import os import base64 from collections import defaultdict from django.db.models import F, Q from planetstack.config import Config from observer.openstacksyncstep import OpenStackSyncStep from import Controller, SiteDeployment, SiteDeployment from core.models.user import User from core.models.controllerusers import ControllerUser from util.logger import Logger, logging from observer.ansible import * logger = Logger(level=logging.INFO) class SyncControllerUser(OpenStackSyncStep): provides=[ControllerUser, User] requested_interval=0 def fetch_pending(self, deleted): if (deleted): return ControllerUser.deleted_objects.all() else: return ControllerUser.objects.filter(Q(enacted__lt=F('updated')) | Q(enacted=None)) def sync_record(self, controller_user):"sync'ing user %s at controller %s" % (controller_user.user, controller_user.controller)) if not controller_user.controller.admin_user:"controller %r has no admin_user, skipping" % controller_user.controller) return template = os_template_env.get_template('sync_controller_users.yaml') # All users will have at least the 'user' role at their home site/tenant. # We must also check if the user should have the admin role roles = ['user'] if controller_user.user.is_admin: roles.append('admin') # setup user home site roles at controller if not raise Exception('Siteless user %s' else: # look up tenant id for the user's site at the controller #ctrl_site_deployments = SiteDeployment.objects.filter( #, # controller=controller_user.controller) #if ctrl_site_deployments: # # need the correct tenant id for site at the controller # tenant_id = ctrl_site_deployments[0].tenant_id # tenant_name = ctrl_site_deployments[0] user_fields = { 'endpoint':controller_user.controller.auth_url, 'name':, 'email':, 'password': controller_user.user.remote_password, 'admin_user': controller_user.controller.admin_user, 'admin_password': controller_user.controller.admin_password, 'ansible_tag':'%s@%s'%('@','-at-'),, 'admin_tenant': controller_user.controller.admin_tenant, 'roles':roles, 'tenant'} rendered = template.render(user_fields) res = run_template('sync_controller_users.yaml', user_fields,path='controller_users') # results is an array in which each element corresponds to an # "ok" string received per operation. If we get as many oks as # the number of operations we issued, that means a grand success. # Otherwise, the number of oks tell us which operation failed. expected_length = len(roles) + 1 if (len(res)==expected_length): controller_user.kuser_id = res[0]['id'] elif (len(res)): raise Exception('Could not assign roles for user %s'%user_fields['name']) else: raise Exception('Could not create or update user %s'%user_fields['name']) def delete_record(self, controller_user): if controller_user.kuser_id: driver = self.driver.admin_driver(controller=controller_user.controller) driver.delete_user(controller_user.kuser_id)