#!/bin/env python # # Helper functions that minipulate the PLC api. # # Faiyaz Ahmed # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: plc.py,v 1.6 2007/02/08 19:59:03 mef Exp $ # from emailTxt import * import xml, xmlrpclib import logging import time import config import getpass, getopt import sys logger = logging.getLogger("monitor") XMLRPC_SERVER = 'https://www2.planet-lab.org/PLCAPI/' api = xmlrpclib.Server(XMLRPC_SERVER, verbose=False, allow_none = True) auth = None def nodesDbg(argv): """Returns list of nodes in dbg as reported by PLC""" global api, auth dbgNodes = [] allnodes = api.GetNodes(auth, None, ['hostname','boot_state']) for node in allnodes: if node['boot_state'] == 'dbg': dbgNodes.append(node['hostname']) logger.info("%d nodes in debug according to PLC." %len(dbgNodes)) return dbgNodes def siteId(argv): """Returns loginbase for given nodename""" global api, auth nodename = argv[0] site_ids = api.GetNodes(auth, [nodename], ['site_id']) if len(site_ids) == 1: site_id = [site_ids[0]['site_id']] loginbase = api.GetSites (auth, site_id, ["login_base"]) return loginbase[0]['login_base'] def slices(argv): """Returns list of slices for a site.""" global api, anon, auth if len(argv) < 1: printUsage("not enough arguments; please provide loginbase") sys.exit(1) loginbase = argv[0] if auth is None: printUsage("requires admin privs") sys.exit(1) def fast(): slices = api.GetSlices (auth, {'name':"%s_*"%loginbase}) return slices def slow(): results = [] slice_ids = api.GetSites(auth,{'login_base':loginbase},['slice_ids']) if len(slice_ids)==1: slice_ids=slice_ids[0] slice_ids=slice_ids['slice_ids'] slices = api.GetSlices(auth,slice_ids,['name']) results = map(lambda x: x['name'],slices) return results return slow() def getpcu(argv): """Returns dict of PCU info of a given node.""" global api, anon, auth nodename = argv[0].lower() if auth is None: printUsage("requires admin privs") sys.exit(1) pcus = api.GetNodes(auth, [nodename], ['pcu_ids']) if len(pcus): pcus = map(lambda x: x['pcu_ids'],pcus)[0] nodepcus = api.GetPCUs(auth,pcus) else: nodepcus = [] return nodepcus def getSiteNodes(argv): """Returns all site nodes for site id (loginbase).""" global api, auth if len(argv) < 1: printUsage("not enough arguments; please provide loginbase") sys.exit(1) loginbase = argv[0] nodelist = [] site_ids = api.GetSites(auth, {'login_base': "%s" % loginbase}, ['node_ids']) if len(site_ids) == 1: node_ids = site_ids[0]['node_ids'] nodes = api.GetNodes(auth,node_ids,['hostname']) nodelist = map(lambda x: x['hostname'], nodes) elif len(site_ids) == 0: logger.info("getSiteNodes: can't find site %s" %loginbase) nodelist.sort() return nodelist def renewAllSlices (argv): """Sets the expiration date of all slices to given date""" global api, auth newexp = argv[0] # convert time string using fmt "%B %d %Y" to epoch integer try: newexp = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(newexp,"%B %d %Y"))) except ValueError, e: errormsg = """Expecting date to be in Month Day Year e.g., April 7 2007 new expiration date provided %s""" % newexp printUsage(errormsg) sys.exit(1) slices = api.GetSlices(auth) for slice in slices: name = slice['name'] exp = int(slice['expires']) olddate = time.asctime(time.localtime(exp)) slice_attributes = api.GetSliceAttributes(auth,slice['slice_attribute_ids']) for slice_attribute in slice_attributes: if slice_attribute['name'] == "enabled": print "%s is suspended" % name continue if exp < newexp: newdate = time.asctime(time.localtime(newexp)) ret = api.SliceRenew(auth,name,newexp) if ret == 0: print "failed to renew %s" %name def nodeBootState(argv): """Sets boot state of a node.""" global api, anon, auth if len(argv) < 1: printUsage("not enough arguments") sys.exit(1) if len(argv) >=1: nodename = argv[0] if len(argv) >=2: state = argv[1] if auth is None: printUsage("requires admin privs") sys.exit(1) node = api.GetNodes(auth, [nodename], ['node_id','boot_state']) if len(node) == 1: node = node[0] try: logger.info("%s boot_state=%s" %(nodename, node['boot_state'])) if len(argv) >=2 and not config.debug: logger.info("Setting node %s boot_state=%s" %(nodename, state)) node_id = node['node_id'] api.UpdateNode(auth, node_id, {'boot_state': state}) except Exception, exc: logger.info("nodeBootState: %s" % exc) else: logger.info("Cant find node %s to toggle boot state" % nodename) def nodePOD(argv): """Sends Ping Of Death to node.""" global api, auth if len(argv) < 1: printUsage("not enough arguments") sys.exit(1) nodename = argv[0] if auth is None: printUsage("requires admin privs") sys.exit(1) node = api.GetNodes(auth, [nodename], ['node_id']) if len(node) == 1: node = node[0] logger.info("Sending POD to %s" % nodename) try: if not config.debug: api.RebootNode(auth, node['node_id']) except Exception, exc: logger.info("nodePOD: %s" % exc) else: logger.info("Cant find node %s to send POD." % nodename) def suspendSlices(argv): """Freeze all site slices.""" global api, anon, auth if auth is None: printUsage("requires admin privs") sys.exit(1) if argv[0].find(".") <> -1: siteslices = slices([siteId(argv)]) else: siteslices = slices(argv) for slice in siteslices: logger.info("Suspending slice %s" % slice) try: if not config.debug: api.SliceAttributeAdd(auth, slice, "plc_slice_state", {"state" : "suspended"}) except Exception, exc: logger.info("suspendSlices: %s" % exc) def enableSlices(argv): """Enable suspended site slices.""" global api, anon, auth if auth is None: printUsage("requires admin privs") sys.exit(1) if argv[0].find(".") <> -1: siteslices = slices([siteId(argv)]) else: siteslices = slices(argv) for slice in siteslices: logger.info("unfreezing slice %s" % slice) api.SliceAttributeDelete(auth, slice, "plc_slice_state") def removeSliceCreation(argv): """Removes ability to create slices. Returns previous max_slices""" global api, anon, auth if auth is None: printUsage("requires admin privs") sys.exit(1) name = argv[0] if name.find(".") <> -1: siteid = api.AnonAdmQuerySite (anon, {"node_hostname": name}) loginbase = siteId(name) else: siteid = api.AnonAdmQuerySite (anon, {"site_loginbase": name}) loginbase = name numslices = api.AdmGetSites(auth, siteid, ["max_slices"])[0]['max_slices'] if len(siteid) == 1: logger.info("Removing slice creation for site %s" % loginbase) try: if not config.debug: api.AdmUpdateSite(auth, siteid[0], {'max_slices': 0}) return numslices except Exception, exc: logger.info("removeSliceCreation: %s" % exc) else: logger.debug("Cant find site for %s. Cannot revoke creation." % loginbase) def enableSliceCreation(argv): """QED""" global api, anon, auth if auth is None: printUsage("requires admin privs") sys.exit(1) if len(argv) < 2: printUsage("requires maxslice arg") sys.exit(1) maxslices = int(argv[1]) name = argv[0] if name.find(".") <> -1: siteid = api.AnonAdmQuerySite (anon, {"node_hostname": name}) loginbase = siteId(name) else: siteid = api.AnonAdmQuerySite (anon, {"site_loginbase": name}) loginbase = name if len(siteid) == 1: logger.info("Enabling slice creation for site %s" % loginbase) try: if not config.debug: api.AdmUpdateSite(auth, siteid[0], {"max_slices" : maxslices}) except Exception, exc: logger.info("API: %s" % exc) else: logger.debug("Cant find site for %s. Cannot enable creation." % loginbase) USAGE = """ Usage: %s [-u user] [-p password] [-r role] CMD Options: -u PLC account username -p PLC account password -r PLC account role -h This message """ % sys.argv[0] def printUsage(error = None): global funclist if error <> None: print "%s %s" %(sys.argv[0],error) print USAGE print "CMD:" for name,function in funclist: print "%20s\t%20s" % (name, function.__doc__) def main(): global api, auth, anon anon = {"AuthMethod":"anonymous"} auth = None user = None password = None role = 'admin' (opts, argv) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "u:p:r:h") if len(argv)==0: printUsage() sys.exit(1) for (opt, optval) in opts: if opt == '-u': user = optval elif opt == '-p': password = optval elif opt == '-r': role = optval elif opt == '-h': print USAGE sys.exit(0) if user <> None: if password is None: try: password = getpass.getpass() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): print( "" ) sys.exit(1) auth = {} auth['Username'] = user auth['AuthMethod'] = "password" auth['AuthString'] = password auth['Role'] = role cmd = functbl.get(argv[0], None) if cmd is None: printUsage() sys.exit(1) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('logger - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) result = cmd(argv[1:]) if result <> None: print result funclist = (("nodesDbg",nodesDbg), ("siteId", siteId), ("slices", slices), ("pcu", getpcu), ("siteNodes", getSiteNodes), ("nodeBootState", nodeBootState), ("nodePOD", nodePOD), ("freezeSlices", suspendSlices), ("unfreezeSlices", enableSlices), ("disableSliceCreation",removeSliceCreation), ("enableSliceCreation", enableSliceCreation), ("renewAllSlices", renewAllSlices)) functbl = {} for f in funclist: functbl[f[0]]=f[1] if __name__=="__main__": import reboot main()