# Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Nicira Networks # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re import sys from ovs.db import error import ovs.db.parser from ovs.db import types class DbSchema(object): """Schema for an OVSDB database.""" def __init__(self, name, version, tables): self.name = name self.version = version self.tables = tables # Validate that all ref_tables refer to the names of tables # that exist. for table in self.tables.itervalues(): for column in table.columns.itervalues(): self.__check_ref_table(column, column.type.key, "key") self.__check_ref_table(column, column.type.value, "value") @staticmethod def from_json(json): parser = ovs.db.parser.Parser(json, "database schema") name = parser.get("name", ['id']) version = parser.get_optional("version", [unicode]) parser.get_optional("cksum", [unicode]) tablesJson = parser.get("tables", [dict]) parser.finish() if (version is not None and not re.match('[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$', version)): raise error.Error("schema version \"%s\" not in format x.y.z" % version) tables = {} for tableName, tableJson in tablesJson.iteritems(): if tableName.startswith('_'): raise error.Error("names beginning with \"_\" are reserved", json) elif not ovs.db.parser.is_identifier(tableName): raise error.Error("name must be a valid id", json) tables[tableName] = TableSchema.from_json(tableJson, tableName) return DbSchema(name, version, tables) def to_json(self): tables = {} for table in self.tables.itervalues(): tables[table.name] = table.to_json() json = {"name": self.name, "tables": tables} if self.version: json["version"] = self.version return json def __check_ref_table(self, column, base, base_name): if (base and base.type == types.UuidType and base.ref_table and base.ref_table not in self.tables): raise error.Error("column %s %s refers to undefined table %s" % (column.name, base_name, base.ref_table), tag="syntax error") class IdlSchema(DbSchema): def __init__(self, name, version, tables, idlPrefix, idlHeader): DbSchema.__init__(self, name, version, tables) self.idlPrefix = idlPrefix self.idlHeader = idlHeader @staticmethod def from_json(json): parser = ovs.db.parser.Parser(json, "IDL schema") idlPrefix = parser.get("idlPrefix", [unicode]) idlHeader = parser.get("idlHeader", [unicode]) subjson = dict(json) del subjson["idlPrefix"] del subjson["idlHeader"] schema = DbSchema.from_json(subjson) return IdlSchema(schema.name, schema.version, schema.tables, idlPrefix, idlHeader) class TableSchema(object): def __init__(self, name, columns, mutable=True, max_rows=sys.maxint): self.name = name self.columns = columns self.mutable = mutable self.max_rows = max_rows @staticmethod def from_json(json, name): parser = ovs.db.parser.Parser(json, "table schema for table %s" % name) columnsJson = parser.get("columns", [dict]) mutable = parser.get_optional("mutable", [bool], True) max_rows = parser.get_optional("maxRows", [int]) parser.finish() if max_rows == None: max_rows = sys.maxint elif max_rows <= 0: raise error.Error("maxRows must be at least 1", json) if not columnsJson: raise error.Error("table must have at least one column", json) columns = {} for columnName, columnJson in columnsJson.iteritems(): if columnName.startswith('_'): raise error.Error("names beginning with \"_\" are reserved", json) elif not ovs.db.parser.is_identifier(columnName): raise error.Error("name must be a valid id", json) columns[columnName] = ColumnSchema.from_json(columnJson, columnName) return TableSchema(name, columns, mutable, max_rows) def to_json(self): json = {} if not self.mutable: json["mutable"] = False json["columns"] = columns = {} for column in self.columns.itervalues(): if not column.name.startswith("_"): columns[column.name] = column.to_json() if self.max_rows != sys.maxint: json["maxRows"] = self.max_rows return json class ColumnSchema(object): def __init__(self, name, mutable, persistent, type): self.name = name self.mutable = mutable self.persistent = persistent self.type = type @staticmethod def from_json(json, name): parser = ovs.db.parser.Parser(json, "schema for column %s" % name) mutable = parser.get_optional("mutable", [bool], True) ephemeral = parser.get_optional("ephemeral", [bool], False) type = types.Type.from_json(parser.get("type", [dict, unicode])) parser.finish() return ColumnSchema(name, mutable, not ephemeral, type) def to_json(self): json = {"type": self.type.to_json()} if not self.mutable: json["mutable"] = False if not self.persistent: json["ephemeral"] = True return json