# Copyright (c) 2012 Nicira Networks # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import errno import os import types import ovs.daemon import ovs.dirs import ovs.jsonrpc import ovs.stream import ovs.util import ovs.version import ovs.vlog Message = ovs.jsonrpc.Message vlog = ovs.vlog.Vlog("unixctl") commands = {} strtypes = types.StringTypes class _UnixctlCommand(object): def __init__(self, usage, min_args, max_args, callback, aux): self.usage = usage self.min_args = min_args self.max_args = max_args self.callback = callback self.aux = aux def _unixctl_help(conn, unused_argv, unused_aux): assert isinstance(conn, UnixctlConnection) reply = "The available commands are:\n" command_names = sorted(commands.keys()) for name in command_names: reply += " " usage = commands[name].usage if usage: reply += "%-23s %s" % (name, usage) else: reply += name reply += "\n" conn.reply(reply) def _unixctl_version(conn, unused_argv, version): assert isinstance(conn, UnixctlConnection) version = "%s (Open vSwitch) %s" % (ovs.util.PROGRAM_NAME, version) conn.reply(version) def command_register(name, usage, min_args, max_args, callback, aux): """ Registers a command with the given 'name' to be exposed by the UnixctlServer. 'usage' describes the arguments to the command; it is used only for presentation to the user in "help" output. 'callback' is called when the command is received. It is passed a UnixctlConnection object, the list of arguments as unicode strings, and 'aux'. Normally 'callback' should reply by calling UnixctlConnection.reply() or UnixctlConnection.reply_error() before it returns, but if the command cannot be handled immediately, then it can defer the reply until later. A given connection can only process a single request at a time, so a reply must be made eventually to avoid blocking that connection.""" assert isinstance(name, strtypes) assert isinstance(usage, strtypes) assert isinstance(min_args, int) assert isinstance(max_args, int) assert isinstance(callback, types.FunctionType) if name not in commands: commands[name] = _UnixctlCommand(usage, min_args, max_args, callback, aux) def socket_name_from_target(target): assert isinstance(target, strtypes) if target.startswith("/"): return 0, target pidfile_name = "%s/%s.pid" % (ovs.dirs.RUNDIR, target) pid = ovs.daemon.read_pidfile(pidfile_name) if pid < 0: return -pid, "cannot read pidfile \"%s\"" % pidfile_name return 0, "%s/%s.%d.ctl" % (ovs.dirs.RUNDIR, target, pid) class UnixctlConnection(object): def __init__(self, rpc): assert isinstance(rpc, ovs.jsonrpc.Connection) self._rpc = rpc self._request_id = None def run(self): self._rpc.run() error = self._rpc.get_status() if error or self._rpc.get_backlog(): return error for _ in range(10): if error or self._request_id: break error, msg = self._rpc.recv() if msg: if msg.type == Message.T_REQUEST: self._process_command(msg) else: # XXX: rate-limit vlog.warn("%s: received unexpected %s message" % (self._rpc.name, Message.type_to_string(msg.type))) error = errno.EINVAL if not error: error = self._rpc.get_status() return error def reply(self, body): self._reply_impl(True, body) def reply_error(self, body): self._reply_impl(False, body) # Called only by unixctl classes. def _close(self): self._rpc.close() self._request_id = None def _wait(self, poller): self._rpc.wait(poller) if not self._rpc.get_backlog(): self._rpc.recv_wait(poller) def _reply_impl(self, success, body): assert isinstance(success, bool) assert body is None or isinstance(body, strtypes) assert self._request_id is not None if body is None: body = "" if body and not body.endswith("\n"): body += "\n" if success: reply = Message.create_reply(body, self._request_id) else: reply = Message.create_error(body, self._request_id) self._rpc.send(reply) self._request_id = None def _process_command(self, request): assert isinstance(request, ovs.jsonrpc.Message) assert request.type == ovs.jsonrpc.Message.T_REQUEST self._request_id = request.id error = None params = request.params method = request.method command = commands.get(method) if command is None: error = '"%s" is not a valid command' % method elif len(params) < command.min_args: error = '"%s" command requires at least %d arguments' \ % (method, command.min_args) elif len(params) > command.max_args: error = '"%s" command takes at most %d arguments' \ % (method, command.max_args) else: for param in params: if not isinstance(param, strtypes): error = '"%s" command has non-string argument' % method break if error is None: unicode_params = [unicode(p) for p in params] command.callback(self, unicode_params, command.aux) if error: self.reply_error(error) class UnixctlServer(object): def __init__(self, listener): assert isinstance(listener, ovs.stream.PassiveStream) self._listener = listener self._conns = [] def run(self): for _ in range(10): error, stream = self._listener.accept() if not error: rpc = ovs.jsonrpc.Connection(stream) self._conns.append(UnixctlConnection(rpc)) elif error == errno.EAGAIN: break else: # XXX: rate-limit vlog.warn("%s: accept failed: %s" % (self._listener.name, os.strerror(error))) for conn in copy.copy(self._conns): error = conn.run() if error and error != errno.EAGAIN: conn._close() self._conns.remove(conn) def wait(self, poller): self._listener.wait(poller) for conn in self._conns: conn._wait(poller) def close(self): for conn in self._conns: conn._close() self._conns = None self._listener.close() self._listener = None @staticmethod def create(path, version=None): """Creates a new UnixctlServer which listens on a unixctl socket created at 'path'. If 'path' is None, the default path is chosen. 'version' contains the version of the server as reported by the unixctl version command. If None, ovs.version.VERSION is used.""" assert path is None or isinstance(path, strtypes) if path is not None: path = "punix:%s" % ovs.util.abs_file_name(ovs.dirs.RUNDIR, path) else: path = "punix:%s/%s.%d.ctl" % (ovs.dirs.RUNDIR, ovs.util.PROGRAM_NAME, os.getpid()) if version is None: version = ovs.version.VERSION error, listener = ovs.stream.PassiveStream.open(path) if error: ovs.util.ovs_error(error, "could not initialize control socket %s" % path) return error, None command_register("help", "", 0, 0, _unixctl_help, None) command_register("version", "", 0, 0, _unixctl_version, version) return 0, UnixctlServer(listener) class UnixctlClient(object): def __init__(self, conn): assert isinstance(conn, ovs.jsonrpc.Connection) self._conn = conn def transact(self, command, argv): assert isinstance(command, strtypes) assert isinstance(argv, list) for arg in argv: assert isinstance(arg, strtypes) request = Message.create_request(command, argv) error, reply = self._conn.transact_block(request) if error: vlog.warn("error communicating with %s: %s" % (self._conn.name, os.strerror(error))) return error, None, None if reply.error is not None: return 0, str(reply.error), None else: assert reply.result is not None return 0, None, str(reply.result) def close(self): self._conn.close() self.conn = None @staticmethod def create(path): assert isinstance(path, str) unix = "unix:%s" % ovs.util.abs_file_name(ovs.dirs.RUNDIR, path) error, stream = ovs.stream.Stream.open_block( ovs.stream.Stream.open(unix)) if error: vlog.warn("failed to connect to %s" % path) return error, None return 0, UnixctlClient(ovs.jsonrpc.Connection(stream))