/* typecast_datetime.c - date and time typecasting functions to python types * * Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Federico Di Gregorio * * This file is part of the psycopg module. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "datetime.h" /* the pointer to the datetime module API is initialized by the module init code, we just need to grab it */ extern PyObject* pyDateTimeModuleP; extern PyObject *pyDateTypeP; extern PyObject *pyTimeTypeP; extern PyObject *pyDateTimeTypeP; extern PyObject *pyDeltaTypeP; /** DATE - cast a date into a date python object **/ static PyObject * typecast_PYDATE_cast(char *str, int len, PyObject *curs) { PyObject* obj = NULL; int n, y=0, m=0, d=0; if (str == NULL) {Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None;} if (!strcmp(str, "infinity") || !strcmp(str, "-infinity")) { if (str[0] == '-') { obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(pyDateTypeP, "min"); } else { obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(pyDateTypeP, "max"); } } else { n = typecast_parse_date(str, NULL, &len, &y, &m, &d); Dprintf("typecast_PYDATE_cast: " "n = %d, len = %d, y = %d, m = %d, d = %d", n, len, y, m, d); if (n != 3) { PyErr_SetString(DataError, "unable to parse date"); } else { obj = PyObject_CallFunction(pyDateTypeP, "iii", y, m, d); } } return obj; } /** DATETIME - cast a timestamp into a datetime python object **/ static PyObject * typecast_PYDATETIME_cast(char *str, int len, PyObject *curs) { PyObject* obj = NULL; int n, y=0, m=0, d=0; int hh=0, mm=0, ss=0, us=0, tz=0; char *tp = NULL; if (str == NULL) {Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None;} /* check for infinity */ if (!strcmp(str, "infinity") || !strcmp(str, "-infinity")) { if (str[0] == '-') { obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(pyDateTimeTypeP, "min"); } else { obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(pyDateTimeTypeP, "max"); } } else { Dprintf("typecast_PYDATETIME_cast: s = %s", str); n = typecast_parse_date(str, &tp, &len, &y, &m, &d); Dprintf("typecast_PYDATE_cast: tp = %p " "n = %d, len = %d, y = %d, m = %d, d = %d", tp, n, len, y, m, d); if (n != 3) { PyErr_SetString(DataError, "unable to parse date"); } if (len > 0) { n = typecast_parse_time(tp, NULL, &len, &hh, &mm, &ss, &us, &tz); Dprintf("typecast_PYDATETIME_cast: n = %d, len = %d, " "hh = %d, mm = %d, ss = %d, us = %d, tz = %d", n, len, hh, mm, ss, us, tz); if (n < 3 || n > 5) { PyErr_SetString(DataError, "unable to parse time"); } } if (ss > 59) { mm += 1; ss -= 60; } if (n == 5 && ((cursorObject*)curs)->tzinfo_factory != Py_None) { /* we have a time zone, calculate minutes and create appropriate tzinfo object calling the factory */ PyObject *tzinfo; Dprintf("typecast_PYDATETIME_cast: UTC offset = %dm", tz); tzinfo = PyObject_CallFunction( ((cursorObject*)curs)->tzinfo_factory, "i", tz); obj = PyObject_CallFunction(pyDateTimeTypeP, "iiiiiiiO", y, m, d, hh, mm, ss, us, tzinfo); Dprintf("typecast_PYDATETIME_cast: tzinfo: %p, refcnt = %d", tzinfo, tzinfo->ob_refcnt); Py_XDECREF(tzinfo); } else { obj = PyObject_CallFunction(pyDateTimeTypeP, "iiiiiii", y, m, d, hh, mm, ss, us); } } return obj; } /** TIME - parse time into a time object **/ static PyObject * typecast_PYTIME_cast(char *str, int len, PyObject *curs) { PyObject* obj = NULL; int n, hh=0, mm=0, ss=0, us=0, tz=0; if (str == NULL) {Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None;} n = typecast_parse_time(str, NULL, &len, &hh, &mm, &ss, &us, &tz); Dprintf("typecast_PYTIME_cast: n = %d, len = %d, " "hh = %d, mm = %d, ss = %d, us = %d, tz = %d", n, len, hh, mm, ss, us, tz); if (n < 3 || n > 5) { PyErr_SetString(DataError, "unable to parse time"); } else { if (ss > 59) { mm += 1; ss -= 60; } obj = PyObject_CallFunction(pyTimeTypeP, "iiii", hh, mm, ss, us); } return obj; } /** INTERVAL - parse an interval into a timedelta object **/ static PyObject * typecast_PYINTERVAL_cast(char *str, int len, PyObject *curs) { long years = 0, months = 0, days = 0; double hours = 0.0, minutes = 0.0, seconds = 0.0, hundredths = 0.0; double v = 0.0, sign = 1.0, denominator = 1.0; int part = 0, sec; double micro; if (str == NULL) {Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None;} Dprintf("typecast_PYINTERVAL_cast: s = %s", str); while (len-- > 0 && *str) { switch (*str) { case '-': sign = -1.0; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': v = v*10 + (double)*str - (double)'0'; if (part == 6){ denominator *= 10; } break; case 'y': if (part == 0) { years = (long)(v*sign); str = skip_until_space2(str, &len); v = 0.0; sign = 1.0; part = 1; } break; case 'm': if (part <= 1) { months = (long)(v*sign); str = skip_until_space2(str, &len); v = 0.0; sign = 1.0; part = 2; } break; case 'd': if (part <= 2) { days = (long)(v*sign); str = skip_until_space2(str, &len); v = 0.0; sign = 1.0; part = 3; } break; case ':': if (part <= 3) { hours = v; v = 0.0; part = 4; } else if (part == 4) { minutes = v; v = 0.0; part = 5; } break; case '.': if (part == 5) { seconds = v; v = 0.0; part = 6; } break; default: break; } str++; } /* manage last value, be it minutes or seconds or hundredths of a second */ if (part == 4) { minutes = v; } else if (part == 5) { seconds = v; } else if (part == 6) { hundredths = v; hundredths = hundredths/denominator; } /* calculates seconds */ if (sign < 0.0) { seconds = - (hundredths + seconds + minutes*60 + hours*3600); } else { seconds += hundredths + minutes*60 + hours*3600; } /* calculates days */ days += years*365 + months*30; micro = (seconds - floor(seconds)) * 1000000.0; sec = (int)floor(seconds); return PyObject_CallFunction(pyDeltaTypeP, "iii", days, sec, (int)round(micro)); } /* psycopg defaults to using python datetime types */ #ifdef PSYCOPG_DEFAULT_PYDATETIME #define typecast_DATE_cast typecast_PYDATE_cast #define typecast_TIME_cast typecast_PYTIME_cast #define typecast_INTERVAL_cast typecast_PYINTERVAL_cast #define typecast_DATETIME_cast typecast_PYDATETIME_cast #endif