#!/bin/bash # # priority: 600 # # Configure Apache web server # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # Source function library and configuration . /etc/plc.d/functions . /etc/planetlab/plc_config # Be verbose set -x # Default locations DocumentRoot=/var/www/html php_ini=/etc/php.ini httpd_conf=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ssl_conf=/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf plc_conf=/etc/httpd/conf.d/plc.conf php_fpm_conf=/etc/php-fpm.d/plc.conf php_fpm_dir=$(dirname $php_fpm_conf) function disable_file () { file=$1; shift [ -f $file ] && mv -f $file $file.disabled } function enable_file () { file=$1; shift [ ! -f $file ] && mv -f $file.disabled $file } case "$1" in start) if [ "$PLC_API_ENABLED" != "1" -a \ "$PLC_BOOT_ENABLED" != "1" -a \ "$PLC_WWW_ENABLED" != "1" ] ; then exit 0 fi MESSAGE=$"Starting web server" dialog "$MESSAGE" # set document root - not really useful on fedora but just in case sed -i -e "s@^DocumentRoot.*@DocumentRoot \"$DocumentRoot\"@" $httpd_conf # whether WWW is enabled or not : if [ "$PLC_WWW_ENABLED" != "1" ] ; then # avoid hitting drupal, that would try to connect to the db and create noise disable_file $DocumentRoot/index.php else enable_file $DocumentRoot/index.php fi # Set the default include path include_path=".:$DocumentRoot/planetlab/includes:$DocumentRoot/plekit/php:$DocumentRoot/generated:/etc/planetlab/php:/usr/share/plc_api/php" sed -i -e "s@[;]*include_path = \"\.:.*\"@include_path = \"$include_path\"@" $php_ini # Set open_basedir so as to avoid leaks open_basedir="$DocumentRoot:/etc/planetlab/php:/usr/share/plc_api/php:/var/log/myslice:/var/tmp/bootmedium:/var/log/bm:/tmp" sed -i -e "s@[;]*open_basedir =.*@open_basedir = \"$open_basedir\"@" $php_ini # for php-5.3 under fedora12, otherwise issues tons of warning messages # Set timezone in php.ini if not already there if grep '^;date.timezone' $php_ini >& /dev/null; then dialog 'Setting PHP timezone to GMT' sed -i -e 's,^;date.timezone.*,date.timezone = GMT,' $php_ini fi if grep '^short_open_tag = Off' $php_ini >& /dev/null; then sed -i -e 's,^short_open_tag = Off,short_open_tag = On,' $php_ini fi ## patch php.ini # memory limit sed -i -e 's,^memory_limit = 32M *;,memory_limit = 80M ; patch myplc -- ,' $php_ini # log_errors : is On by default # error_log if ! grep '^error_log *=' $php_ini > /dev/null ; then sed -i -e '/^;error_log = syslog/a error_log = /var/log/php.log' $php_ini sed -i -e 's/display_errors =.*/display_errors = On/' $php_ini sed -i -e 's/display_startup_errors =.*/display_startup_errors = On/' $php_ini # create the log file and make it writable by apache touch /var/log/php.log chmod 666 /var/log/php.log fi # configure php-fpm as well if present (starting with f27) if [ -d $php_fpm_dir ] ; then cat > $php_fpm_conf << EOF [www] php_value[include_path] = $include_path php_value[open_basedir] = $open_basedir php_value[date.timezone] = GMT php_value[short_open_tag] = On php_value[memory_limit] = 80M EOF # this is needed because otherwise, the first time # we do this configuration, the service is already up # and the config is usable only the second time systemctl restart php-fpm fi # Disable default Listen directive sed -i -e '/^Listen/d' $httpd_conf plc_api_path_noslash=$(echo $PLC_API_PATH | sed -e s,/,,g) # Set the port numbers for server in WWW API BOOT ; do enabled=PLC_${server}_ENABLED if [ "${!enabled}" != "1" ] ; then continue fi hostname=PLC_${server}_HOST http_port=PLC_${server}_PORT https_port=PLC_${server}_SSL_PORT # API should always be accessed via SSL if [ "$server" = "API" ] ; then https_port=${!http_port} http_port= fi # Check if we are already listening on these ports skip_http=0 skip_https=0 for previous_server in WWW API BOOT ; do if [ "$server" = "$previous_server" ] ; then break fi previous_enabled=PLC_${previous_server}_ENABLED if [ "${!previous_enabled}" != "1" ] ; then continue fi previous_http_port=PLC_${previous_server}_PORT previous_https_port=PLC_${previous_server}_SSL_PORT if [ -z "${http_port}" ]; then skip_http=1; elif [ -z "${!http_port}" ]; then skip_http=1; elif [ "${!http_port}" = "${!previous_http_port}" ] ; then skip_http=1 fi if [ -z "${https_port}" ]; then skip_https=1 elif [ -z "${!https_port}" ]; then skip_https=1 elif [ "${!https_port}" = "${!previous_https_port}" ] ; then skip_https=1 fi done # HTTP configuration if [ $skip_http -eq 0 ] ; then cat < # Make sure that the admin web pages are always accessed via SSL Redirect /db https://$PLC_WWW_HOST:$PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT/db Redirect /planetlab https://$PLC_WWW_HOST:$PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT/planetlab # as a matter of fact most xmlrpc clients won't follow the redirection # so this is mostly rethorical, but just in case... Redirect /$plc_api_path_noslash https://$PLC_WWW_HOST:$PLC_WWW_SSL_PORT/$plc_api_path_noslash EOF fi # HTTPS configuration if [ $skip_https -eq 0 ] ; then # XXX Cannot support NameVirtualHost over SSL. If # the API, boot, and web servers are all running # on the same machine, the web server certificate # takes precedence. sed -i \ -e "s/^Listen .*/Listen ${!https_port}/" \ -e "s///" \ $ssl_conf # this is used to locate the right certificates server_lower=$(echo $server | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') # which one is used is currently configured in myplc.spec, # with mod_python preferred if rpm -q mod_python >& /dev/null ; then configure_for_mod_python=true elif rpm -q mod_wsgi >& /dev/null \ || rpm -q python2-mod_wsgi >& /dev/null \ || rpm -q python3-mod_wsgi >& /dev/null ; then configure_for_mod_wsgi=true else echo "Requires mod_python or mod_wsgi.... exiting" exit 1 fi # It would be tempting to use here # but early tests showed this could be tricky/fragile # So let's hard-wire it for one module # A lot of trial-and -error was involved in getting this that way... if [ -n "$configure_for_mod_python" ] ; then #################### for mod_python cat < SetHandler mod_python PythonPath "sys.path + ['/usr/share/plc_api']" PythonHandler apache.ModPython EOF elif [ -n "$configure_for_mod_wsgi" ] ; then #################### for mod_wsgi cat < # SSL SSLEngine On SSLCertificateFile /etc/planetlab/${server_lower}_ssl.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/planetlab/${server_lower}_ssl.key SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/planetlab/${server_lower}_ca_ssl.crt WSGIScriptAlias /$plc_api_path_noslash /usr/share/plc_api/apache/plc.wsgi # xxx would be cool to be able to tweak this through config WSGIDaemonProcess plcapi-wsgi-ssl user=apache group=apache processes=1 threads=25 WSGIProcessGroup plcapi-wsgi-ssl Options +ExecCGI $(apache_allow) EOF fi fi done >$plc_conf # Set custom Apache directives ( # could be restricted to boot boxes but harmless.. cat < $(apache_forbid) EOF fi # redirect www requests if not on the right server if [ "$PLC_WWW_ENABLED" != "1" ] ; then cat <>$plc_conf # Make alpina-logs directory writable for bootmanager log upload chown apache:apache $DocumentRoot/alpina-logs/nodes # Make the Drupal files upload directory owned by Apache mkdir -p $DocumentRoot/files chown apache:apache $DocumentRoot/files # Symlink any (real) files or directories in # /data/var/www/html/* to /var/www/html/. We could descend # into subdirectories, but the code to do so properly would be # madness. for file in /data/$DocumentRoot/* ; do if [ -e "$file" -a ! -h "$file" ] ; then base=$(basename "$file") if [ ! -e "$DocumentRoot/$base" ] ; then ln -nsf "$file" "$DocumentRoot/$base" fi fi done # Cleanup broken symlinks for file in $DocumentRoot/* ; do if [ -h "$file" -a ! -e "$file" ] ; then rm -f "$file" fi done # Old style PHP constants mkdir -p /etc/planetlab/php cat >/etc/planetlab/php/site_constants.php <<"EOF" '); define('PLANETLAB_SUPPORT_EMAIL_ONLY', PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS); ?> EOF ## make room for logs touch /var/log/plcapi.log chmod 666 /var/log/plcapi.log plc_daemon httpd check result "$MESSAGE" ;; stop) MESSAGE=$"Stopping web server" dialog "$MESSAGE" pkill -f plc_httpd check result "$MESSAGE" ;; esac exit $ERRORS