{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block content %}

Open a Ticket OneLab Portal Documentation

Portal Components

Myslice (Web Frontend)

MySlice is an ambitious project aiming to support researchers throughout the lifecycle of experiments that can run on a variety of testbeds spanning different administrative domains and networking technologies. Its basic principle is to bring together available resources with useful information (characteristics, performance, network measurements).

More Info: http://myslice.info/

Code: Git Repository (read only)

Manifold (Portal backend)

Manifold is the backend that is running behind the portal.

Documentation: http://trac.myslice.info/

Code: Git Repository (read only)

OneLab Registry

It's a SFA registry. SFA Registry is a specific installation mode of the SFAWrapper (Registry Only mode).

More Info: SFA Registry



Who is a User?

A user is an experimenter who registers to the onelab portal and able to use all the facilites that the portal has to offer. However, a user does not have the right to do any admin operation such has managing slices, users and resources.

How do I register?
Why can't I register with my email?
Who is responsible for validating my account?
How long I have to wait for validation?
I just registered. Why can't I see any slices and resources?
How can I get access to a slice?
I forgot my password, how to recover it?


Who is a Manager?

A manager is the Principal Investigator (PI) of the institution. Each PI has authority over his own institution. A PI can add, delete, validate users or slices that belongs to his institution.

What is pending users/slices?
How to see the pending users/slices of my instituion?
How to validate/reject pending users/slices?
Can I see the pending users/slices of other institutions?
How can I manage the users that belong to my institution?
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