'); class PlekitColumns { var $column_configuration = ""; var $reference_nodes = array(); var $first_time = false; var $all_headers = array(); var $this_table_headers = array(); var $visible_headers = array(); var $fix_columns = array(); var $tag_columns = array(); var $extra_columns = array(); var $comon_live_data = ""; var $tophat_live_data = ""; var $ComonData = array(); var $TopHatData = array(); var $TopHatAgents = array(); var $table_ids; var $HopCount = array(); var $RTT = array(); function PlekitColumns ($column_configuration, $fix_columns, $tag_columns, $extra_columns=NULL, $this_table_headers=NULL) { if ($column_configuration != NULL) { $this->fix_columns = $fix_columns; $this->tag_columns = $tag_columns; $this->extra_columns = $extra_columns; $this->prepare_headers(); $this->parse_configuration($column_configuration); $this->visible_headers = $this->get_visible(); } } /* INFO/HEADERS */ function prepare_headers() { foreach ($this->fix_columns as $column) { $this->all_headers[$column['header']]=array('header'=>$column['header'],'type'=>$column['type'],'tagname'=>$column['tagname'],'title'=>$column['title'], 'description'=>$column['title'], 'label'=>$column['header'], 'fixed'=>true, 'visible'=>false, 'source'=>'myplc'); } $tmp_headers = array(); if ($this->extra_columns) foreach ($this->extra_columns as $column) { $tmp_headers[$column['header']]=array('header'=>$column['header'],'type'=>$column['type'],'tagname'=>$column['tagname'],'title'=>$column['title'], 'description'=>$column['title'], 'label'=>$column['header'], 'fetched'=>$column['fetched'], 'visible'=>false, 'source'=>$column['source']); } if ($this->tag_columns) foreach ($this->tag_columns as $column) { if ($column['headerId'] != "") $headerId = $column['headerId']; else $headerId = $column['header']; $tmp_headers[$headerId]=array('header'=>$headerId,'type'=>$column['type'],'tagname'=>$column['tagname'],'title'=>$column['title'], 'description'=>$column['title'], 'label'=>$column['header'],'visible'=>false, 'source'=>'myplc'); } usort ($tmp_headers, create_function('$col1,$col2','return strcmp($col1["label"],$col2["label"]);')); foreach ($tmp_headers as $t) $this->all_headers[$t['header']] = $t; //$this->all_headers = array_merge($this->all_headers, $tmp_headers); //print($this->print_headers()); return $this->all_headers; } function get_headers() { return $this->all_headers; } function get_selected_period($label) { if ($this->all_headers[$label."w"]['visible']) return "w"; else if ($this->all_headers[$label."m"]['visible']) return "m"; else if ($this->all_headers[$label."y"]['visible']) return "y"; else if ($this->all_headers[$label]['visible']) return ""; return ""; } function node_tags() { $fetched_tags = array('node_id','hostname'); foreach ($this->all_headers as $h) { if ($h['visible'] == true && $h['tagname'] != "" && !$h['fetched'] && $h['source']=="myplc") $fetched_tags[] = $h['tagname']; } return $fetched_tags; } function print_headers() { $headers = ""; foreach ($this->all_headers as $l => $h) { $headers.="
[".$l."]=".$h['header'].":".$h['label'].":".$h['tagname'].":".$h['visible']; } return $headers; } function get_visible() { $visibleHeaders = array(); foreach ($this->all_headers as $h) { if ($h['visible'] == true) $visibleHeaders[] = $h['header']; } return $visibleHeaders; } function headerIsVisible($header_name) { $headersToShow = $this->visible_headers; if (in_array($header_name, $headersToShow)) return true; if ($this->inTypeC($header_name."w")) return (in_array($header_name."w", $headersToShow) || in_array($header_name."m", $headersToShow) || in_array($header_name."y", $headersToShow)); } /* CONFIGURATION */ function parse_configuration($column_configuration) { $this->column_configuration = $column_configuration; $columns_conf = explode("|", $column_configuration); foreach ($columns_conf as $c) { $conf = explode(":",$c); if ($conf[0] == "default") continue; if (!$this->all_headers[$conf[0]]) continue; $this->all_headers[$conf[0]]['visible']=true; if ($this->all_headers[$conf[0]]['source'] == "comon") $this->comon_live_data.=",".$this->all_headers[$conf[0]]['tagname']; if ($this->all_headers[$conf[0]]['source'] == "tophat") { if ($this->all_headers[$conf[0]]['tagname'] == 'hopcount') { $this->reference_nodes['hopcount'] = $conf[1]; //print ("ref node in configuration = ".$conf[1]); $this->all_headers[$conf[0]]['refnode']=$this->reference_nodes['hopcount']; } else if (strpos($this->all_headers[$conf[0]]['tagname'],"agents") === false) $this->tophat_live_data.=",".$this->all_headers[$conf[0]]['tagname']; //$threshold = explode(",",$conf[1]); //$this->all_headers[$conf[0]]['threshold']=$threshold; } //print_r($this->all_headers[$conf[0]]); /* else if ($this->inTypeC($conf[0])) { $threshold = explode(",",$conf[1]); $this->all_headers[$conf[0]]['threshold']=$threshold; } else if ($this->inTypeA($conf[0])) { $exclude_list = explode(",",$conf[1]); $this->all_headers[$conf[0]]['exclude_list']=$exclude_list; } */ } } /* CELLS */ function convert_data($value, $data_type) { //print "converting ".$value." as ".$data_type; if ($value == "" || $value == null || $value == "n/a" || $value == "None") return "n/a"; if ($data_type == "string") return $value; if ($data_type == "date") return date("Y-m-d", $value); if ($data_type == "uptime") return (int)((int) $value / 86400); if (is_numeric($value)) return ((int) ($value * 10))/10; return $value; } function getTopHatAgents() { $tophat_auth = array( 'AuthMethod' => 'password', 'Username' => 'guest@top-hat.info', 'AuthString' => 'guest'); $tophat_api = new TopHatAPI($tophat_auth); //print ("Requesting tophat agents..."); //print_r($r); $values = $tophat_api->Get('agents', 'latest', array('colocated.platform_name' => array('SONoMA', 'DIMES', 'ETOMIC', 'TDMI'), 'platform_name'=> 'TDMI'), array('hostname', 'colocated.peer_name', 'colocated.platform_name')); $result = array(); if ($values) foreach ($values as $t) { //print_r($t); //print("
"); $result[$t['hostname']] = ""; foreach ($t['colocated'] as $ll) { if (strpos($result[$t['hostname']]['all'],$ll['platform_name']) === false) { if ($result[$t['hostname']]['all'] != "") $result[$t['hostname']]['all'] .= ","; $result[$t['hostname']]['all'] .= $ll['platform_name']; } if ($ll['platform_name'] == 'SONoMA') { if (strpos($result[$t['hostname']]['sonoma'],$ll['peer_name']) === false) { if ($result[$t['hostname']]['sonoma'] != "") $result[$t['hostname']]['sonoma'] .= ","; $result[$t['hostname']]['sonoma'] .= $ll['peer_name']; } } if ($ll['platform_name'] == 'TDMI') { if (strpos($result[$t['hostname']]['tdmi'],$ll['peer_name']) === false) { if ($result[$t['hostname']]['tdmi'] != "") $result[$t['hostname']]['tdmi'] .= ","; $result[$t['hostname']]['tdmi'] .= $ll['peer_name']; } } } } $this->TopHatAgents = $result; //print_r($this->TopHatAgents); return $result; } function getTopHatData($data, $planetlab_nodes) { $tophat_auth = array( 'AuthMethod' => 'password', 'Username' => 'guest@top-hat.info', 'AuthString' => 'guest'); $tophat_api = new TopHatAPI($tophat_auth); $requested_data = explode(",", $data); $r = array ('hostname'); foreach ($requested_data as $rd) if ($rd) $r[] = $rd; //print ("Requesting data from TopHat ..."); //print_r($r); $values = $tophat_api->Get('ips', 'latest', array('hostname' => $planetlab_nodes), $r ); $result = array(); if ($values) foreach ($values as $t) foreach ($requested_data as $rd) if ($rd) $result[$t['hostname']][$rd] = $t[$rd]; //print_r($result); return $result; } function getTopHatRefNodes() { $tophat_auth = array( 'AuthMethod' => 'password', 'Username' => 'guest@top-hat.info', 'AuthString' => 'guest'); $tophat_api = new TopHatAPI($tophat_auth); //print "calling tophat for agents"; $agents = $tophat_api->Get('agents', 'latest', array('peer_name'=>array('PLC', 'PLE'), 'agent_status'=> 'OK'), array('hostname')); //print_r($agents); return $agents; } function getPairwise($ref_node, $planetlab_nodes, $command, $data) { $tophat_auth = array( 'AuthMethod' => 'password', 'Username' => 'guest@top-hat.info', 'AuthString' => 'guest'); $tophat_api = new TopHatAPI($tophat_auth); $traceroute = $tophat_api->Get($command, 'latest', array('src_hostname' => $ref_node, 'dst_hostname' => $planetlab_nodes), array('dst_hostname', $data) ); print "Got result: ".$traceroute; $hopcount = array(); if ($traceroute) { foreach ($traceroute as $t) { $hopcount[$t['dst_hostname']]=$t[$data]; //print " current: ".$t['dst_hostname'].":".$t['hop_count']; } return $hopcount; } else return ""; } function comon_query_nodes($requested_data) { $base_url = "http://comon.cs.princeton.edu/status/tabulator.cgi?table=table_nodeviewshort&format=formatcsv&dumpcols='name"; $url = $base_url.$requested_data."'"; //print ("Retrieving comon data for url ".$url); $sPattern = '\', \''; $sReplace = '|'; $str=file_get_contents($url); if ($str === false) return ''; $result=preg_replace( $sPattern, $sReplace, $str ); $sPattern = '/\s+/'; $sReplace = ';'; $result=preg_replace( $sPattern, $sReplace, $result ); $comon_data = explode(";", $result); $cl = array(); $comon_values = array(); foreach ($comon_data as $cd) { $cc = explode("|", $cd); if ($cc[0] == "name") { $cl = $cc; } $comon_values[$cc[0]] = array(); $cindex=1; foreach ($cl as $cltag) { if ($cltag != "name") $comon_values[$cc[0]][$cltag] = $cc[$cindex++]; } } return $comon_values; } //Depending on the columns selected more data might need to be fetched from //external sources function fetch_live_data($all_nodes) { //print("

fetching live data

"); //comon data if ($this->comon_live_data != "") { //print ("live data to be fetched =".$this->comon_live_data); $this->ComonData= $this->comon_query_nodes($this->comon_live_data); //print_r($this->ComonData); } //TopHat per_node data if ($this->tophat_live_data != "") { $dd = array(); if ($all_nodes) foreach ($all_nodes as $n) $dd[] = $n['hostname']; //print("Calling tophat api for ".$this->tophat_live_data); $st = time() + microtime(); $this->TopHatData = $this->getTopHatData($this->tophat_live_data, $dd); //printf(" (%.2f ms)
", (time() + microtime()-$st)*100); //print_r($this->TopHatData); } //TopHat pairwise data $this->HopCount = ""; $this->RTT = ""; if ($this->reference_nodes != "") { //print_r($this->reference_nodes); $dd = array(); if ($all_nodes) foreach ($all_nodes as $n) $dd[] = $n['hostname']; $st = time() + microtime(); if ($this->headerIsVisible("HC")) { print("[NEW] Calling tophat api for HopCount with reference node = ".$this->reference_nodes['hopcount']); $this->HopCount = $this->getPairwise($this->reference_nodes['hopcount'], $dd, 'traceroute', 'hop_count'); } else if ($this->headerIsVisible("RTT")) { print("[NEW] Calling tophat api for RTT with reference node = ".$this->reference_nodes['rtt']); $this->RTT = $this->getPairwise($this->reference_nodes['rtt'], $dd, 'rtt','rtt'); } //printf(" (%.2f ms)
", (time() + microtime()-$st)*100); print_r($this->HopCount); } } function excludeItems($value, $exclude_list, $hh) { if ($value == "") $value = "n/a"; if ($exclude_list) if (in_array($value, $exclude_list)) return array($value, array('name'=>$hh, 'display'=>'table-cell')); else return array($value, array('name'=>$hh, 'display'=>'table-cell')); return array($value, array('name'=>$hh, 'display'=>'table-cell')); } function checkThreshold($value, $threshold, $hh) { if ($value == "") return array("n/a", array('name'=>$hh, 'display'=>'table-cell')); if ($threshold) if ((float) $value >= (float) $threshold[0] && (float) $value <= (float) $threshold[1]) return array(round($value,1), array('name'=>$hh, 'display'=>'table-cell')); else return array(round($value,1), array('name'=>$hh, 'display'=>'table-cell')); return array(round($value,1), array('name'=>$hh, 'display'=>'table-cell')); } function cells($table, $node) { //$node_string = ""; foreach ($this->all_headers as $h) { if (!$h['fixed']) { if ($h['visible'] != "") { /* if ($this->inTypeB($h['header'])) { $value = $node[$h['tagname']]; $v = $this->checkThreshold($value, $h['threshold'], $h['header']); $table->cell($v[0],$v[1]); } else if ($this->inTypeA($h['header'])) { $value = $node[$h['tagname']]; $v = $this->excludeItems($value, $h['exclude_list'], $h['header']); $table->cell($v[0],$v[1]); } */ if ($h['source'] == "comon") { //print("
Searching for ".$h['tagname']."at ".$node); if ($this->ComonData != "") $value = $this->convert_data($this->ComonData[$node['hostname']][$h['tagname']], $h['tagname']); else $value = "n/a"; $table->cell($value,array('name'=>$h['header'], 'display'=>'table-cell')); //$node_string.= "\"".$value."\","; } else if ($h['source'] == "tophat") { //print("
Searching for ".$h['tagname']."at ".$node); if ($h['tagname'] == "hopcount") { //print "value = ".$this->HopCount[$node['hostname']]; //$value = "hc"; if ($this->HopCount != "") $value = $this->HopCount[$node['hostname']]; else $value = "n/a"; } else if ($h['tagname'] == "rtt") { if ($this->RTT != "") if ($this->RTT[$node['hostname']] != "") $value = $this->RTT[$node['hostname']]; else $value = "n/a"; else $value = "n/a"; } else if ($h['tagname'] == "agents") { if ($this->TopHatAgents != "") if ($this->TopHatAgents[$node['hostname']] != "") $value = $this->TopHatAgents[$node['hostname']]['all']; else $value = "n/a"; else $value = "n/a"; } else if ($h['tagname'] == "agents_tdmi") { if ($this->TopHatAgents != "") if ($this->TopHatAgents[$node['hostname']] != "") $value = $this->TopHatAgents[$node['hostname']]['tdmi']; else $value = "n/a"; else $value = "n/a"; } else if ($h['tagname'] == "agents_sonoma") { if ($this->TopHatAgents != "") if ($this->TopHatAgents[$node['hostname']] != "") $value = $this->TopHatAgents[$node['hostname']]['sonoma']; else $value = "n/a"; else $value = "n/a"; } else { if ($this->TopHatData != "") $value = $this->convert_data($this->TopHatData[$node['hostname']][$h['tagname']], $h['type']); else $value = "n/a"; } $table->cell($value,array('name'=>$h['header'], 'display'=>'table-cell')); //$node_string.= "\"".$value."\","; } else { //$value = $node[$h['tagname']]; $value = $this->convert_data($node[$h['tagname']], $h['type']); $table->cell($value,array('name'=>$h['header'], 'display'=>'table-cell')); //$node_string.= "\"".$value."\","; } } else if ($node[$h['tagname']]) { $value = $this->convert_data($node[$h['tagname']], $h['type']); $table->cell($value, array('name'=>$h['header'], 'display'=>'none')); } else $table->cell("n/a", array('name'=>$h['header'], 'display'=>'none')); } } //return $node_string; } /* HTML */ function javascript_init() { $refnodes = $this->getTopHatRefNodes(); //$tophat_agents = $this->getTopHatAgents(); $ref_nodes = ""; foreach ($refnodes as $r) { if ($r['hostname'] == $this->reference_nodes['hopcount']) $selected = "selected=selected"; else $selected = ""; $ref_nodes = $ref_nodes.""; } print(""); print(""); } function quickselect_html() { $quickselection = ""; return $quickselection; } function configuration_panel_html($showDescription) { if ($showDescription) $table_width = 700; else $table_width = 350; print(""); print(""); if ($showDescription) print(""); print(""); if ($showDescription) { print(""); } print(""); //print(""); //print(" "); //print(" "); if ($showDescription) print(""); print("
Add/remove columnsColumn description and configuration
"); print('
'); print (""); $prev_label=""; $optionclass = "out"; foreach ($this->all_headers as $h) { if ($h['header'] == "hostname" || $h['header'] == "ID") continue; if ($h['fixed']) $disabled = "disabled=true"; else $disabled = ""; if ($this->headerIsVisible($h['label'])) { $selected = "checked=true"; $fetch = "true"; //print("header ".$h['label']." checked!"); } else { $selected = ""; if ($h['fetched']) $fetch = "true"; else $fetch = "false"; } print(""); if ($prev_label == $h['label']) continue; $prev_label = $h['label']; $period = $this->get_selected_period($h['label']); // print (""); } print("
".$h['label']."  ".$h['title']."    
"); print("
"); //print(""); //print(""); //print(""); //print("
"); } function column_filter () { echo <<< EOF Highlight

EOF; } function column_html ($colHeader, $colName, $colId, $fulldesc, $visible) { if ($visible) $display = 'display:table-cell'; else $display = 'color:red;display:none'; return "

"; } function column_fix_html ($colHeader, $colName, $colId) { $display = 'display:table-cell'; $res=""; $res.= "
"; return $res; } function graph_html($colHeader) { return "

Show details on mouse over"; } function threshold_html($colHeader) { $updatecall = "updateColumnThreshold('".$colHeader."',window.document.getElementById('min".$colHeader."').value,window.document.getElementById('max".$colHeader."').value);"; $bubble="Grey-out values between (low) and (high)  "; return $bublle; } /* UTILS */ //simple strings function inTypeA($header_name) { $typeA = array('ST','SN','RES','OS','NRR','NTP','NSR','NSF','NDS','NTH','NEC','LRN','LCY','LPR','LCN','LAT','LON','IP','ASN','AST'); return in_array($header_name, $typeA); } //integers function inTypeB($header_name) { $typeB = array('BW','DS','MS','CC','CR','AS','DU','CN'); return in_array($header_name, $typeB); } //statistical values function inTypeC($header_name) { $typeC = array('Rw','Rm','Ry','Lw','Lm','Ly','Sw','Sm','Sy','CFw','CFm','CFy','BUw','BUm','BUy','MUw','MUm','MUy','SSHw','SSHm','SSHy'); return in_array($header_name, $typeC); } //tophat function inTypeD($header_name) { $typeD = array('HC'); return in_array($header_name, $typeD); } function removeDuration($header) { if ($this->inTypeC($header)) return substr($header, 0, strlen($header)-1); else return $header; } } ?>