'); //////////////////////////////////////// // table_id: 's id tag - WARNING : do not use '-' in table ids as it's used for generating javascript code // headers: an associative array; the values can take several forms // simple/legacy form is "label"=>"type" // more advanced form is "label"=>options, it self a dict with the following known keys // (*) 'type': the type for sorting; this is passed to the javascript layer for custom sorting // default is to use 'text', custom sort functions can be specified with e.g. 'type'=>'sortAlphaNumericBottom' // a special case is for type to be 'date-format' like e.g. 'type'=>'date-dmy' // setting type to 'none' gives an non-sortable column // (*) 'title': if set, this is used in the "Sort on ``''" bubble // sort_column: the column to sort on at load-time - set to negative number for no onload- sorting // options : an associative array to override options // - bullets1 : set to true if you want decorative bullets in column 1 (need white background) // - stripes : use diferent colors for odd and even rows // - caption : a caption for the table -- never used I'm afraid // - search_area : boolean (default true) // - pagesize_area : boolean (default true) // - notes_area : boolean (default true) // - search_width : size in chars of the search text dialog // - pagesize: the initial pagination size // - pagesize_def: the page size when one clicks the pagesize reset button // - max_pages: the max number of pages to display in the paginator // - notes : an array of additional notes // - debug: enables debug callbacks (prints out on console.log) class PlekitTable2 { // mandatory var $table_id; var $headers; var $sort_column; // options var $bullets1; // boolean - default false - display decorative bullets in column 1 var $stripes; // boolean - default true - use different colors for odd and even rows var $caption; // string - never used so far var $search_area; // boolean (default true) var $pagesize_area; // boolean (default true) var $notes_area; // boolean (default true) var $search_width; // size in chars of the search text dialog var $pagesize; // the initial pagination size var $pagesize_def; // the page size when one clicks the pagesize reset button var $max_pages; // the max number of pages to display in the paginator var $notes; // an array of additional notes var $debug; // set to true for enabling various log messages on console.log var $headersToShow; // internal var $has_tfoot; function PlekitTable2 ($table_id,$headers,$sort_column,$headersToShow=NULL,$options=NULL) { $this->table_id = $table_id; $this->headers = $headers; $this->sort_column = $sort_column; $this->bullets1 = true; $this->stripes=true; $this->caption=''; $this->search_area = true; $this->pagesize_area = true; $this->notes_area = true; $this->search_width = 40; $this->pagesize = 25; $this->pagesize_def = 9999; $this->max_pages = 10; $this->notes = array(); $this->debug = false; $this->set_options ($options); //$this->headersToShow=array(); $this->headersToShow = $headersToShow; // internal $this->has_tfoot=false; //print_r ($this->headersToShow); } function set_options ($options) { if ( ! $options) return; if (array_key_exists('bullets1',$options)) $this->bullets1=$options['bullets1']; if (array_key_exists('stripes',$options)) $this->stripes=$options['stripes']; if (array_key_exists('caption',$options)) $this->caption=$options['caption']; if (array_key_exists('search_area',$options)) $this->search_area=$options['search_area']; if (array_key_exists('pagesize_area',$options)) $this->pagesize_area=$options['pagesize_area']; if (array_key_exists('notes_area',$options)) $this->notes_area=$options['notes_area']; if (array_key_exists('search_width',$options)) $this->search_width=$options['search_width']; if (array_key_exists('pagesize',$options)) $this->pagesize=$options['pagesize']; if (array_key_exists('pagesize_def',$options)) $this->pagesize_def=$options['pagesize_def']; if (array_key_exists('max_pages',$options)) $this->max_pages=$options['max_pages']; if (array_key_exists('notes',$options)) $this->notes=array_merge($this->notes,$options['notes']); if (array_key_exists('debug',$options)) $this->debug=$options['debug']; } public function columns () { return count ($this->headers); } //////////////////// public function start () { $paginator=$this->table_id."_paginator"; $classname="paginationcallback-".$paginator; $classname.=" max-pages-" . $this->max_pages; $classname.=" paginate-" . $this->pagesize; if ($this->bullets1) { $classname .= " bullets1"; } if ($this->stripes) { $classname .= " rowstyle-alt"; } if ($this->sort_column >= 0) { $classname .= " sortable-onload-$this->sort_column"; } // instantiate paginator callback print "<script type='text/javascript'> function $paginator (opts) { plekit_table_paginator (opts,'$this->table_id'); } </script>\n"; // instantiate debug hooks if needed if ($this->debug) { $cb_init = $this->table_id."_init"; print "<script type='text/javascript'> function $cb_init () { plc_message ('sorting table $this->table_id'); } </script>\n"; $classname .= " sortinitiatedcallback-$cb_init"; $cb_comp = $this->table_id."_comp"; print "<script type='text/javascript'> function $cb_comp () { plc_message ('table $this->table_id sorted'); } </script>\n"; $classname .= " sortcompletecallback-$cb_comp"; } // start actual table print "<table id='$this->table_id' class='plekit_table colstyle-alt no-arrow $classname'><thead>\n"; if ($this->pagesize_area) print $this->pagesize_area_html (); if ($this->search_area) print $this->search_area_html (); if ($this->caption) print "<caption> $this->caption </caption>"; print "<tr>"; //panos: hidden column for the node_id print ("<th class=\"plekit_table\" name=\"nid\" style=\"display:none\">nid</th>\n"); ////DON'T FORGET! foreach ($this->headers as $hkey => $colspec) { //print $label; // which form is being used if (is_array($colspec)) { $type=$colspec['type']; $title=$colspec['title']; //panos some additional attributes $visible=$colspec['visible']; $header = $colspec['header']; $label=$colspec['label']; } else { // simple/legacy form $type=$colspec; $title=NULL; $visible = true; $label=$hkey; $header=$hkey; } switch ($type) { case "none" : $class=""; break; case "string": case "int": case "float": $class="sortable"; break; case ( strpos($type,"date-") == 0): $class="sortable-" . $type; break; default: $class="sortable-sort" . $type; break; } $title_part=$title ? "title=\"$title\"" : ""; if ($visible) print ("<th class=\"$class plekit_table\" $title_part name=\"$header\" style=\"display:table-cell\">".$label."</th>\n"); else print ("<th class=\"$class plekit_table\" $title_part name=\"$header\" style=\"display:none\">".$label."</th>\n"); } print "</tr></thead><tbody>"; } //////////////////// // for convenience, the options that apply to the bottom area can be passed here // typically notes will add up to the ones provided so far, and to the default ones // xxx default should be used only if applicable function end ($options=NULL) { $this->set_options($options); print $this->bottom_html(); if ($this->notes_area) print $this->notes_area_html(); } //////////////////// function pagesize_area_html () { $width=count($this->headers); $pagesize_text_id = $this->table_id . "_pagesize"; $result= <<< EOF <tr class='pagesize_area'><td class='pagesize_area' colspan='$width'> <form class='pagesize' action='satisfy_xhtml_validator'><fieldset> <input class='pagesize_input' type='text' id="$pagesize_text_id" value='$this->pagesize' onkeyup='plekit_pagesize_set("$this->table_id","$pagesize_text_id", $this->pagesize);' size='3' maxlength='4' /> <label class='pagesize_label'> items/page </label> <img class='reset' src="/planetlab/icons/clear.png" alt="reset visible size" onmousedown='plekit_pagesize_reset("$this->table_id","$pagesize_text_id",$this->pagesize_def);' /> </fieldset></form></td></tr> EOF; return $result; } //////////////////// function search_area_html () { $width=count($this->headers); $search_text_id = $this->table_id . "_search"; $search_reset_id = $this->table_id . "_search_reset"; $search_and_id = $this->table_id . "_search_and"; $result = <<< EOF <tr class='search_area'><td class='search_area' colspan='$width'> <div class='search'><fieldset> <label class='search_label'> Search </label> <input class='search_input' type='text' id='$search_text_id' onkeyup='plekit_table_filter("$this->table_id","$search_text_id","$search_and_id");' size='$this->search_width' maxlength='256' /> <label>and</label> <input id='$search_and_id' class='search_and' type='checkbox' checked='checked' onchange='plekit_table_filter("$this->table_id","$search_text_id","$search_and_id");' /> <img class='reset' src="/planetlab/icons/clear.png" alt="reset search" onmousedown='plekit_table_filter_reset("$this->table_id","$search_text_id","$search_and_id");' /> </fieldset></div></td></tr> EOF; return $result; } //////////////////// start a <tfoot> section function tfoot_start () { print $this->tfoot_start_html(); } function tfoot_start_html () { $this->has_tfoot=true; return "</tbody><tfoot>"; } //////////////////////////////////////// function bottom_html () { $result=""; if ($this->has_tfoot) $result .= "</tfoot>"; else $result .= "</tbody>"; $result .= "</table>\n"; return $result; } //////////////////////////////////////// function notes_area_html () { // $search_notes = // array("Enter & or | in the search area to switch between <span class='bold'>AND</span> and <span class='bold'>OR</span> search modes"); // $sort_notes = // array ("Hold down the shift key to select multiple columns to sort"); if ($this->notes) $notes=$this->notes; else $notes=array(); // $notes=array_merge($notes,$sort_notes); // if ($this->search_area) // $notes=array_merge($notes,$search_notes); if (! $notes) return ""; $result = ""; // $result .= "<p class='table_note'> <span class='table_note_title'>Notes</span>\n"; // foreach ($notes as $note) // $result .= "<br/><div id='test' style=\"display:none; width:160px; height:80px; background:#ccc;\">$note</div>"; // $result .= "</p>"; return $result; } //////////////////////////////////////// function row_start ($id=NULL,$class=NULL) { print "<tr"; if ( $id) print (" id=\"$id\""); if ( $class) print (" class=\"$class\""); print ">\n"; } function row_end () { print "</tr>\n"; } //////////////////// // supported options: // (*) only-if : if set and false, then print 'n/a' instead of (presumably void) $text // (*) class // (*) columns // (*) hfill // (*) align public function cell ($text,$options=NULL) { print $this->cell_html ($text,$options); } public function cell_html ($text,$options=NULL) { if (isset ($options['only-if']) && ! $options['only-if'] ) $text="n/a"; $html=""; $html .= "<td"; $option=$options['class']; if ($option) $html .= " class='$option'"; $option=$options['columns'];if ($option) $html .= " colspan='$option'"; $option=$options['hfill']; if ($option) $html .= " colspan='" . $this->columns() . "'"; $option=$options['align']; if ($option) $html .= " style='text-align:$option'"; $option=$options['color']; if ($option) $html .= " style='color:$option'"; $option=$options['display']; if ($option) $html .= " style='display: $option'"; $option=$options['name']; if ($option) $html .= " name='$option'"; $html .= ">$text</td>"; return $html; } } ?>