# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Nicira, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import datetime import logging import logging.handlers import re import socket import sys import ovs.dirs import ovs.unixctl import ovs.util FACILITIES = {"console": "info", "file": "info", "syslog": "info"} LEVELS = { "dbg": logging.DEBUG, "info": logging.INFO, "warn": logging.WARNING, "err": logging.ERROR, "emer": logging.CRITICAL, "off": logging.CRITICAL } def get_level(level_str): return LEVELS.get(level_str.lower()) class Vlog: __inited = False __msg_num = 0 __mfl = {} # Module -> facility -> level __log_file = None __file_handler = None def __init__(self, name): """Creates a new Vlog object representing a module called 'name'. The created Vlog object will do nothing until the Vlog.init() static method is called. Once called, no more Vlog objects may be created.""" assert not Vlog.__inited self.name = name.lower() if name not in Vlog.__mfl: Vlog.__mfl[self.name] = FACILITIES.copy() def __log(self, level, message, **kwargs): if not Vlog.__inited: return dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow(); now = dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%%iZ") % (dt.microsecond/1000) syslog_message = ("%s|%s|%s|%s" % (Vlog.__msg_num, self.name, level, message)) level = LEVELS.get(level.lower(), logging.DEBUG) Vlog.__msg_num += 1 for f, f_level in Vlog.__mfl[self.name].iteritems(): f_level = LEVELS.get(f_level, logging.CRITICAL) if level >= f_level: if f == "syslog": message = "ovs|" + syslog_message else: message = "%s|%s" % (now, syslog_message) logging.getLogger(f).log(level, message, **kwargs) def emer(self, message, **kwargs): self.__log("EMER", message, **kwargs) def err(self, message, **kwargs): self.__log("ERR", message, **kwargs) def warn(self, message, **kwargs): self.__log("WARN", message, **kwargs) def info(self, message, **kwargs): self.__log("INFO", message, **kwargs) def dbg(self, message, **kwargs): self.__log("DBG", message, **kwargs) def exception(self, message): """Logs 'message' at ERR log level. Includes a backtrace when in exception context.""" self.err(message, exc_info=True) @staticmethod def init(log_file=None): """Intializes the Vlog module. Causes Vlog to write to 'log_file' if not None. Should be called after all Vlog objects have been created. No logging will occur until this function is called.""" if Vlog.__inited: return Vlog.__inited = True logging.raiseExceptions = False Vlog.__log_file = log_file for f in FACILITIES: logger = logging.getLogger(f) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: if f == "console": logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)) elif f == "syslog": logger.addHandler(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler( address="/dev/log", facility=logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_DAEMON)) elif f == "file" and Vlog.__log_file: Vlog.__file_handler = logging.FileHandler(Vlog.__log_file) logger.addHandler(Vlog.__file_handler) except (IOError, socket.error): logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) ovs.unixctl.command_register("vlog/reopen", "", 0, 0, Vlog._unixctl_vlog_reopen, None) ovs.unixctl.command_register("vlog/set", "spec", 1, sys.maxint, Vlog._unixctl_vlog_set, None) ovs.unixctl.command_register("vlog/list", "", 0, 0, Vlog._unixctl_vlog_list, None) @staticmethod def set_level(module, facility, level): """ Sets the log level of the 'module'-'facility' tuple to 'level'. All three arguments are strings which are interpreted the same as arguments to the --verbose flag. Should be called after all Vlog objects have already been created.""" module = module.lower() facility = facility.lower() level = level.lower() if facility != "any" and facility not in FACILITIES: return if module != "any" and module not in Vlog.__mfl: return if level not in LEVELS: return if module == "any": modules = Vlog.__mfl.keys() else: modules = [module] if facility == "any": facilities = FACILITIES.keys() else: facilities = [facility] for m in modules: for f in facilities: Vlog.__mfl[m][f] = level @staticmethod def set_levels_from_string(s): module = None level = None facility = None for word in [w.lower() for w in re.split('[ :]', s)]: if word == "any": pass elif word in FACILITIES: if facility: return "cannot specify multiple facilities" facility = word elif word in LEVELS: if level: return "cannot specify multiple levels" level = word elif word in Vlog.__mfl: if module: return "cannot specify multiple modules" module = word else: return "no facility, level, or module \"%s\"" % word Vlog.set_level(module or "any", facility or "any", level or "any") @staticmethod def get_levels(): lines = [" console syslog file\n", " ------- ------ ------\n"] lines.extend(sorted(["%-16s %4s %4s %4s\n" % (m, Vlog.__mfl[m]["console"], Vlog.__mfl[m]["syslog"], Vlog.__mfl[m]["file"]) for m in Vlog.__mfl])) return ''.join(lines) @staticmethod def reopen_log_file(): """Closes and then attempts to re-open the current log file. (This is useful just after log rotation, to ensure that the new log file starts being used.)""" if Vlog.__log_file: logger = logging.getLogger("file") logger.removeHandler(Vlog.__file_handler) Vlog.__file_handler = logging.FileHandler(Vlog.__log_file) logger.addHandler(Vlog.__file_handler) @staticmethod def _unixctl_vlog_reopen(conn, unused_argv, unused_aux): if Vlog.__log_file: Vlog.reopen_log_file() conn.reply(None) else: conn.reply("Logging to file not configured") @staticmethod def _unixctl_vlog_set(conn, argv, unused_aux): for arg in argv: msg = Vlog.set_levels_from_string(arg) if msg: conn.reply(msg) return conn.reply(None) @staticmethod def _unixctl_vlog_list(conn, unused_argv, unused_aux): conn.reply(Vlog.get_levels()) def add_args(parser): """Adds vlog related options to 'parser', an ArgumentParser object. The resulting arguments parsed by 'parser' should be passed to handle_args.""" group = parser.add_argument_group(title="Logging Options") group.add_argument("--log-file", nargs="?", const="default", help="Enables logging to a file. Default log file" " is used if LOG_FILE is omitted.") group.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", nargs="*", help="Sets logging levels, see ovs-vswitchd(8)." " Defaults to dbg.") def handle_args(args): """ Handles command line arguments ('args') parsed by an ArgumentParser. The ArgumentParser should have been primed by add_args(). Also takes care of initializing the Vlog module.""" log_file = args.log_file if log_file == "default": log_file = "%s/%s.log" % (ovs.dirs.LOGDIR, ovs.util.PROGRAM_NAME) if args.verbose is None: args.verbose = [] elif args.verbose == []: args.verbose = ["any:any:dbg"] for verbose in args.verbose: msg = Vlog.set_levels_from_string(verbose) if msg: ovs.util.ovs_fatal(0, "processing \"%s\": %s" % (verbose, msg)) Vlog.init(log_file)