# first draft, extracted from plc_config.xml with --packages # the groups list was 'PlanetLab Central' but turned out to be an unknown group package:kernel-vserver package:dev # package:bzip2 package:cpio package:tar package:rsync package:diffutils package:gzip package:findutils package:sudo package:rpm package:yum createrepo package:curl wget package:vixie-cron package:perl-GD package:gd package:php-gd package:expect # sendmail package:sendmail sendmail-cf package:dnsmasq # apache package:httpd mod_python mod_ssl package:openssl package:xmlsec1 xmlsec1-openssl # python package:python python-devel SOAPpy PyXML pycurl # postgresql package:postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-python # php package:php php-pgsql # planetlab stuff package:bootcd bootmanager package:PLCAPI PLCWWW # convenience package:vim-minimal python-imaging package:openssh openssh-clients package:less