import json import time import re from django.shortcuts import render from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from manifold.core.query import Query from manifoldapi.manifoldapi import execute_admin_query, execute_query from unfold.loginrequired import LoginRequiredAutoLogoutView from portal.actions import create_pending_project, create_pending_join, sfa_add_authority, authority_add_pis, is_pi from portal.models import PendingProject, PendingJoin from myslice.theme import ThemeView from myslice.settings import logger class ProjectRequestView(LoginRequiredAutoLogoutView, ThemeView): template_name = 'projectrequest_view.html' def getAuthorities(self, request): if theme.theme == 'fed4fire': authorities_query = Query.get('myslice:authority').select('name', 'authority_hrn') else: authorities_query = Query.get('authority').select('name', 'authority_hrn') authorities = execute_admin_query(request, authorities_query) if authorities is not None: # Remove the root authority from the list matching = [s for s in authorities if "." in s['authority_hrn']] authorities = sorted(matching, key=lambda k: k['authority_hrn']) authorities = sorted(matching, key=lambda k: k['name']) return authorities def getUserAuthority(self, request): # Get user_email (XXX Would deserve to be simplified) user_query = Query().get('local:user').select('email','config') user_details = execute_query(request, user_query) for user_detail in user_details: user_config = json.loads(user_detail['config']) user_authority = user_config.get('authority','N/A') return user_authority def getUserHrn(self, request): user_hrn = None account_query = Query().get('local:account').select('user_id','platform_id','auth_type','config') account_details = execute_query(request, account_query) platform_query = Query().get('local:platform').select('platform_id','platform','gateway_type','disabled') platform_details = execute_query(request, platform_query) # getting user_hrn from local:account for account_detail in account_details: for platform_detail in platform_details: if platform_detail['platform_id'] == account_detail['platform_id']: # taking user_hrn only from myslice account # NOTE: we should later handle accounts filter_by auth_type= managed OR user if 'myslice' in platform_detail['platform']: account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config']) user_hrn = account_config.get('user_hrn','N/A') return user_hrn def getUserEmail(self, request): # Get user_email (XXX Would deserve to be simplified) user_query = Query().get('local:user').select('email','config') user_details = execute_query(request, user_query) user_email = user_details[0].get('email') return user_email def post(self, request): return self.handle_request(request, 'POST') def get(self, request): return self.handle_request(request, 'GET') def handle_request(self, wsgi_request, method): errors = [] authority_hrn = None authority_name = None #errors.append(wsgi_request.POST) user_hrn = self.getUserHrn(wsgi_request) user_email = self.getUserEmail(wsgi_request) authorities = self.getAuthorities(wsgi_request) user_authority = self.getUserAuthority(wsgi_request) # getting the org from authority for authority in authorities: if authority['authority_hrn'] == user_authority: authority_name = authority['name'] if method == 'POST' : project_name = wsgi_request.POST.get('project_name', '') if not project_name or len(project_name) == 0 : errors.append('Project name can\'t be empty') # accept only lowercase names project_name = project_name.lower() if 'join' in wsgi_request.POST: post = { 'user_hrn' : user_hrn, 'email' : user_email, 'project_name' : project_name, 'authority_hrn' : project_name, } else: post = { 'user_hrn' : user_hrn, 'email' : user_email, 'authority_hrn' : wsgi_request.POST.get('authority_name', ''), 'project_name' : project_name, 'purpose' : wsgi_request.POST.get('purpose', ''), } # for new projects max project_name length is 10 if (len(post['project_name']) >10): errors.append('Project name can be maximum 10 characters long') #if (post['authority_hrn'] is None or post['authority_hrn'] == ''): # errors.append('Organization is mandatory') if post['purpose'] is None or post['purpose'] == '': errors.append('Project purpose is mandatory') if'^[A-Za-z0-9_]*$', post['project_name']) is None: errors.append('Project name may contain only letters, numbers, and underscore.') # What kind of project name is valid? if post['project_name'] is None or post['project_name'] == '': errors.append('Project name is mandatory') if not errors:"is_pi on auth_hrn = {}".format(user_authority)) if is_pi(wsgi_request, user_hrn, user_authority): # PIs can directly create/join project in their own authority... if 'join' in wsgi_request.POST: # join existing project authority_add_pis(wsgi_request, post['project_name'], user_hrn) else: # Create project hrn = post['authority_hrn'] + '.' + post['project_name'] sfa_add_authority(wsgi_request, {'authority_hrn':hrn}) authority_add_pis(wsgi_request, hrn, user_hrn) self.template_name = 'project-request-done-view.html' else: # Otherwise a wsgi_request is sent to the PI if 'join' in wsgi_request.POST: create_pending_join(wsgi_request, post) else: create_pending_project(wsgi_request, post) self.template_name = 'project-request-ack-view.html' # retrieves the pending projects creation list pending_projects = PendingProject.objects.all().filter(user_hrn=user_hrn) # retrieves the pending join a project list pending_join_projects = PendingJoin.objects.all().filter(user_hrn=user_hrn) root_authority = user_authority.split('.', 1)[0] env = { 'errors': errors, 'username': wsgi_request.user, 'theme': self.theme, 'authorities': authorities, 'authority_hrn': user_authority, 'root_authority_hrn': root_authority, 'pending_projects': pending_projects, 'pending_join_projects': pending_join_projects, } return render(wsgi_request, self.template, env)