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Terms and conditions

Fibre: Future Internet testbeds experimentation between Brazil and Europe


The main goal of the FIBRE project is the design, implementation and validation of a shared Future Internet research facility, supporting the joint experimentation of European and Brazilian researchers. In order to achieve this goal the project will carry out four main activities:

The development and operation of a new experimental facility in Brazil, including the setup of equipment to support experimentation with various technologies (fixed layer 2 and layer 3, wireless, optical) as well as the design and implementation of a control framework to automate the use and operation of the testbed.

The development and operation of a Future Internet facility in Europe based on enhancements and the federation of two existing infrastructures: OFELIA and OneLab. Two OFELIA islands (i2CAT and University of Bristol (UNIVBRIS)) and the UTH's NITOS testbed will be enhanced by i) adding more physical resources (servers, OpenFlow-enabled switches and access points) to be able to cope with a bigger number ofusers and different use cases, ii) improving its respective control frameworks (based on the OFELIA control framework and OMF) and iii) adding more manpower to operate the facilities.

The federation of the Brazilian and European experimental facilities, both at the physical connectivity and control framework level, to support the provisioning of slices using resources from both testbeds.


If your institution is willing to join the FIBRE Consortium, you are kindly requested to follow the steps below:

1. Download the MoU model to understand the framework of collaboration between your institution and FIBRE project. The content of the MoU shall be discussed in case-by-case basis between the two parties.  

2. Contact the Project office at info@fibre.org.br to schedule a call to clarify all your questions concerning the duties, responsibilities and advantages of joining the FIBRE project.

3. If your institution understand and agree on the commitment stated in the MoU, please submit the application by editing the MoU template and sending it to info@fibre.org.br

4. Application Approval: the FIBRE General Assembly will decide based on the application and information gathered during the call. The approval process will normally take around one month.

5. By mutual agreement of both parties, MoU will be prepared and signed.

6. Testbed usage / island installation: FIBRE will provide instructions and support to help your institution to carry out the activities described in the MoU.

Watch the webconference meeting about the MoU details
(Held on 5/July 2013, in Portuguese)

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