# Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Nicira Networks # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re import uuid import ovs.poller import ovs.socket_util import ovs.json import ovs.jsonrpc import ovs.ovsuuid import ovs.db.parser from ovs.db import error import ovs.db.types class ConstraintViolation(error.Error): def __init__(self, msg, json=None): error.Error.__init__(self, msg, json, tag="constraint violation") def escapeCString(src): dst = [] for c in src: if c in "\\\"": dst.append("\\" + c) elif ord(c) < 32: if c == '\n': dst.append('\\n') elif c == '\r': dst.append('\\r') elif c == '\a': dst.append('\\a') elif c == '\b': dst.append('\\b') elif c == '\f': dst.append('\\f') elif c == '\t': dst.append('\\t') elif c == '\v': dst.append('\\v') else: dst.append('\\%03o' % ord(c)) else: dst.append(c) return ''.join(dst) def returnUnchanged(x): return x class Atom(object): def __init__(self, type_, value=None): self.type = type_ if value is not None: self.value = value else: self.value = type_.default_atom() def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Atom) or self.type != other.type: return NotImplemented elif self.value < other.value: return -1 elif self.value > other.value: return 1 else: return 0 def __hash__(self): return hash(self.value) @staticmethod def default(type_): return Atom(type_) def is_default(self): return self == self.default(self.type) @staticmethod def from_json(base, json, symtab=None): type_ = base.type json = ovs.db.parser.float_to_int(json) if ((type_ == ovs.db.types.IntegerType and type(json) in [int, long]) or (type_ == ovs.db.types.RealType and type(json) in [int, long, float]) or (type_ == ovs.db.types.BooleanType and type(json) == bool) or (type_ == ovs.db.types.StringType and type(json) in [str, unicode])): atom = Atom(type_, json) elif type_ == ovs.db.types.UuidType: atom = Atom(type_, ovs.ovsuuid.from_json(json, symtab)) else: raise error.Error("expected %s" % type_.to_string(), json) atom.check_constraints(base) return atom def check_constraints(self, base): """Checks whether 'atom' meets the constraints (if any) defined in 'base' and raises an ovs.db.error.Error if any constraint is violated. 'base' and 'atom' must have the same type. Checking UUID constraints is deferred to transaction commit time, so this function does nothing for UUID constraints.""" assert base.type == self.type if base.enum is not None and self not in base.enum: raise ConstraintViolation( "%s is not one of the allowed values (%s)" % (self.to_string(), base.enum.to_string())) elif base.type in [ovs.db.types.IntegerType, ovs.db.types.RealType]: if ((base.min is None or self.value >= base.min) and (base.max is None or self.value <= base.max)): pass elif base.min is not None and base.max is not None: raise ConstraintViolation( "%s is not in the valid range %.15g to %.15g (inclusive)" % (self.to_string(), base.min, base.max)) elif base.min is not None: raise ConstraintViolation( "%s is less than minimum allowed value %.15g" % (self.to_string(), base.min)) else: raise ConstraintViolation( "%s is greater than maximum allowed value %.15g" % (self.to_string(), base.max)) elif base.type == ovs.db.types.StringType: # XXX The C version validates that the string is valid UTF-8 here. # Do we need to do that in Python too? s = self.value length = len(s) if length < base.min_length: raise ConstraintViolation( '"%s" length %d is less than minimum allowed length %d' % (s, length, base.min_length)) elif length > base.max_length: raise ConstraintViolation( '"%s" length %d is greater than maximum allowed ' 'length %d' % (s, length, base.max_length)) def to_json(self): if self.type == ovs.db.types.UuidType: return ovs.ovsuuid.to_json(self.value) else: return self.value def cInitAtom(self, var): if self.type == ovs.db.types.IntegerType: return ['%s.integer = %d;' % (var, self.value)] elif self.type == ovs.db.types.RealType: return ['%s.real = %.15g;' % (var, self.value)] elif self.type == ovs.db.types.BooleanType: if self.value: return ['%s.boolean = true;'] else: return ['%s.boolean = false;'] elif self.type == ovs.db.types.StringType: return ['%s.string = xstrdup("%s");' % (var, escapeCString(self.value))] elif self.type == ovs.db.types.UuidType: return ovs.ovsuuid.to_c_assignment(self.value, var) def toEnglish(self, escapeLiteral=returnUnchanged): if self.type == ovs.db.types.IntegerType: return '%d' % self.value elif self.type == ovs.db.types.RealType: return '%.15g' % self.value elif self.type == ovs.db.types.BooleanType: if self.value: return 'true' else: return 'false' elif self.type == ovs.db.types.StringType: return escapeLiteral(self.value) elif self.type == ovs.db.types.UuidType: return self.value.value __need_quotes_re = re.compile("$|true|false|[^_a-zA-Z]|.*[^-._a-zA-Z]") @staticmethod def __string_needs_quotes(s): return Atom.__need_quotes_re.match(s) def to_string(self): if self.type == ovs.db.types.IntegerType: return '%d' % self.value elif self.type == ovs.db.types.RealType: return '%.15g' % self.value elif self.type == ovs.db.types.BooleanType: if self.value: return 'true' else: return 'false' elif self.type == ovs.db.types.StringType: if Atom.__string_needs_quotes(self.value): return ovs.json.to_string(self.value) else: return self.value elif self.type == ovs.db.types.UuidType: return str(self.value) @staticmethod def new(x): if type(x) in [int, long]: t = ovs.db.types.IntegerType elif type(x) == float: t = ovs.db.types.RealType elif x in [False, True]: t = ovs.db.types.BooleanType elif type(x) in [str, unicode]: t = ovs.db.types.StringType elif isinstance(x, uuid): t = ovs.db.types.UuidType else: raise TypeError return Atom(t, x) class Datum(object): def __init__(self, type_, values={}): self.type = type_ self.values = values def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Datum): return NotImplemented elif self.values < other.values: return -1 elif self.values > other.values: return 1 else: return 0 __hash__ = None def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.values def clone(self): return Datum(self.type, dict(self.values)) @staticmethod def default(type_): if type_.n_min == 0: values = {} elif type_.is_map(): values = {type_.key.default(): type_.value.default()} else: values = {type_.key.default(): None} return Datum(type_, values) def is_default(self): return self == Datum.default(self.type) def check_constraints(self): """Checks that each of the atoms in 'datum' conforms to the constraints specified by its 'type' and raises an ovs.db.error.Error. This function is not commonly useful because the most ordinary way to obtain a datum is ultimately via Datum.from_json() or Atom.from_json(), which check constraints themselves.""" for keyAtom, valueAtom in self.values.iteritems(): keyAtom.check_constraints(self.type.key) if valueAtom is not None: valueAtom.check_constraints(self.type.value) @staticmethod def from_json(type_, json, symtab=None): """Parses 'json' as a datum of the type described by 'type'. If successful, returns a new datum. On failure, raises an ovs.db.error.Error. Violations of constraints expressed by 'type' are treated as errors. If 'symtab' is nonnull, then named UUIDs in 'symtab' are accepted. Refer to ovsdb/SPECS for information about this, and for the syntax that this function accepts.""" is_map = type_.is_map() if (is_map or (type(json) == list and len(json) > 0 and json[0] == "set")): if is_map: class_ = "map" else: class_ = "set" inner = ovs.db.parser.unwrap_json(json, class_, list) n = len(inner) if n < type_.n_min or n > type_.n_max: raise error.Error("%s must have %d to %d members but %d are " "present" % (class_, type_.n_min, type_.n_max, n), json) values = {} for element in inner: if is_map: key, value = ovs.db.parser.parse_json_pair(element) keyAtom = Atom.from_json(type_.key, key, symtab) valueAtom = Atom.from_json(type_.value, value, symtab) else: keyAtom = Atom.from_json(type_.key, element, symtab) valueAtom = None if keyAtom in values: if is_map: raise error.Error("map contains duplicate key") else: raise error.Error("set contains duplicate") values[keyAtom] = valueAtom return Datum(type_, values) else: keyAtom = Atom.from_json(type_.key, json, symtab) return Datum(type_, {keyAtom: None}) def to_json(self): if self.type.is_map(): return ["map", [[k.to_json(), v.to_json()] for k, v in sorted(self.values.items())]] elif len(self.values) == 1: key = self.values.keys()[0] return key.to_json() else: return ["set", [k.to_json() for k in sorted(self.values.keys())]] def to_string(self): head = tail = None if self.type.n_max > 1 or len(self.values) == 0: if self.type.is_map(): head = "{" tail = "}" else: head = "[" tail = "]" s = [] if head: s.append(head) for i, key in enumerate(sorted(self.values)): if i: s.append(", ") s.append(key.to_string()) if self.type.is_map(): s.append("=") s.append(self.values[key].to_string()) if tail: s.append(tail) return ''.join(s) def as_list(self): if self.type.is_map(): return [[k.value, v.value] for k, v in self.values.iteritems()] else: return [k.value for k in self.values.iterkeys()] def as_scalar(self): if len(self.values) == 1: if self.type.is_map(): k, v = self.values.iteritems()[0] return [k.value, v.value] else: return self.values.keys()[0].value else: return None def __getitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, Atom): key = Atom.new(key) if not self.type.is_map(): raise IndexError elif key not in self.values: raise KeyError else: return self.values[key].value def get(self, key, default=None): if not isinstance(key, Atom): key = Atom.new(key) if key in self.values: return self.values[key].value else: return default def __str__(self): return self.to_string() def conforms_to_type(self): n = len(self.values) return self.type.n_min <= n <= self.type.n_max def cInitDatum(self, var): if len(self.values) == 0: return ["ovsdb_datum_init_empty(%s);" % var] s = ["%s->n = %d;" % (var, len(self.values))] s += ["%s->keys = xmalloc(%d * sizeof *%s->keys);" % (var, len(self.values), var)] for i, key in enumerate(sorted(self.values)): s += key.cInitAtom("%s->keys[%d]" % (var, i)) if self.type.value: s += ["%s->values = xmalloc(%d * sizeof *%s->values);" % (var, len(self.values), var)] for i, (key, value) in enumerate(sorted(self.values.items())): s += value.cInitAtom("%s->values[%d]" % (var, i)) else: s += ["%s->values = NULL;" % var] if len(self.values) > 1: s += ["ovsdb_datum_sort_assert(%s, OVSDB_TYPE_%s);" % (var, self.type.key.type.to_string().upper())] return s