{% extends "layout_base.html" %} {% load portal_filters %} {% block content %} {% if username %} {% block head %} {% endblock head %} {% widget "_widget-no_credentials.html" %}


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The latest version of jFed is only compatible with Java 8 or higher. We detected that you are using an older version.

Please upgrade to Java 8 to get access to the newest version of jFed. Otherwise, you can use jFed 5.3.2, which is Java 7-compatible.

jFed requires Java to run. We however couldn't detect a Java installation in your browser.

Please install the latest version of Java to continue.


{% if person.last_name %}

{{person.first_name}} {{person.last_name}}

{% endif %}


{% else %}

Fed4FIRE Portal

Your easy access to Future Internet Research and Experimentation testbeds belonging to the Fed4FIRE federation.

Want to learn more?

{% widget '_widget-login-user.html' %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}