# $Id$ # $URL$ """ vsys sub-configurator. Maintains configuration parameters associated with vsys scripts. All slice attributes with the prefix vsys_ are written into configuration files on the node for the reference of vsys scripts. """ import logger import os from sets import Set VSYS_PRIV_DIR = "/etc/planetlab/vsys-attributes" def start(options, conf): logger.log("vsys_privs plugin v0.1") if (not os.path.exists(VSYS_PRIV_DIR)): os.makedirs(VSYS_PRIV_DIR) logger.log("Created vsys attributes dir") def GetSlivers(data, config=None, plc=None): if 'slivers' not in data: logger.log_missing_data("vsys_privs.GetSlivers",'slivers') return privs = {} # Parse attributes and update dict of scripts if 'slivers' not in data: logger.log_missing_data("vsys_privs.GetSlivers",'slivers') return for sliver in data['slivers']: slice = sliver['name'] for attribute in sliver['attributes']: tag = attribute['tagname'] value = attribute['value'] if tag.startswith('vsys_'): if (privs.has_key(slice)): slice_priv = privs[slice] if (slice_priv.has_key(tag)): slice_priv[tag].append(value) else: slice_priv[tag]=[value] privs[slice] = slice_priv else: privs[slice] = {tag:[value]} cur_privs = read_privs() write_privs(cur_privs, privs) def read_privs(): cur_privs={} priv_finder = os.walk(VSYS_PRIV_DIR) priv_find = [i for i in priv_finder] (rootdir,slices,foo) = priv_find[0] for slice in slices: cur_privs[slice]={} if (len(priv_find)>1): for (slicedir,bar,tagnames) in priv_find[1:]: if (bar != []): # The depth of the vsys-privileges directory = 1 pass for tagname in tagnames: tagfile = os.path.join(slicedir,tagname) values_n = file(tagfile).readlines() values = map(lambda s:s.rstrip(),values_n) slice = os.path.basename(slicedir) cur_privs[slice][tagname]=values return cur_privs def write_privs(cur_privs,privs): for slice in privs.keys(): variables = privs[slice] slice_dir = os.path.join(VSYS_PRIV_DIR,slice) if (not os.path.exists(slice_dir)): os.mkdir(slice_dir) # Add values that do not exist for k in variables.keys(): v = variables[k] if (cur_privs.has_key(slice) and cur_privs[slice].has_key(k) and cur_privs[slice][k] == v): # The binding has not changed pass else: v_file = os.path.join(slice_dir, k) f = open(v_file,'w') data = '\n'.join(v) f.write(data) f.close() logger.log("Added vsys attribute %s for %s"%(k,slice)) # Remove files and directories # that are invalid for slice in cur_privs.keys(): variables = cur_privs[slice] slice_dir = os.path.join(VSYS_PRIV_DIR,slice) # Add values that do not exist for k in variables.keys(): if (privs.has_key(slice) and cur_privs[slice].has_key(k)): # ok, spare this tag print "Sparing %s, %s "%(slice,k) else: v_file = os.path.join(slice_dir, k) os.remove(v_file) if (not privs.has_key(slice)): os.rmdir(slice_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": test_slivers = {'slivers':[ {'name':'foo','attributes':[ {'tagname':'vsys_m','value':'2'}, {'tagname':'vsys_m','value':'3'}, {'tagname':'vsys_m','value':'4'} ]}, {'name':'bar','attributes':[ #{'tagname':'vsys_x','value':'z'} ]} ]} start(None,None) GetSlivers(test_slivers)