from unfold.plugin import Plugin class QueryTable (Plugin): """A plugin for displaying a query as a list More accurately, we consider a subject entity (say, a slice) that can be linked to any number of related entities (say, resources, or users) The 'query' argument will correspond to the subject, while 'query_all' will fetch the complete list of possible candidates for the relationship. Current implementation makes the following assumptions * query will only retrieve for the related items a list of fields that corresponds to the initial set of fields displayed in the table * query_all on the contrary is expected to return the complete set of available attributes that may be of interest, so that using a QueryEditor one can easily extend this table without having to query the backend * checkboxes is a boolean flag, set to true if a rightmost column with checkboxes is desired * optionally pass columns as the initial set of columns if None then this is taken from the query's fields * id_key is the name of a column used internally in the plugin for checkboxes management. Caller should specify a column that is present in the fields returned by 'query' and that has unique values. If not specified, metadata will be used to find out a primary key. However in the case of nodes & slice for example, the default key as returned by the metadata would be 'urn', but it is not necessarily a good idea to show urn's initially - if at all. This is why a slice view would use 'hrn' here instead. * datatables_options are passed to dataTables as-is; however please refrain from passing an 'aoColumns' as we use 'aoColumnDefs' instead. """ def __init__ (self, query=None, query_all=None, checkboxes=False, columns=None, id_key=None, datatables_options={}, **settings): Plugin.__init__ (self, **settings) self.query = query # Until we have a proper way to access queries in Python self.query_all = query_all self.query_all_uuid = query_all.query_uuid if query_all else None self.checkboxes = checkboxes # XXX We need to have some hidden columns until we properly handle dynamic queries if columns is not None: self.columns=columns self.hidden_columns = [] elif self.query: self.columns = self.query.fields if query_all: # We need a list because sets are not JSON-serializable self.hidden_columns = list(self.query_all.fields - self.query.fields) else: self.hidden_columns = [] else: self.columns = [] self.hidden_columns = [] # needs to be json-serializable, and sets are not self.columns=list(self.columns) self.id_key=id_key self.datatables_options=datatables_options # if checkboxes were required, we tell datatables about this column's type # so that sorting can take place on a selected-first basis (or -last of course) # this relies on the template exposing the checkboxes 'th' with class 'checkbox' if self.checkboxes: # we use aoColumnDefs rather than aoColumns -- ignore user-provided aoColumns if 'aoColumns' in self.datatables_options: print 'WARNING: querytable uses aoColumnDefs, your aoColumns spec. is discarded' del self.datatables_options['aoColumns'] # set aoColumnDefs in datatables_options - might already have stuff in there aoColumnDefs = self.datatables_options.setdefault ('aoColumnDefs',[]) # here 'checkbox' is the class that we give to the dom elem # dom-checkbox is a sorting type that we define in querytable.js aoColumnDefs.append ( {'aTargets': ['checkbox'], 'sSortDataType': 'dom-checkbox' } ) def template_file (self): return "querytable.html" def template_env (self, request): env={} env.update(self.__dict__) env['columns']=self.columns return env def requirements (self): reqs = { 'js_files' : [ "js/spin.presets.js", "js/spin.min.js", "js/jquery.spin.js", "", "", "", "", "", "", # "js/dataTables.js", "js/dataTables.bootstrap.js", "js/with-datatables.js", "js/manifold.js", "js/manifold-query.js", "js/unfold-helper.js", # querytable.js needs to be loaded after dataTables.js as it extends # dataTableExt.afnSortData "js/querytable.js", ] , 'css_files': [ # "css/dataTables.bootstrap.css", # hopefully temporary, when/if datatables supports sPaginationType=bootstrap3 # for now we use full_numbers, with our own ad hoc css # "css/dataTables.full_numbers.css", "css/querytable.css" , "", # "", # "", ], } return reqs # the list of things passed to the js plugin def json_settings_list (self): return ['plugin_uuid', 'domid', 'query_uuid', 'query_all_uuid', 'checkboxes', 'datatables_options', 'columns','hidden_columns', 'id_key',]