GetSites(array('site_id'=>$site_id)); if ( ! $sites) { drupal_set_error("Cannot find site_id $site_id"); $check=false; } $site=$sites[0]; $base=$site['login_base'] . '_'; // validate input if( $name == $base ) { drupal_set_error("You must enter a name for your slice"); $check=false; } else if (strpos($name,$base) != 0) { drupal_set_error("Slice name $name should begin with $base"); $check=false; } else { // make sure slice name doesnt exist $slices = $api->GetSlices( array( $name ), array( "slice_id" ) ); if ( count($slices) != 0) { drupal_set_error("Slice name $name already in use, please choose another"); $check=false; } } if ( ($url == "http://") || ( $url=="" ) ) { drupal_set_error("You must enter a URL for your slice's info"); $check=false; } if( $description == "" ) { drupal_set_error("Your must enter a description for you slice."); $check=false; } // if no errors then add if ( $check ) { $fields= array( "url" => $url, "instantiation" => $instantiation, "name" => $name, "description" => $description ); // add it! $slice_id= $api->AddSlice( $fields ); if ($slice_id > 0) { drupal_set_message ("Slice $slice_id created"); if (isset($_POST['omf-control'])) { if ($api->SetSliceOmfControl($slice_id,'yes') != 'yes') { drupal_set_error("Could not set the 'omf_control' tag on newly created slice..."); } else { drupal_set_message("Successfully set the 'omf_control' tag on slice"); } } if ($person_ids) { // Add people $success=true; $counter=0; foreach ($person_ids as $person_id) { $person_id=intval($person_id); if ($api->AddPersonToSlice($person_id,$slice_id) != 1) { drupal_set_error("Could not add person $person_id in slice :" . $api->error()); $success=false; } else { $counter++; } } if ($success) drupal_set_message ("Added $counter person(s)"); else drupal_set_error ("Could not add all selected persons, only $counter were added"); } plc_redirect(l_slice($slice_id) ); } else { drupal_set_error("Could not create slice $name " . $api->error() ); $check=false; } } } //////////////////// still here : either it's a blank form or something was wrong // Print header require_once 'plc_drupal.php'; include 'plc_header.php'; $sites=$api->GetSites(array($site_id)); $site=$sites[0]; $sitename=$site['name']; if ( ! $_POST['name']) $base= $site['login_base'] ."_"; // propose to add all 'reachable' persons $site_person_ids=$site['person_ids']; $persons_filter=array("person_id"=>$site_person_ids, "enabled"=>true); $persons=$api->GetPersons($persons_filter,array('email','enabled','first_name','last_name','person_id')); drupal_set_title('Create slice in site "' . $sitename . '"'); // defaults $url = $_POST['url']; if( !$url ) $url= "http://"; // check for errors and set error styles if( $error['name'] ) $name_error= " class='plc-warning'"; if( $error['url'] ) $url_error= " class='plc-warning'"; if( $error['description'] ) $desc_error= " class='plc-warning'"; // is there a need to consider several sites ? $multiple_sites=false; $site_columns=array('name','login_base','site_id'); if (plc_is_admin ()) { $multiple_sites=true; $filter=array('-SORT'=>'name'); } else if (count (plc_my_site_ids()) > 1) { $multiple_sites=true; $filter=array('-SORT'=>'name','site_id'=>plc_my_site_ids()); } if ($multiple_sites) { print "
"; $other_sites=$api->GetSites($filter,$site_columns); $selectors=array(); foreach ($other_sites as $other_site) { $selector=array('display'=>$other_site['name'], 'value'=>$other_site['site_id']); if ($other_site['site_id']==$site_id) $selector['selected']='selected'; $selectors []= $selector; } $site_form = new PleKitForm (l_slice_add(),array(),array('method'=>'get')); $site_form->start(); print $site_form->label_html('site_id','Or choose some other site'); print $site_form->select_html('site_id',$selectors,array('autosubmit'=>true, 'id'=>'create-slice-choose-site')); $site_form->end(); print "
"; } print <<< EOF

You must provide a short description, as well as a link to a project website, before creating it.
Please make sure to provide reasonable details on the kind of traffic, and copyrights if relevant. Do not provide bogus information; if a complaint is lodged against your slice and your PlanetLab Operations Center is unable to determine what the normal behavior of your slice is, your slice may be deleted to resolve the complaint.

NOTE: All PlanetLab users are strongly encouraged to join the PlanetLab Users mailing list. Most questions about running software on PlanetLab can be answered by posting to this list.
Site administrators often use this list to post announcements about service outages. New software releases and available services are announced here as well.

EOF; $toggle = new PlekitToggle ('create-slice-details','Slice Details', array ('visible'=>get_arg('show_slice',true))); $details = new PlekitDetails(TRUE); $form_variables = array('site_id'=>plc_my_site_id()); $form = $details -> form_start("/db/slices/slice_add.php",$form_variables); print $form->hidden_html("site_id",$site_id); $toggle->start(); $details->start(); $running=count($site['slice_ids']); $max=$site['max_slices']; $allocated = " $running running / $max max"; if ($running >= $max) $allocated = plc_warning_html($allocated); $details->th_td("Allocated slices",$allocated); $details->th_td("Name",$name ? $name : $base, "name"); $details->th_td("URL",$url,"url"); $details->th_td("Description",$description,"description", array('input_type'=>'textarea', 'width'=>50,'height'=>5)); $selectors=array(array('display'=>"PLC",'value'=>'plc-instantiated'), array('display'=>"Delegated",'value'=>'delegated'), array('display'=>"Controller",'value'=>'nm-controller'), array('display'=>"None",'value'=>'not-instantiated')); $instantiation_select = $form->select_html ("instantiation", $selectors); $details->th_td("Instantiation",$instantiation_select,"instantiation", array('input_type'=>'select', 'value'=>$instantiation)); // display the current settings if any (like, we've screwed up the first time) if (isset($_POST['omf-control'])) { $omf_options=array('checked'=>'checked'); } else { $omf_options=array(); } $details->th_td("OMF friendly", $form->checkbox_html('omf-control','yes',$omf_options)); $instantiation_text = <<< EOF

There are four possible "instantiation" states for a slice.

PLC instantiated slices can be defined as OMF friendly, in which case slivers come with the OMF Resource Controller pre-installed and pre-configured. Such slivers can then be easily managed through a centralized tool, the OMF Experiment Controller.

EOF; $details->tr($instantiation_text); $details->end(); $toggle->end(); if ($persons) { $title = count($persons) . " people can be added in slice"; $toggle=new PlekitToggle ('create-slice-persons',$title, array('visible'=>get_arg('show_persons',true))); $toggle->start(); $headers = array(); $headers['email']='string'; $headers['first']='string'; $headers['last']='string'; $headers['+']='none'; $table = new PlekitTable ('persons_in_slice',$headers,0); $table->start(); foreach ($persons as $person) { $table->row_start(); $table->cell($person['email']); $table->cell($person['first_name']); $table->cell($person['last_name']); $table->cell ($form->checkbox_html('person_ids[]',$person['person_id'])); $table->row_end(); } $table->end(); $toggle->end(); } $add_button = $form->submit_html ("add-slice","Create Slice"); print ("
"); $form->end(); // Print footer include 'plc_footer.php'; ?>