#!/usr/bin/python -tt # vim:set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: # # $Id$ # $URL$ # # NodeManager plugin to support mapping unused raw disks into a slice # that has the rawdisk sliver tag """ Raw disk support for NodeManager. Copies all unused devices into slices with the rawdisk attribute set. """ import errno import os import time import re import logger import tools def start(options, config): logger.log("rawdisk plugin starting up...") def get_unused_devices(): devices = [] if os.path.exists("/dev/mapper/planetlab-rawdisk"): devices.append("/dev/mapper/planetlab-rawdisk") # Figure out which partitions are part of the VG in_vg = [] for i in os.listdir("/sys/block"): if not i.startswith("dm-"): continue in_vg.extend(os.listdir("/sys/block/%s/slaves" % i)) # Read the list of partitions partitions = file("/proc/partitions", "r") pat = re.compile("\s+") while True: buf = partitions.readline() if buf == "": break buf = buf.strip() fields = re.split(pat, buf) dev = fields[-1] if not dev.startswith("dm-") and dev.endswith("1") and dev not in in_vg: devices.append("/dev/%s" % dev) partitions.close() return devices def GetSlivers(data, config=None, plc=None): if 'slivers' not in data: logger.log("sliverauth: getslivers data lack's sliver information. IGNORING!") return devices = get_unused_devices() for sliver in data['slivers']: for attribute in sliver['attributes']: name = attribute.get('tagname',attribute.get('name','')) if name == 'rawdisk': for i in devices: st = os.stat(i) path = "/vservers/%s%s" % (sliver['name'], i) if os.path.exists(path): # should check whether its the proper type of device continue logger.log("Copying %s to %s" % (i, path)) try: if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path) except: pass os.mknod(path, st.st_mode, st.st_rdev)