# Copyright (c) 2010, 2012 Nicira, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import errno import os import select import socket import sys import ovs.fatal_signal import ovs.poller import ovs.vlog vlog = ovs.vlog.Vlog("socket_util") def make_unix_socket(style, nonblock, bind_path, connect_path): """Creates a Unix domain socket in the given 'style' (either socket.SOCK_DGRAM or socket.SOCK_STREAM) that is bound to 'bind_path' (if 'bind_path' is not None) and connected to 'connect_path' (if 'connect_path' is not None). If 'nonblock' is true, the socket is made non-blocking. Returns (error, socket): on success 'error' is 0 and 'socket' is a new socket object, on failure 'error' is a positive errno value and 'socket' is None.""" try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, style) except socket.error, e: return get_exception_errno(e), None try: if nonblock: set_nonblocking(sock) if bind_path is not None: # Delete bind_path but ignore ENOENT. try: os.unlink(bind_path) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: return e.errno, None ovs.fatal_signal.add_file_to_unlink(bind_path) sock.bind(bind_path) try: if sys.hexversion >= 0x02060000: os.fchmod(sock.fileno(), 0700) else: os.chmod("/dev/fd/%d" % sock.fileno(), 0700) except OSError, e: pass if connect_path is not None: try: sock.connect(connect_path) except socket.error, e: if get_exception_errno(e) != errno.EINPROGRESS: raise return 0, sock except socket.error, e: sock.close() if bind_path is not None: ovs.fatal_signal.unlink_file_now(bind_path) return get_exception_errno(e), None def check_connection_completion(sock): p = ovs.poller.SelectPoll() p.register(sock, ovs.poller.POLLOUT) if len(p.poll(0)) == 1: return get_socket_error(sock) else: return errno.EAGAIN def inet_parse_active(target, default_port): address = target.split(":") host_name = address[0] if not host_name: raise ValueError("%s: bad peer name format" % target) if len(address) >= 2: port = int(address[1]) elif default_port: port = default_port else: raise ValueError("%s: port number must be specified" % target) return (host_name, port) def inet_open_active(style, target, default_port, dscp): address = inet_parse_active(target, default_port) try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, style, 0) except socket.error, e: return get_exception_errno(e), None try: set_nonblocking(sock) set_dscp(sock, dscp) try: sock.connect(address) except socket.error, e: if get_exception_errno(e) != errno.EINPROGRESS: raise return 0, sock except socket.error, e: sock.close() return get_exception_errno(e), None def get_socket_error(sock): """Returns the errno value associated with 'socket' (0 if no error) and resets the socket's error status.""" return sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_ERROR) def get_exception_errno(e): """A lot of methods on Python socket objects raise socket.error, but that exception is documented as having two completely different forms of arguments: either a string or a (errno, string) tuple. We only want the errno.""" if type(e.args) == tuple: return e.args[0] else: return errno.EPROTO null_fd = -1 def get_null_fd(): """Returns a readable and writable fd for /dev/null, if successful, otherwise a negative errno value. The caller must not close the returned fd (because the same fd will be handed out to subsequent callers).""" global null_fd if null_fd < 0: try: null_fd = os.open("/dev/null", os.O_RDWR) except OSError, e: vlog.err("could not open /dev/null: %s" % os.strerror(e.errno)) return -e.errno return null_fd def write_fully(fd, buf): """Returns an (error, bytes_written) tuple where 'error' is 0 on success, otherwise a positive errno value, and 'bytes_written' is the number of bytes that were written before the error occurred. 'error' is 0 if and only if 'bytes_written' is len(buf).""" bytes_written = 0 if len(buf) == 0: return 0, 0 while True: try: retval = os.write(fd, buf) assert retval >= 0 if retval == len(buf): return 0, bytes_written + len(buf) elif retval == 0: vlog.warn("write returned 0") return errno.EPROTO, bytes_written else: bytes_written += retval buf = buf[:retval] except OSError, e: return e.errno, bytes_written def set_nonblocking(sock): try: sock.setblocking(0) except socket.error, e: vlog.err("could not set nonblocking mode on socket: %s" % os.strerror(get_socket_error(e))) def set_dscp(sock, dscp): if dscp > 63: raise ValueError("Invalid dscp %d" % dscp) val = dscp << 2 sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_TOS, val)