# $Id$ # $URL$ """Codemux configurator. Monitors slice attributes and configures CoDemux to mux port 80 based on HOST field in HTTP request. Forwards to localhost port belonging to configured slice.""" import logger import os import vserver from sets import Set from config import Config CODEMUXCONF="/etc/codemux/codemux.conf" def start(options, config): pass def GetSlivers(data, plc = None, config = None): """ For each sliver with the codemux attribute, parse out "host,port" and make entry in conf. Restart service after. """ if 'OVERRIDES' in dir(config): if config.OVERRIDES.get('codemux') == '-1': logger.log("codemux: Disabled", 2) stopService() return logger.log("codemux: Starting.", 2) # slices already in conf slicesinconf = parseConf() # slices that need to be written to the conf codemuxslices = {} # XXX Hack for planetflow if slicesinconf.has_key("root"): _writeconf = False else: _writeconf = True # Parse attributes and update dict of scripts for sliver in data['slivers']: for attribute in sliver['attributes']: if attribute['tagname'] == 'codemux': # add to conf. Attribute is [host, port] params = {'host': attribute['value'].split(",")[0], 'port': attribute['value'].split(",")[1]} try: # Check to see if sliver is running. If not, continue if vserver.VServer(sliver['name']).is_running(): # Check if new or needs updating if (sliver['name'] not in slicesinconf.keys()) \ or (params not in slicesinconf.get(sliver['name'], [])): logger.log("codemux: Updaiting slice %s using %s" % \ (sliver['name'], params['host'])) # Toggle write. _writeconf = True # Add to dict of codemuxslices. Make list to support more than one # codemuxed host per slice. codemuxslices.setdefault(sliver['name'],[]) codemuxslices[sliver['name']].append(params) except: logger.log("codemux: sliver %s not running yet. Deferring."\ % sliver['name']) pass # Remove slices from conf that no longer have the attribute for deadslice in Set(slicesinconf.keys()) - Set(codemuxslices.keys()): # XXX Hack for root slice if deadslice != "root": logger.log("codemux: Removing %s" % deadslice) _writeconf = True if _writeconf: writeConf(sortDomains(codemuxslices)) # ensure the service is running startService() def writeConf(slivers, conf = CODEMUXCONF): '''Write conf with default entry up top. Elements in [] should have lower order domain names first. Restart service.''' f = open(conf, "w") # This needs to be the first entry... try: f.write("* root 1080 %s\n" % Config().PLC_PLANETFLOW_HOST) except AttributeError: logger.log("codemux: Can't find PLC_CONFIG_HOST in config. Using PLC_API_HOST") f.write("* root 1080 %s\n" % Config().PLC_API_HOST) # Sort items for like domains for mapping in slivers: for (host, params) in mapping.iteritems(): if params['slice'] == "root": continue f.write("%s %s %s\n" % (host, params['slice'], params['port'])) f.truncate() f.close() try: restartService() except: logger.log_exc() def sortDomains(slivers): '''Given a dict of {slice: {domainname, port}}, return array of slivers with lower order domains first''' dnames = {} # {host: slice} for (slice, params) in slivers.iteritems(): for mapping in params: dnames[mapping['host']] = {"slice":slice, "port": mapping['port']} hosts = dnames.keys() # sort by length hosts.sort(key=str.__len__) # longer first hosts.reverse() # make list of slivers sortedslices = [] for host in hosts: sortedslices.append({host: dnames[host]}) return sortedslices def parseConf(conf = CODEMUXCONF): '''Parse the CODEMUXCONF and return dict of slices in conf. {slice: (host,port)}''' slicesinconf = {} # default try: f = open(conf) for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith("#") \ or (len(line.split()) > 4) \ or (len(line.split()) < 3): continue (host, slice, port) = line.split()[:3] logger.log("codemux: found %s in conf" % slice, 2) slicesinconf.setdefault(slice, []) slicesinconf[slice].append({"host": host, "port": port}) f.close() except IOError: logger.log_exc() return slicesinconf def isRunning(): if len(os.popen("pidof codemux").readline().rstrip("\n")) > 0: return True else: return False def restartService(): logger.log("codemux: Restarting codemux service") if isRunning(): logger.log_call("/etc/init.d/codemux","condrestart") else: logger.log_call("/etc/init.d/codemux","restart") def startService(): if not isRunning(): logger.log("codemux: Starting codemux service") logger.log_call("/etc/init.d/codemux", "start") def stopService(): if isRunning(): logger.log("codemux: Stopping codemux service") logger.log_call("/etc/init.d/codemux", "stop")