import datetime import os import operator import socket import pytz import json import random import sys import time if os.path.exists("/home/smbaker/projects/vicci/plstackapi/planetstack"): sys.path.append("/home/smbaker/projects/vicci/plstackapi/planetstack") else: sys.path.append("/opt/planetstack") os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "planetstack.settings") from django import db from django.db import connection from core.models import Slice, Sliver, ServiceClass, Reservation, Tag, Network, User, Node, Image, Deployment, Site, NetworkTemplate, NetworkSlice, Service from hpc.models import HpcService, ServiceProvider, ContentProvider, OriginServer, CDNPrefix, HpcService # amount of time in milliseconds which will be queried for HPC statistics. QUERY_TIME=150000 # Constants used for computing 'hotness' # BLUE_LOAD = MB/s which should be a "0" on the hotness scale # RED_LOAD = MB/s which should be a "1" on the hotness scale BLUE_LOAD=5000000 RED_LOAD=15000000 MAX_LOAD=RED_LOAD def log(what, showdate=True): try: if showdate: file("/tmp/scott-hpcwizard.log", "a").write(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", time.gmtime())) file("/tmp/scott-hpcwizard.log", "a").write("%s\n" % what) except: pass # uh oh def log_exc(what): log(what) log(traceback.format_exc(), showdate=False) def avg(x): return float(sum(x))/len(x) def format_float(x): try: return "%10.5f" % x except: return str(x) class HpcWizard: def __init__(self): try: self.hpcService = HpcService.objects.get() except: # currently has a Service object instantiated instead # of a HpcService. Fallback for now. self.hpcService = Service.objects.get(name="HPC Service") self.hpcQueryThread = None def get_hpc_slices(self): try: slices = self.hpcService.slices.all() except: # BUG in data model -- Slice.service has related name 'service' and # it should be 'slices' slices = self.hpcService.service.all() return slices def get_hpc_slivers(self): slivers = [] for slice in self.get_hpc_slices(): for sliver in slice.slivers.all(): slivers.append(sliver) return slivers def fill_site_nodes(self, site, hpc_slivers=None): if hpc_slivers is None: hpc_slivers = self.get_hpc_slivers() site.availNodes = [] site.hpcNodes = [] for node in site.nodes.all(): has_hpc = False for sliver in node.slivers.all(): if sliver in hpc_slivers: has_hpc = True if has_hpc: site.hpcNodes.append(node) else: site.availNodes.append(node) def merge_site_statistics(self, sites): """ this does it based on the sumb of all bandwidth The issue here is that we the computed load reacts immediately to the addition or deletion of nodes. i.e. 5 nodes at 80% + 1 node at 0% = average load 66%. """ site_dict = {} for site in self.hpcQueryThread.site_rows: site_dict[site["site"]] = site for site in sites: if in site_dict: site.bytes_sent = site_dict[]["sum_bytes_sent"] time_delta = site_dict[]["time_delta"] computed_duration = (int(time_delta/30)+1)*30 if (computed_duration > 0): site.bandwidth = site.bytes_sent/computed_duration if len(site.hpcNodes)>0: # figure out how many bytes_sent would be represented # by blue and red blue_load = len(site.hpcNodes) * BLUE_LOAD * computed_duration red_load = len(site.hpcNodes) * RED_LOAD * computed_duration max_load = len(site.hpcNodes) * MAX_LOAD * computed_duration site.hotness = (min(red_load, max(blue_load, float(site.bytes_sent))) - blue_load)/(red_load-blue_load) site.load = int(min(100, site.bytes_sent*100/max_load)) file("/tmp/scott2.txt","a").write("%s %d %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %d\n" % (, site.bytes_sent, blue_load, red_load, site.hotness, time_delta, computed_duration)) def merge_site_statistics_new(self, sites): """ This does it based on max load Advantage of this method is that since we're effectively reporting the maximally loaded node, we don't get instantaneous reactions to adding additional nodes. On the contrary, it will take a while for the load to balance from the loaded node to the new less-loaded node. """ site_dict = {} for site in self.hpcQueryThread.site_rows: site_dict[site["site"]] = site for site in sites: if in site_dict: site.max_avg_bandwidth = site_dict[]["max_avg_bandwidth"] site.bytes_sent = site_dict[]["sum_bytes_sent"] site.hotness = min(1.0, float(max(BLUE_LOAD, site.max_avg_bandwidth) - BLUE_LOAD) / (RED_LOAD-BLUE_LOAD)) site.load = int(site.max_avg_bandwidth*100/MAX_LOAD) # we still need site["bandwidth"] for the summary statistics time_delta = site_dict[]["time_delta"] computed_duration = (int(time_delta/30)+1)*30 if (computed_duration > 0): site.bandwidth = site.bytes_sent/computed_duration else: site.bandwidth = 0 if len(site.hpcNodes)>0: file("/tmp/scott3.txt","a").write("%s %d %0.2f %d %0.2f\n" % (, site.bytes_sent, site.hotness, site.load, site.bandwidth)) def get_sites(self): sites = list(Site.objects.all()) for site in sites: self.fill_site_nodes(site, self.get_hpc_slivers()) site.load = 0 site.hotness = 0 site.bandwidth = 0 site.numNodes = len(site.hpcNodes) + len(site.availNodes) if (self.hpcQueryThread is not None) and (self.hpcQueryThread.is_stalled()): self.initialize_statistics() # merge in the statistics data if it is available if self.hpcQueryThread and self.hpcQueryThread.data_version>0: self.merge_site_statistics(sites) # django will leak extraordinary amounts of memory without this line db.reset_queries() return sites def get_nodes_to_sites(self): nodes_to_sites = {} sites = list(Site.objects.all()) for site in sites: for node in site.nodes.all(): nodes_to_sites[] = return nodes_to_sites def get_slice_sites(self, slice_name): sites = list(Site.objects.all()) slivers = list(Slice.objects.get(name=slice_name).slivers.all()) for site in sites: self.fill_site_nodes(site, slivers) return sites def get_sites_for_view(self): sites = {} for site in self.get_sites(): if in ["ON.Lab", "I2 Atlanta"]: continue d = {"lat": float(site.location.latitude), "long": float(site.location.longitude), "health": 0, "numNodes": site.numNodes, "numHPCSlivers": len(site.hpcNodes), "siteUrl": str(site.site_url), "hot": getattr(site,"hotness",0.0), "load": getattr(site,"load",0)} sites[str(] = d import pprint f = file("/tmp/scott.txt","w") pprint.pprint(sites, f) f.close() return sites def get_summary_for_view(self): total_slivers = 0 total_bandwidth = 0 average_cpu = 0 sites = [site for site in self.get_sites() if len(site.hpcNodes)>0] total_slivers = sum( [len(site.hpcNodes) for site in sites] ) total_bandwidth = sum( [site.bandwidth for site in sites] ) average_cpu = int(avg( [site.load for site in sites] )) return {"total_slivers": total_slivers, "total_bandwidth": total_bandwidth, "average_cpu": average_cpu} def initialize_statistics(self): from query import HpcQueryThread if (self.hpcQueryThread is not None): log("dropping old query thread") self.hpcQueryThread.please_die = True self.hpcQueryThread = None log("launching new query thread") nodes_to_sites = self.get_nodes_to_sites() self.hpcQueryThread = HpcQueryThread(nodes_to_sites = nodes_to_sites, timeStart=-QUERY_TIME, slice="HyperCache") def get_site(self, site_name): site = Site.objects.get(name=site_name) self.fill_site_nodes(site) return site def increase_slivers(self, site_name, count): site = self.get_site(site_name) hpc_slice = self.get_hpc_slices()[0] while (len(site.availNodes) > 0) and (count > 0): node = site.availNodes.pop() hostname = sliver = Sliver(, slice=hpc_slice, node=node, image = Image.objects.all()[0], creator = User.objects.get(email=""), deploymentNetwork=node.deployment, numberCores = 1, ip=socket.gethostbyname(hostname)) print "created sliver", sliver site.hpcNodes.append(node) count = count - 1 def decrease_slivers(self, site_name, count): site = self.get_site(site_name) hpc_slices = self.get_hpc_slices() while (len(site.hpcNodes) > 0) and (count > 0): node = site.hpcNodes.pop() for sliver in node.slivers.all(): if sliver.slice in hpc_slices: print "deleting sliver", sliver sliver.delete() site.availNodes.append(node) count = count - 1 def dump(self): print "slices:" for slice in self.get_hpc_slices(): print " ", slice print "sites:" print "%20s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s" % ("name", "avail", "hpc", "lat", "long", "sent", "hot") for site in self.get_sites(): print "%20s %10d %10d %10s %10s %10d %10.2f" % (, len(site.availNodes), len(site.hpcNodes), format_float(site.location.latitude), format_float(site.location.longitude), getattr(site,"bytes_sent",0), getattr(site,"hotness",0.5)) #print "slivers:" #for sliver in self.get_hpc_slivers(): # print " ", sliver glo_hpc_wizard = None def get_hpc_wizard(): global glo_hpc_wizard if (glo_hpc_wizard is None): glo_hpc_wizard = HpcWizard() glo_hpc_wizard.initialize_statistics() return glo_hpc_wizard def main(): x = HpcWizard() # initialized the Statistics thread, and wait for some data to show up x.initialize_statistics() while x.hpcQueryThread.data_version==0: time.sleep(1) x.dump() # quick test of the increase / decrease functions x.increase_slivers("Princeton", 1) x.decrease_slivers("Princeton", 1) if __name__=="__main__": main()