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Join Federation Join the OneLab Federation

OneLab welcomes companies, universities, and research laboratories to join the OneLab Federation of Testbeds.
We are supported by the European Commision through its 7th Framework Programs and FIRE initiative (Future Internet Research and Experimentation), as well as by other national and international funding initiatives.

If you wish to become a new member of OneLab Federation, you should first consult the Membership Agreement.

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Site Information


Principal Investigator Information


Postal address


A membership agreement document will be sent to your email address as a PDF file.

Please print and sign a copy of the agreement and send it to:

Ciro Scognamiglio
Campus Jussieu
Couloir 26-00, bureau 102
Boite courrier 169
4 place Jussieu
F-75252 PARIS cedex 05 - FRANCE

Once your membership has been processed we will contact you to welcome you as a member.

If you have any questions about membership, contact the OneLab Support team.

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