import inspect import json import os import requests import sys from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter REST_API="" USERS_API = REST_API + "users/" SLICES_API = REST_API + "slices/" SITES_API = REST_API + "sites/" SITEPRIV_API = REST_API + "site_privileges/" SLICEPRIV_API = REST_API + "slice_memberships/" SITEROLE_API = REST_API + "site_roles/" username = sys.argv[1] password = sys.argv[2] opencloud_auth=(username, password) admin_auth=("", "letmein") def fail_unless(x, msg): if not x: (frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index) = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1] print "FAIL (%s:%d)" % (function_name, line_number), msg print "downloading objects using admin" r = requests.get(USERS_API + "?no_hyperlinks=1", auth=admin_auth) allUsers = r.json() r = requests.get(SLICES_API + "?no_hyperlinks=1", auth=admin_auth) allSlices = r.json() r = requests.get(SITES_API + "?no_hyperlinks=1", auth=admin_auth) allSites = r.json() r = requests.get(SITEPRIV_API + "?no_hyperlinks=1", auth=admin_auth) allSitePriv = r.json() r = requests.get(SLICEPRIV_API + "?no_hyperlinks=1", auth=admin_auth) allSlicePriv = r.json() r = requests.get(SITEROLE_API + "?no_hyperlinks=1", auth=admin_auth) allSiteRole = r.json() def should_see_user(myself, otherUser): if myself["is_admin"]: return True if myself["id"] == otherUser["id"]: return True for sitePriv in allSitePriv: if (sitePriv["user"] == myself["id"]) and (sitePriv["site"] == otherUser["site"]): for role in allSiteRole: if role["role"]=="pi" and role["id"] == sitePriv["role"]: return True return False def flip_phone(user): if user["phone"] == "123": user["phone"] = "456" else: user["phone"] = "123" print " loaded user:%d slice:%d, site:%d, site_priv:%d slice_priv:%d" % (len(allUsers), len(allSlices), len(allSites), len(allSitePriv), len(allSlicePriv)) # get our own user record r = requests.get(USERS_API + "?email=%s&no_hyperlinks" % username, auth=opencloud_auth) fail_unless(r.status_code==200, "failed to get user %s" % username) myself = r.json() fail_unless(len(myself)==1, "wrong number of results when getting user %s" % username) myself = myself[0] # check to see that we see the users we should be able to r = requests.get(USERS_API, auth=opencloud_auth) myUsers = r.json() for user in myUsers: fail_unless(should_see_user(myself, user), "saw user %s but we shouldn't have" % user["email"]) myUsersIds = [r["id"] for r in myUsers] for user in allUsers: if should_see_user(myself, user): fail_unless(user["id"] in myUsersIds, "should have seen user %s but didnt" % user["email"]) # toggle the phone number on the users we should be able to for user in allUsers: user = requests.get(USERS_API + str(user["id"]) + "/", auth=admin_auth).json() flip_phone(user) r = requests.put(USERS_API + str(user["id"]) +"/", data=user, auth=opencloud_auth) if should_see_user(myself, user): fail_unless(r.status_code==200, "failed to change phone number on %s" % user["email"]) else: # XXX: this is failing, but for the wrong reason fail_unless(r.status_code!=200, "was able to change phone number on %s but shouldn't have" % user["email"]) for user in allUsers: user = requests.get(USERS_API + str(user["id"]) + "/", auth=admin_auth).json() user["is_staff"] = not user["is_staff"] r = requests.put(USERS_API + str(user["id"]) +"/", data=user, auth=opencloud_auth) if myself["is_admin"]: fail_unless(r.status_code==200, "failed to change is_staff on %s" % user["email"]) else: # XXX: this is failing, but for the wrong reason fail_unless(r.status_code!=200, "was able to change is_staff on %s but shouldn't have" % user["email"]) # put it back to false, in case we successfully changed it... user["is_staff"] = False r = requests.put(USERS_API + str(user["id"]) +"/", data=user, auth=opencloud_auth)