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Fed4Fire Portal is a central place to get acess to all Fed4fire testbeds.In order to get access to the portal, an experimenter needs to register to the portal. The portal administrative body is responsible to accept or reject newly registered users.

To learn more about Fed4fire visit: http://www.fed4fire.eu/

If you have any questions regarding using the portal visit our FAQ

Fed4fire portal is a community effot. To get more information about Fed4fire portal team visit: http://myslice.info/community

A ready-made and easily customisable user interface for your testbed.

MySlice is an ambitious project aiming to support researchers throughout the lifecycle of experiments that can run on a variety of testbeds spanning different administrative domains and networking technologies. Its basic principle is to bring together available resources with useful information (characteristics, performance, network measurements).

MySlice inititiave started in Janury 2011 by offering annotation services for the first ederated experimental resources. Today, MySlice has taken a big step toward becoming a tand-alone web framework, which will present all available resources from testbeds across the world, interconnected through the Slice-based Facility Architecture (SFA) and annotated by the TopHat measurement system.

Our framework is built with standard programming tools (python and javascript for the front-end and python for the back-end) and has a modular structure based on the concept of plugins for implementing different core functionalities (query editing, data display, and resource allocation).

The goal is to enable developers with expertise on different testbed technologies and different experimental practices to work in parallel for optimizing the tools presented to the users allowing them for a wide range of choices according to their own requirements. Opening in this way the development of web-based user tools for experimentation and sharing effort and information can increase significantly the chances for the achievement of our challenging objective.

Portal Components

Myslice (Web Frontend)

A full-fledged and modular web portal for a testbed federation allowing user to register, request slices and browse and book resources, with a strong emphasis on measurements.

More Info: http://myslice.info/

Code: Git Repository (read only)

If you need write access to the git repository you need first to send your public key to support@myslice.info.

Manifold (Portal backend)

Manifold is the backend that is running behind the portal. It is a component allowing the integration of distributed and heterogeneous data sources, such as measurement platforms or data repositories.

Documentation: http://trac.myslice.info/

Code: Git Repository (read only)

Fed4fire Registry

Fed4fire registry is a SFA registry. SFA Registry is a specific installation mode of the SFAWrapper.

More Info: SFA Registry

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