GetSites( array($site_id)); if (empty($sites)) { drupal_set_message ("Site " . $site_id . " not found"); return; } $site=$sites[0]; // var names to api return $sitename= htmlentities($site['name']); $abbreviated_name= htmlentities($site['abbreviated_name']); $site_url= $site['url']; $login_base= $site['login_base']; $site_lat= $site['latitude']; $site_long= $site['longitude']; $max_slivers= $site['max_slivers']; $max_slices= $site['max_slices']; $enabled = $site['enabled']; $ext_consortium_id = $site ['ext_consortium_id']; // get peer $peer_id= $site['peer_id']; $peers = new Peers ($api); $local_peer = ! $peer_id; // extra privileges to admins, and (pi||tech) on this site $is_site_pi = ( $local_peer && plc_is_pi() && plc_in_site($site_id) ); $is_site_tech = ( $local_peer && plc_is_pi() && plc_in_site($site_id) ); $is_site_admin = ($local_peer && plc_is_admin()); $address_ids= $site['address_ids']; $pcu_ids= $site['pcu_ids']; $node_ids= $site['node_ids']; $person_ids= $site['person_ids']; $slice_ids= $site['slice_ids']; $api->begin(); // gets address info $api->GetAddresses( $address_ids ); // gets node info $api->GetNodes( $node_ids, array( "node_id", "hostname", "boot_state", "pcu_ids", "ports" ) ); // gets person info $api->GetPersons( $person_ids, array( "role_ids", "person_id", "first_name", "last_name", "email", "enabled" , "slice_ids") ); $api->GetSlices ( $slice_ids, array ("slice_id", "name", "instantiation", "node_ids", "person_ids" ) ); //////////////////// // PCU stuff - not too sure why, but GetPCUs is not exposed to the 'user' role $display_pcus = (plc_is_admin() || plc_is_pi() || plc_is_tech()); if ($display_pcus) $api->GetPCUs ($pcu_ids, array ('hostname', 'pcu_id' )); // get results if ($display_pcus) list( $addresses, $nodes, $persons, $slices, $pcus )= $api->commit(); else list( $addresses, $nodes, $persons, $slices )= $api->commit(); $techs = array(); $pis = array(); $disabled_persons = array(); if ($persons) foreach( $persons as $person ) { $role_ids= $person['role_ids']; if ( in_array( '20', $role_ids )) $pis[] = $person; if ( in_array( '40', $role_ids )) $techs[] = $person; if ( ! $person['enabled'] ) $disabled_persons[] = $person; } $has_disabled_persons = count ($disabled_persons) !=0; // get number of slivers $slivers_count=0; if ($slices) foreach ($slices as $slice) $slivers_count += count ($slice['node_ids']); //////////////////////////////////////// drupal_set_title("Details for site " . $sitename); $tabs=array(); $tabs []= tab_mysite(); // available actions if ( $is_site_admin) $tabs['Expire slices'] = array('url'=>l_actions(), 'method'=>'POST', 'values'=>array('site_id'=>$site_id, 'action'=>'expire-all-slices-in-site'), 'bubble'=>"Expire all slices and prevent creation of new slices", 'confirm'=>"Suspend all slices in $login_base"); if ( $is_site_admin) $tabs['Delete']=array('url'=>l_actions(), 'method'=>'POST', 'values'=>array('site_id'=>$site_id, 'action'=>'delete-site'), 'bubble'=>"Delete site $sitename", 'confirm'=>"Are you sure you want to delete site $login_base"); if ( $is_site_pi ) $tabs ['Add slice'] = array ('url'=>l_slice_add(), 'method'=>'post', 'bubble'=>'Create new slice in site'); if (plc_is_admin() || plc_in_site($site_id)) $tabs["Events"]=array_merge (tablook_event(), array('url'=>l_event("Site","site",$site_id), 'bubble'=>"Events for site $sitename")); if (plc_is_admin() || plc_in_site($site_id)) $tabs["Comon"]=array_merge(tablook_comon(), array('url'=>l_comon("site_id",$site_id), 'bubble'=>"Comon page for $sitename")); plekit_linetabs($tabs); // show gray background on foreign objects : start a
with proper class $peers->block_start ($peer_id); // sanity checks if ( $local_peer ) { // pending site global $PENDING_CONSORTIUM_ID; if ( $ext_consortium_id == $PENDING_CONSORTIUM_ID) { if ( ! $enabled ) plc_warning ("This site is under pending registration - Please visit " . href (l_sites_pending(),"this page") . " to review pending applications."); else plc_warning ("This site is pending but is also enabled - something is wrong. You should fix the issue with plcsh"); } else { if ( ! $enabled) plc_warning ("This site is disabled."); } } $can_update=(plc_is_admin () && $local_peer) || ( plc_in_site($site_id) && plc_is_pi()); $toggle = new PlekitToggle ('site',"Details", array('visible'=>get_arg('show_details',true), 'bubble'=>'Display and modify details for that site')); $toggle->start(); $details = new PlekitDetails($can_update); $f = $details->form_start(l_actions(),array('action'=>'update-site','site_id'=>$site_id)); $details->start(); if ( ! $site['is_public']) $details->tr(plc_warning_html("This site is not public!")); $details->th_td("Full name",$sitename,'name',array('width'=>50)); $details->th_td("Abbreviated name",$abbreviated_name,'abbreviated_name',array('width'=>15)); $details->th_td("URL",$site_url,'url',array('width'=>40)); $details->th_td("Latitude",$site_lat,'latitude'); $details->th_td("Longitude",$site_long,'longitude'); // modifiable by admins only if (plc_is_admin()) $details->th_td("Login base",$login_base,'login_base',array('width'=>12)); else $details->th_td("Login base",$login_base); if (plc_is_admin()) $details->th_td("Max slices",$max_slices,'max_slices'); else $details->th_td("Max slices",$max_slices); if (plc_is_admin()) { $selectors=array(array('display'=>"False",'value'=>'0'), array('display'=>"True",'value'=>'1')); $selectors[intval($enabled)]['selected'] = 'selected'; $enable_select = $f->select_html ("enabled", $selectors); $details->th_td("Enabled",$enable_select,'enabled', array('input_type' => 'select', 'value'=>$enabled)); } else $details->th_td("Enabled",$enabled); $details->tr_submit("submit","Update Site"); if ( ! $local_peer) { $details->space(); $details->th_td("Peer",$peers->peer_link($peer_id)); } $details->end(); $details->form_end(); $toggle->end(); //////////////////// mode details - for local object if ( $local_peer ) { //////////////////// nodes $nb_boot = 0; if ($nodes) foreach ($nodes as $node) if ($node['boot_state'] == 'boot') $nb_boot ++; $nodes_title = "Nodes : "; $nodes_title .= count($nodes) . " total"; $nodes_title .= " / " . $nb_boot . " boot"; if ($nb_boot < 2 ) $nodes_title = plc_warning_html ($nodes_title); $nodes_title .= href(l_nodes_site($site_id)," (See as nodes)"); $toggle=new PlekitToggle ('nodes',$nodes_title, array('visible'=>get_arg('show_nodes',true))); $toggle->start(); $headers=array(); $sort_column = '0'; if ($display_pcus) { $headers['PCU']='string'; $sort_column = '1' ; } $headers['hostname']='string'; $headers['state']='string'; $table = new PlekitTable ('nodes',$headers,$sort_column,array('search_area'=>false, 'notes_area'=>false, 'pagesize_area'=>false)); // hash pcus on pcu_id if ($display_pcus) { global $pcu_hash; $pcu_hash= array(); if ($pcus) foreach ($pcus as $pcu) $pcu_hash[$pcu['pcu_id']]=$pcu; } // search the pcu, return the string to display and mark the pcu as displayed // function display_and_mark ($pcu_hash,$pcu_ids,$ports) { function display_and_mark ($pcu_ids,$ports) { global $pcu_hash; if (empty($pcu_ids)) return plc_warning_html('None'); $pcu_id=$pcu_ids[0]; if (empty($ports)) return plc_error_html('???'); $port=$ports[0]; $pcu=$pcu_hash[$pcu_id]; $display= $pcu['hostname'] . ' : ' . $port; $pcu_hash[$pcu_id]['displayed']=true; return $display; } $table->start(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $table->row_start(); if ($display_pcus) { // $table->cell(display_and_mark($pcu_hash,$node['pcu_ids'],$node['ports'])); $table->cell(display_and_mark($node['pcu_ids'],$node['ports'])); } $table->cell (l_node_obj($node)); $table->cell ($node['boot_state']); $table->row_end(); } // show undisplayed PCU's if any if ($display_pcus) if ($pcu_hash) foreach ($pcu_hash as $id=>$pcu) { if (!$pcu['displayed']) { $table->row_start(); $table->cell($pcu['hostname']); $table->cell(''); $table->cell(''); $table->row_end(); } } $table->tfoot_start(); $table->row_start(); $button=new PlekitFormButton (l_node_add(),"node_add","Add node","POST"); $table->cell($button->html(),array('hfill'=>true,'align'=>'right')); $table->row_end(); $table->end(); $toggle->end(); //////////////////// Users $persons_title = "Users : "; $persons_title .= count($person_ids) . " total"; $persons_title .= " / " . count ($pis) . " PIs"; $persons_title .= " / " . count ($techs) . " Techs"; if ($has_disabled_persons) $persons_title .= " / " . count($disabled_persons) . " Disabled"; if ( (count ($pis) == 0) || (count ($techs) == 0) || (count($person_ids) >= 30) || count($disabled_persons) != 0 ) $persons_title = plc_warning_html ($persons_title); $persons_title .= href(l_persons_site($site_id)," (See as users)"); $toggle=new PlekitToggle ('persons',$persons_title, array('visible'=>get_arg('show_persons',false))); $toggle->start(); $headers = array (); $headers["email"]='string'; $headers["S"]='int'; $headers["PI"]='string'; $headers['User']='string'; $headers["Tech"]='string'; if ($has_disabled_persons) $headers["Disabled"]='string'; $notes=array('S = slices'); $table=new PlekitTable('persons',$headers,'1r-3r-0',array('search_area'=>false, 'notes'=>$notes, 'pagesize_area'=>false)); $table->start(); if ($persons) foreach ($persons as $person) { $table->row_start(); $table->cell(l_person_obj($person)); $table->cell(count($person['slice_ids'])); $table->cell( in_array ('20',$person['role_ids']) ? "yes" : "no"); $table->cell( in_array ('30',$person['role_ids']) ? "yes" : "no"); $table->cell( in_array ('40',$person['role_ids']) ? "yes" : "no"); if ($has_disabled_persons) $table->cell( $person['enabled'] ? "no" : plc_warning_html("yes")); $table->row_end(); } $table->end(); $toggle->end(); //////////////////// Slices $slices_title="Slices : "; $slices_title .= $max_slices . " max"; $slices_title .= " / " . count($slice_ids) . " running"; $slices_title .= " / $slivers_count slivers"; if (count($slice_ids) >= $max_slices) $slices_title = plc_warning_html($slices_title); $slices_title .= href(l_slices_site($site_id)," (See as slices)"); $toggle=new PlekitToggle ('slices',$slices_title, array('visible'=>get_arg('show_slices',false))); $toggle->start(); $headers = array (); $headers ['name']='string'; $headers ['I'] = 'string'; $headers ['N']='int'; $headers ['U']='int'; $notes=array('I = instantiation type', 'N = number of nodes', 'U = number of users'); $table=new PlekitTable ('slices',$headers,0,array('search_area'=>false, 'pagesize_area'=>false, 'notes'=>$notes)); $table->start(); if ($slices) foreach ($slices as $slice) { $table->row_start(); $table->cell(l_slice_obj($slice)); $table->cell(instantiation_label($slice)); $table->cell (href(l_nodes_slice($slice['slice_id']),count($slice['node_ids']))); $table->cell (count($slice['person_ids'])); $table->row_end(); } if ($is_site_pi) { $button=new PlekitFormButton (l_slice_add(),"slice_add","Add slice","post"); $table->tfoot_start(); $table->row_start(); $table->cell($button->html(),array('hfill'=>true,'align'=>'right')); } $table->end(); $toggle->end(); //////////////////// Addresses $toggle=new PlekitToggle ('addresses',"Addresses", array('visible'=>get_arg('show_addresses',false))); $toggle->start(); if ( ! $addresses) { print "

No known address for this site

"; } else { $details=new PlekitDetails (false); $details->start(); $details->th_td("Addresses",""); foreach ($addresses as $address) { $details->th_td(plc_vertical_table($address['address_types']), plc_vertical_table(array($address['line1'], $address['line2'], $address['line3'], $address['city'], $address['state'], $address['postalcode'], $address['country']))); } $details->end(); } $toggle->end(); } //////////////////////////////////////// $peers->block_end($peer_id); //plekit_linetabs ($tabs,"bottom"); // Print footer include 'plc_footer.php'; ?>