; $newArray["timestamp"] = $requestedTime; $newArray["units"] = $u; $newArray["reps"] = $reps; $jobArray[$sname] = $newArray; } } } // header("Location: planetcal.php"); } //sort job array by earliest time first ("cmp" function does this) usort($jobArray, "cmp"); // Reid: after this above line, $jobArray holds a sorted list that // you can output as the queue. // Reid: below is the current printing of the schedule, which would // certainly be deleted when you have the better representation // of the schedule (the visual queue). It starts here and ends // where I've marked below. //print current job list as table on screen printf(""); if (count($jobArray) > 0) { printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); } else { printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); } $deletedExpiredJob = 0; $arr= array(); $n= 0; foreach ($jobArray as $value) { if (strcmp($value["timestamp"], mktime()) > 0) { printf("\n"); printf("\n", $value["sliceName"], $value["reps"], gmdate("r", $value["timestamp"])); $arr[$n]= $value["sliceName"]; $n++; printf("\n"); } else { $deletedExpiredJob = 1; } } printf("
Slice name Repetitions Time of priority
No jobs currently on queue
%s %d %s
\n"); echo "
\n"; // Reid: end of current printing of the schedule. // Reid: here is where we put the data back to the schedule file. // It's already a function, function findNextQueue($units, $timesOccupied, $arr) { $currYear = gmdate("y"); $currMonth = gmdate("m"); $currDate = gmdate("d"); $currHour = gmdate("H") + 1; $currentTime = gmmktime(); $reqTime = gmmktime($currHour, 0, 0, $currMonth, $currDate, $currYear); $retVal = 1; $i = 0; // DAVE // outputting table to display the queue // green background will mean slot is open, and red will mean the slot is used // echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
24 hour Queue: Choose the GMT time slot you desire (green slots are open, red are taken)

\n"; // here's what this does below: it goes through each hour, and sees if the slot is occupied // if so, it outputs in red, w/ slice name ($arr[$x], where $x is the number request, i.e. // earlier when we dump out the list of slices on the schedule, we do $arr[$x++] = $slicename $x= 0; // while ($reqTime < ( $reqTime + ( 24 * 3600 ) ) ) { while ($i < 12) { $retVal = validateRequest($units, $timesOccupied, $reqTime, $currentTime); if ($retVal == SUCCESS) { // advance timestamp one hour (3600 seconds) echo "\n"; } else { echo"\n"; $x++; } $reqTime = $reqTime + 3600; $i++; } echo "
" . gmdate("H:i:s", $reqTime) . "  
" . $arr[$x] . "
  \n"; while ($i < 24 && $i > 11) { $retVal = validateRequest($units, $timesOccupied, $reqTime, $currentTime); if ($retVal == SUCCESS) { // advance timestamp one hour (3600 seconds) echo "\n"; } else { echo"\n"; $x++; } $reqTime = $reqTime + 3600; $i++; } echo "
" . gmdate("H:i:s", $reqTime) . "  
" . $arr[$x] . "
\n"; } function sliceDropDown() { /* $_api = new xmlrpc_client('/PLCAPI/', '', 443); $username = $_SESSION['username']; $password = $_SESSION['password']; $_api->setDebug(0); $_api_auth = new xmlrpcval(array( "AuthMethod" => new xmlrpcval("password"), "Username" => new xmlrpcval($username), "AuthString" => new xmlrpcval($password), "Role" => new xmlrpcval("user")), "struct"); $func = new xmlrpcmsg("SliceInfo"); $func->addParam($_api_auth); $result = $_api->send($func, 15, 'https'); if( $result == 0 ) { // printf("problem: %s\n", $_api->errstring); return 0; } else if($result->faultCode() != 0) { // printf("server problem: %s\n", $result->errstr); return 0; } else { $result_value = $result->value(); if( !$result_value ) { // printf( "didn't get value back from api\n" ); return 0; } else { $arr = xmlrpc_decode($result_value); // printf( "return value success, value %s\n", $val); // print_r($val); $numElements = count($arr); $i = 0; while ($i < $numElements) { echo "\n"; $i++; } return 0; } } */ global $api; $slice_list= array(); $result= $api->GetSlices( Null, array( "name" ) ); sort_slices( $result ); foreach ( $result AS $slice ) { echo "