# Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Nicira Networks # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys from ovs.db import error import ovs.db.parser import ovs.db.data import ovs.ovsuuid class AtomicType(object): def __init__(self, name, default): self.name = name self.default = default @staticmethod def from_string(s): if s != "void": for atomic_type in ATOMIC_TYPES: if s == atomic_type.name: return atomic_type raise error.Error('"%s" is not an atomic-type' % s, s) @staticmethod def from_json(json): if type(json) not in [str, unicode]: raise error.Error("atomic-type expected", json) else: return AtomicType.from_string(json) def __str__(self): return self.name def to_string(self): return self.name def to_json(self): return self.name def default_atom(self): return ovs.db.data.Atom(self, self.default) VoidType = AtomicType("void", None) IntegerType = AtomicType("integer", 0) RealType = AtomicType("real", 0.0) BooleanType = AtomicType("boolean", False) StringType = AtomicType("string", "") UuidType = AtomicType("uuid", ovs.ovsuuid.zero()) ATOMIC_TYPES = [VoidType, IntegerType, RealType, BooleanType, StringType, UuidType] def escapeCString(src): dst = "" for c in src: if c in "\\\"": dst += "\\" + c elif ord(c) < 32: if c == '\n': dst += '\\n' elif c == '\r': dst += '\\r' elif c == '\a': dst += '\\a' elif c == '\b': dst += '\\b' elif c == '\f': dst += '\\f' elif c == '\t': dst += '\\t' elif c == '\v': dst += '\\v' else: dst += '\\%03o' % ord(c) else: dst += c return dst def commafy(x): """Returns integer x formatted in decimal with thousands set off by commas.""" return _commafy("%d" % x) def _commafy(s): if s.startswith('-'): return '-' + _commafy(s[1:]) elif len(s) <= 3: return s else: return _commafy(s[:-3]) + ',' + _commafy(s[-3:]) def returnUnchanged(x): return x class BaseType(object): def __init__(self, type_, enum=None, min=None, max=None, min_length = 0, max_length=sys.maxint, ref_table=None): assert isinstance(type_, AtomicType) self.type = type_ self.enum = enum self.min = min self.max = max self.min_length = min_length self.max_length = max_length self.ref_table = ref_table if ref_table: self.ref_type = 'strong' else: self.ref_type = None def default(self): return ovs.db.data.Atom.default(self.type) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BaseType): return NotImplemented return (self.type == other.type and self.enum == other.enum and self.min == other.min and self.max == other.max and self.min_length == other.min_length and self.max_length == other.max_length and self.ref_table == other.ref_table) def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BaseType): return NotImplemented else: return not (self == other) @staticmethod def __parse_uint(parser, name, default): value = parser.get_optional(name, [int, long]) if value is None: value = default else: max_value = 2**32 - 1 if not (0 <= value <= max_value): raise error.Error("%s out of valid range 0 to %d" % (name, max_value), value) return value @staticmethod def from_json(json): if type(json) == unicode: return BaseType(AtomicType.from_json(json)) parser = ovs.db.parser.Parser(json, "ovsdb type") atomic_type = AtomicType.from_json(parser.get("type", [str, unicode])) base = BaseType(atomic_type) enum = parser.get_optional("enum", []) if enum is not None: base.enum = ovs.db.data.Datum.from_json(BaseType.get_enum_type(base.type), enum) elif base.type == IntegerType: base.min = parser.get_optional("minInteger", [int, long]) base.max = parser.get_optional("maxInteger", [int, long]) if base.min is not None and base.max is not None and base.min > base.max: raise error.Error("minInteger exceeds maxInteger", json) elif base.type == RealType: base.min = parser.get_optional("minReal", [int, long, float]) base.max = parser.get_optional("maxReal", [int, long, float]) if base.min is not None and base.max is not None and base.min > base.max: raise error.Error("minReal exceeds maxReal", json) elif base.type == StringType: base.min_length = BaseType.__parse_uint(parser, "minLength", 0) base.max_length = BaseType.__parse_uint(parser, "maxLength", sys.maxint) if base.min_length > base.max_length: raise error.Error("minLength exceeds maxLength", json) elif base.type == UuidType: base.ref_table = parser.get_optional("refTable", ['id']) if base.ref_table: base.ref_type = parser.get_optional("refType", [str, unicode], "strong") if base.ref_type not in ['strong', 'weak']: raise error.Error('refType must be "strong" or "weak" ' '(not "%s")' % base.ref_type) parser.finish() return base def to_json(self): if not self.has_constraints(): return self.type.to_json() json = {'type': self.type.to_json()} if self.enum: json['enum'] = self.enum.to_json() if self.type == IntegerType: if self.min is not None: json['minInteger'] = self.min if self.max is not None: json['maxInteger'] = self.max elif self.type == RealType: if self.min is not None: json['minReal'] = self.min if self.max is not None: json['maxReal'] = self.max elif self.type == StringType: if self.min_length != 0: json['minLength'] = self.min_length if self.max_length != sys.maxint: json['maxLength'] = self.max_length elif self.type == UuidType: if self.ref_table: json['refTable'] = self.ref_table if self.ref_type != 'strong': json['refType'] = self.ref_type return json def copy(self): return BaseType(self.type, self.enum.copy(), self.min, self.max, self.min_length, self.max_length, self.ref_table) def is_valid(self): if self.type in (VoidType, BooleanType, UuidType): return True elif self.type in (IntegerType, RealType): return self.min is None or self.max is None or self.min <= self.max elif self.type == StringType: return self.min_length <= self.max_length else: return False def has_constraints(self): return (self.enum is not None or self.min is not None or self.max is not None or self.min_length != 0 or self.max_length != sys.maxint or self.ref_table is not None) def without_constraints(self): return BaseType(self.type) @staticmethod def get_enum_type(atomic_type): """Returns the type of the 'enum' member for a BaseType whose 'type' is 'atomic_type'.""" return Type(BaseType(atomic_type), None, 1, sys.maxint) def is_ref(self): return self.type == UuidType and self.ref_table is not None def is_strong_ref(self): return self.is_ref() and self.ref_type == 'strong' def is_weak_ref(self): return self.is_ref() and self.ref_type == 'weak' def toEnglish(self, escapeLiteral=returnUnchanged): if self.type == UuidType and self.ref_table: s = escapeLiteral(self.ref_table) if self.ref_type == 'weak': s = "weak reference to " + s return s else: return self.type.to_string() def constraintsToEnglish(self, escapeLiteral=returnUnchanged): if self.enum: literals = [value.toEnglish(escapeLiteral) for value in self.enum.values] if len(literals) == 2: return 'either %s or %s' % (literals[0], literals[1]) else: return 'one of %s, %s, or %s' % (literals[0], ', '.join(literals[1:-1]), literals[-1]) elif self.min is not None and self.max is not None: if self.type == IntegerType: return 'in range %s to %s' % (commafy(self.min), commafy(self.max)) else: return 'in range %g to %g' % (self.min, self.max) elif self.min is not None: if self.type == IntegerType: return 'at least %s' % commafy(self.min) else: return 'at least %g' % self.min elif self.max is not None: if self.type == IntegerType: return 'at most %s' % commafy(self.max) else: return 'at most %g' % self.max elif self.min_length != 0 and self.max_length != sys.maxint: if self.min_length == self.max_length: return 'exactly %d characters long' % (self.min_length) else: return 'between %d and %d characters long' % (self.min_length, self.max_length) elif self.min_length != 0: return 'at least %d characters long' % self.min_length elif self.max_length != sys.maxint: return 'at most %d characters long' % self.max_length else: return '' def toCType(self, prefix): if self.ref_table: return "struct %s%s *" % (prefix, self.ref_table.lower()) else: return {IntegerType: 'int64_t ', RealType: 'double ', UuidType: 'struct uuid ', BooleanType: 'bool ', StringType: 'char *'}[self.type] def toAtomicType(self): return "OVSDB_TYPE_%s" % self.type.to_string().upper() def copyCValue(self, dst, src): args = {'dst': dst, 'src': src} if self.ref_table: return ("%(dst)s = %(src)s->header_.uuid;") % args elif self.type == StringType: return "%(dst)s = xstrdup(%(src)s);" % args else: return "%(dst)s = %(src)s;" % args def initCDefault(self, var, is_optional): if self.ref_table: return "%s = NULL;" % var elif self.type == StringType and not is_optional: return '%s = "";' % var else: pattern = {IntegerType: '%s = 0;', RealType: '%s = 0.0;', UuidType: 'uuid_zero(&%s);', BooleanType: '%s = false;', StringType: '%s = NULL;'}[self.type] return pattern % var def cInitBaseType(self, indent, var): stmts = [] stmts.append('ovsdb_base_type_init(&%s, %s);' % ( var, self.toAtomicType())) if self.enum: stmts.append("%s.enum_ = xmalloc(sizeof *%s.enum_);" % (var, var)) stmts += self.enum.cInitDatum("%s.enum_" % var) if self.type == IntegerType: if self.min is not None: stmts.append('%s.u.integer.min = INT64_C(%d);' % (var, self.min)) if self.max is not None: stmts.append('%s.u.integer.max = INT64_C(%d);' % (var, self.max)) elif self.type == RealType: if self.min is not None: stmts.append('%s.u.real.min = %d;' % (var, self.min)) if self.max is not None: stmts.append('%s.u.real.max = %d;' % (var, self.max)) elif self.type == StringType: if self.min_length is not None: stmts.append('%s.u.string.minLen = %d;' % (var, self.min_length)) if self.max_length != sys.maxint: stmts.append('%s.u.string.maxLen = %d;' % (var, self.max_length)) elif self.type == UuidType: if self.ref_table is not None: stmts.append('%s.u.uuid.refTableName = "%s";' % (var, escapeCString(self.ref_table))) stmts.append('%s.u.uuid.refType = OVSDB_REF_%s;' % (var, self.ref_type.upper())) return '\n'.join([indent + stmt for stmt in stmts]) class Type(object): DEFAULT_MIN = 1 DEFAULT_MAX = 1 def __init__(self, key, value=None, n_min=DEFAULT_MIN, n_max=DEFAULT_MAX): self.key = key self.value = value self.n_min = n_min self.n_max = n_max def copy(self): if self.value is None: value = None else: value = self.value.copy() return Type(self.key.copy(), value, self.n_min, self.n_max) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Type): return NotImplemented return (self.key == other.key and self.value == other.value and self.n_min == other.n_min and self.n_max == other.n_max) def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Type): return NotImplemented else: return not (self == other) def is_valid(self): return (self.key.type != VoidType and self.key.is_valid() and (self.value is None or (self.value.type != VoidType and self.value.is_valid())) and self.n_min <= 1 <= self.n_max) def is_scalar(self): return self.n_min == 1 and self.n_max == 1 and not self.value def is_optional(self): return self.n_min == 0 and self.n_max == 1 def is_composite(self): return self.n_max > 1 def is_set(self): return self.value is None and (self.n_min != 1 or self.n_max != 1) def is_map(self): return self.value is not None def is_optional_pointer(self): return (self.is_optional() and not self.value and (self.key.type == StringType or self.key.ref_table)) @staticmethod def __n_from_json(json, default): if json is None: return default elif type(json) == int and 0 <= json <= sys.maxint: return json else: raise error.Error("bad min or max value", json) @staticmethod def from_json(json): if type(json) in [str, unicode]: return Type(BaseType.from_json(json)) parser = ovs.db.parser.Parser(json, "ovsdb type") key_json = parser.get("key", [dict, unicode]) value_json = parser.get_optional("value", [dict, unicode]) min_json = parser.get_optional("min", [int]) max_json = parser.get_optional("max", [int, str, unicode]) parser.finish() key = BaseType.from_json(key_json) if value_json: value = BaseType.from_json(value_json) else: value = None n_min = Type.__n_from_json(min_json, Type.DEFAULT_MIN) if max_json == 'unlimited': n_max = sys.maxint else: n_max = Type.__n_from_json(max_json, Type.DEFAULT_MAX) type_ = Type(key, value, n_min, n_max) if not type_.is_valid(): raise error.Error("ovsdb type fails constraint checks", json) return type_ def to_json(self): if self.is_scalar() and not self.key.has_constraints(): return self.key.to_json() json = {"key": self.key.to_json()} if self.value is not None: json["value"] = self.value.to_json() if self.n_min != Type.DEFAULT_MIN: json["min"] = self.n_min if self.n_max == sys.maxint: json["max"] = "unlimited" elif self.n_max != Type.DEFAULT_MAX: json["max"] = self.n_max return json def toEnglish(self, escapeLiteral=returnUnchanged): keyName = self.key.toEnglish(escapeLiteral) if self.value: valueName = self.value.toEnglish(escapeLiteral) if self.is_scalar(): return keyName elif self.is_optional(): if self.value: return "optional %s-%s pair" % (keyName, valueName) else: return "optional %s" % keyName else: if self.n_max == sys.maxint: if self.n_min: quantity = "%d or more " % self.n_min else: quantity = "" elif self.n_min: quantity = "%d to %d " % (self.n_min, self.n_max) else: quantity = "up to %d " % self.n_max if self.value: return "map of %s%s-%s pairs" % (quantity, keyName, valueName) else: if keyName.endswith('s'): plural = keyName + "es" else: plural = keyName + "s" return "set of %s%s" % (quantity, plural) def constraintsToEnglish(self, escapeLiteral=returnUnchanged): constraints = [] keyConstraints = self.key.constraintsToEnglish(escapeLiteral) if keyConstraints: if self.value: constraints.append('key %s' % keyConstraints) else: constraints.append(keyConstraints) if self.value: valueConstraints = self.value.constraintsToEnglish(escapeLiteral) if valueConstraints: constraints.append('value %s' % valueConstraints) return ', '.join(constraints) def cDeclComment(self): if self.n_min == 1 and self.n_max == 1 and self.key.type == StringType: return "\t/* Always nonnull. */" else: return "" def cInitType(self, indent, var): initKey = self.key.cInitBaseType(indent, "%s.key" % var) if self.value: initValue = self.value.cInitBaseType(indent, "%s.value" % var) else: initValue = ('%sovsdb_base_type_init(&%s.value, ' 'OVSDB_TYPE_VOID);' % (indent, var)) initMin = "%s%s.n_min = %s;" % (indent, var, self.n_min) if self.n_max == sys.maxint: n_max = "UINT_MAX" else: n_max = self.n_max initMax = "%s%s.n_max = %s;" % (indent, var, n_max) return "\n".join((initKey, initValue, initMin, initMax))