Package psycopg2 :: Module pool :: Class AbstractConnectionPool
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Type AbstractConnectionPool

object --+

Known Subclasses:
PersistentConnectionPool, SimpleConnectionPool, ThreadedConnectionPool

Generic key-based pooling code.

Method Summary
  __init__(self, minconn, maxconn, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the connection pool.
Close all connections.
  _connect(self, key)
Create a new connection and assign it to 'key' if not None.
  _getconn(self, key)
Get a free connection and assign it to 'key' if not None.
Return a new unique key.
  _putconn(self, conn, key, close)
Put away a connection.
    Inherited from object
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
Return hash(x)...
  __new__(T, S, ...)
Return a new object with type S, a subtype of T...
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
Return repr(x)...
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
Return str(x)...

Method Details

__init__(self, minconn, maxconn, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize the connection pool.

New 'minconn' connections are created immediately calling 'connfunc' with given parameters. The connection pool will support a maximum of about 'maxconn' connections.



Close all connections.

Note that this can lead to some code fail badly when trying to use an already closed connection. If you call .closeall() make sure your code can deal with it.

_connect(self, key=None)

Create a new connection and assign it to 'key' if not None.

_getconn(self, key=None)

Get a free connection and assign it to 'key' if not None.


Return a new unique key.

_putconn(self, conn, key=None, close=False)

Put away a connection.