GetSlices( Null, array( "name", "slice_id" ) ); foreach ( $result AS $slice ) { if ( $slice["name"] == $sn ) return 1; } return 0; } //can a request be satisfied? Currently, answer is yes unless //either this time is taken or you asked for more than one unit //probably will need to change this. function validateRequest ($units, $timesOccupied, $requestedTime, $currentTime) { if ($units != 1) return TOO_MANY_UNITS; // buffer so we aren't too close to deadline, if your request is late // OR if it's within 1 minute of deadline, it's too late if ($requestedTime - 60 <= $currentTime) return TIME_ALREADY_OCCURRED; if (array_key_exists($requestedTime, $timesOccupied)) { if ($timesOccupied[$requestedTime] == MAX_JOBS) return NO_ROOM; } return SUCCESS; } //can a request be satisfied? Currently, answer is yes unless //either this time is taken or you asked for more than one unit //probably will need to change this. function validateAndMarkRequest ($units, &$timesOccupied, $requestedTime, $currentTime, $sn, $jobArray) { // buffer so we aren't too close to deadline, if your request is late // OR if it's within 1 minute of deadline, it's too late if ($requestedTime - 60 <= $currentTime) return TIME_ALREADY_OCCURRED; if (array_key_exists($requestedTime, $timesOccupied)) { if ($timesOccupied[$requestedTime] == MAX_JOBS) return NO_ROOM; else $timesOccupied[$requestedTime]++; } else { $timesOccupied[$requestedTime] = 1; if (array_key_exists($sn, $jobArray)) { $ts = $jobArray[$sn]["timestamp"]; $timesOccupied[$ts]--; } } if ($units != 1) return TOO_MANY_UNITS; return SUCCESS; } function findNextFreeSlot($units, $timesOccupied) { $currYear = gmdate("y"); $currMonth = gmdate("m"); $currDate = gmdate("d"); $currHour = gmdate("H") + 1; $currentTime = gmmktime(); $reqTime = gmmktime($currHour, 0, 0, $currMonth, $currDate, $currYear); $retVal = 1; while ($retVal != SUCCESS) { $retVal = validateRequest($units, $timesOccupied, $reqTime, $currentTime); if ($retVal == NO_ROOM || $retVal == TIME_ALREADY_OCCURRED) { // advance timestamp one hour (3600 seconds) $reqTime = $reqTime + 3600; } } return $reqTime; } function dumpToFile($fileName, $buffer, $which, $timesOccupied) { //open file, and dump newly list into it (buffer is the list) //we're just currently overwriting (fopen with "w" truncates) $fileHandle = fopen($fileName, "w"); //periodically, updateSliceUnits program will update the slices file //this function is general, works for schedule or slices file //lock in case of concurrent accesses flock($fileHandle, LOCK_EX); if ($which == "schedule") { // need to write timestamp in this case $s = gettimeofday(); fwrite($fileHandle, $s['sec']); fwrite($fileHandle, "\n"); } //do the dump here foreach ($buffer as $value) { $t = ""; if ($which == "schedule") { if (strcmp($value["timestamp"], mktime()) > 0) { $numReps = $value["reps"]; $ts = $value["timestamp"]; $t = $value["sliceName"]." ".$value["id"]." ".$value["timestamp"]." ".$value["units"]." ".$value["reps"]." \n"; } else { // job expired, does it need be run again? if ($value["reps"] > 0) { $ts = findNextFreeSlot($value["units"], $timesOccupied); } $numReps = $value["reps"] - 1; } if ($numReps >= 0) $t = $value["sliceName"]." ".$value["id"]." ".$ts." ".$value["units"]." ".$numReps." \n"; } else if ($which == "slices") { $t = $value["sliceName"]." ".$value["units"]." \n"; } if ($t != "") fwrite($fileHandle, $t); } flock($fileHandle, LOCK_UN); fclose($fileHandle); } //update the slice file, takes a slice name (name) and number of units function updateSliceFile($name, $units) { $dummyArray = array(); $sliceFile = fopen("slices.txt", "rw"); if (!$sliceFile) { echo "

Unable to open remote file.

"; } flock($sliceFile, LOCK_EX); //we'll construct a new list here, will be current slice file except //the slice in question will have it's units decreased, if there are any... while (!feof($sliceFile)) { $num = fscanf($sliceFile, "%s %d\n", $sliceName, $unitsAvailable); //for some reason feof seems to not quite work //precisely, the last entry in the file is read twice (!?!), so hack here if ($num == 0) break; $newArray["sliceName"] = $sliceName; if ($name == $sliceName) { $newUnits = $unitsAvailable - $units; if ($newUnits < 0) // error, slice has no more units return -1; else $newArray["units"] = $newUnits; } else $newArray["units"] = $unitsAvailable; //append this tuple to the entire array $sliceArray[] = $newArray; } flock($sliceFile, LOCK_UN); fclose($sliceFile); //do the dump to new file dumpToFile("slices.txt", $sliceArray, "slices", dummyArray); return 0; } //pretty obvious what this does; basically, does the slice exist in //the slice file yet? (New user of calendar service user may not have //an entry) function isFirstSliceRequest($name) { $sliceFile = fopen("slices.txt", "r"); if (!$sliceFile) { echo "

Unable to open remote file.

"; } flock($sliceFile, LOCK_EX); while (!feof($sliceFile)) { $num = fscanf($sliceFile, "%s %d\n", $sliceName, $unitsAvailable); //for some reason feof seems to not quite work //precisely, the last entry in the file is read twice (!?!), so hack here if ($num == 0) break; if ($name == $sliceName) { flock($sliceFile, LOCK_UN); fclose($sliceFile); return 0; } } flock($sliceFile, LOCK_UN); fclose($sliceFile); return 1; } function cmp ($a, $b) { if ($a["timestamp"] == $b["timestamp"]) return 0; else return ($a["timestamp"] < $b["timestamp"]) ? -1 : 1; } function checkForErrors($requestStatus) { if ($requestStatus == NO_ROOM) { printf(" Error: Cannot add your request; that time slot is currently full.

"); } else if ($requestStatus == TOO_MANY_UNITS) { printf(" Error: Cannot add your request; only 1 extra unit is allowed.

"); } else if ($requestStatus == NO_UNITS_LEFT) { printf(" Error: Cannot add your request; no more units remaining.

"); } else if ($requestStatus == TIME_ALREADY_OCCURRED) { printf(" Error: Cannot add your request; that time has already occurred, or is too close to the current time.

"); } else if ($requestStatus == NO_SUCH_SLICE) { printf(" Error: Cannot delete nonexistent slice.

"); } else if ($requestStatus == NOT_SLICE_OWNER) { printf(" Error: Only authorized user can manipulate slice.

"); } else if ($requestStatus == TOO_CLOSE_TO_DEADLINE) { printf(" Error: Cannot delete your request; it is too close to the time that your slice will receive its priority increase.

"); } } function getCurrentSchedule (&$jobArray, &$timesOccupied, &$maxId) { $schedFile = fopen("schedule.txt", "r"); if (!$schedFile) { echo "

Unable to open remote file.

"; } flock($schedFile, LOCK_EX); //first line is timestamp, throw it away. fscanf($schedFile, "%s\n", $str); //read in current file into array $jobArray = array(); $newArray = array(); $timesOccupied = array(); $maxId = 0; while (!feof($schedFile)) { $num = fscanf($schedFile, "%s %d %s %d %d\n", $sliceName, $id, $timestamp, $units, $reps); if ($id > $maxId) $maxId = $id; //for some reason feof seems to not quite work //precisely, the last entry in the file is read twice (!?!), so hack here if ($num == 0) break; $newArray["sliceName"] = $sliceName; $newArray["id"] = $id; $newArray["units"] = $units; $newArray["timestamp"] = $timestamp; $newArray["reps"] = $reps; $jobArray[$sliceName] = $newArray; if (array_key_exists($timestamp, $timesOccupied)) { $timesOccupied[$timestamp]++; } else { $timesOccupied[$timestamp] = 1; } } flock($schedFile, LOCK_UN); fclose($schedFile); } function findNextQueue($units, $timesOccupied) { global $arr; $currYear = gmdate("y"); $currMonth = gmdate("m"); $currDate = gmdate("d"); $currHour = gmdate("H") + 1; $currentTime = gmmktime(); $reqTime = gmmktime($currHour, 0, 0, $currMonth, $currDate, $currYear); $retVal = 1; $i = 0; // DAVE // outputting table to display the queue // green background will mean slot is open, and red will mean the slot is used // echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
24 hour Queue: Choose the GMT time slot you desire (green slots are open, red are taken)

\n"; // here's what this does below: it goes through each hour, and sees if the slot is occupied // if so, it outputs in red, w/ slice name ($arr[$x], where $x is the number request, i.e. // earlier when we dump out the list of slices on the schedule, we do $arr[$x++] = $slicename $x= 0; // while ($reqTime < ( $reqTime + ( 24 * 3600 ) ) ) { while ($i < 12) { $retVal = validateRequest($units, $timesOccupied, $reqTime, $currentTime); if ($retVal == SUCCESS) { // advance timestamp one hour (3600 seconds) echo "\n"; } else { echo"\n"; $x++; } $reqTime = $reqTime + 3600; $i++; } echo "
" . gmdate("H:i:s", $reqTime) . "  
" . $arr[$x] . "
  \n"; while ($i < 24 && $i > 11) { $retVal = validateRequest($units, $timesOccupied, $reqTime, $currentTime); if ($retVal == SUCCESS) { // advance timestamp one hour (3600 seconds) echo "\n"; } else { echo"\n"; $x++; } $reqTime = $reqTime + 3600; $i++; } echo "
" . gmdate("H:i:s", $reqTime) . "  
" . $arr[$x] . "
\n"; } function sliceDropDown() { global $api; $slice_list= array(); $result= $api->GetSlices( Null, array( "name", "slice_id" ) ); sort_slices( $result ); foreach ( $result AS $slice ) { echo "