# Copyright 2005 Princeton University import errno import fcntl import os import re import pwd import signal import sys import time import traceback import resource import mountimpl import runcmd import utmp import vserverimpl, vduimpl import cpulimit, bwlimit from vserverimpl import VS_SCHED_CPU_GUARANTEED as SCHED_CPU_GUARANTEED from vserverimpl import DLIMIT_INF from vserverimpl import VC_LIM_KEEP from vserverimpl import VLIMIT_NSOCK from vserverimpl import VLIMIT_OPENFD from vserverimpl import VLIMIT_ANON from vserverimpl import VLIMIT_SHMEM # # these are the flags taken from the kernel linux/vserver/legacy.h # FLAGS_LOCK = 1 FLAGS_SCHED = 2 # XXX - defined in util-vserver/src/chcontext.c FLAGS_NPROC = 4 FLAGS_PRIVATE = 8 FLAGS_INIT = 16 FLAGS_HIDEINFO = 32 FLAGS_ULIMIT = 64 FLAGS_NAMESPACE = 128 RLIMITS = { "NSOCK": VLIMIT_NSOCK, "OPENFD": VLIMIT_OPENFD, "ANON": VLIMIT_ANON, "SHMEM": VLIMIT_SHMEM} # add in the platform supported rlimits for entry in resource.__dict__.keys(): if entry.find("RLIMIT_")==0: k = entry[len("RLIMIT_"):] if not RLIMITS.has_key(k): RLIMITS[k]=resource.__dict__[entry] else: print "WARNING: duplicate RLIMITS key %s" % k class NoSuchVServer(Exception): pass class VServer: INITSCRIPTS = [('/etc/rc.vinit', 'start'), ('/etc/rc.d/rc', '%(runlevel)d')] def __init__(self, name, vm_id = None, vm_running = False): self.name = name self.rlimits_changed = False self.cache = None self.config_file = "/etc/vservers/%s.conf" % name self.dir = "%s/%s" % (vserverimpl.VSERVER_BASEDIR, name) if not (os.path.isdir(self.dir) and os.access(self.dir, os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK)): raise NoSuchVServer, "no such vserver: " + name self.config = {} for config_file in ["/etc/vservers.conf", self.config_file]: try: self.config.update(self.__read_config_file(config_file)) except IOError, ex: if ex.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise self.remove_caps = ~vserverimpl.CAP_SAFE; if vm_id == None: vm_id = int(self.config['S_CONTEXT']) self.ctx = vm_id self.vm_running = vm_running def have_limits_changed(self): return self.rlimits_changed def set_rlimit_limit(self,type,hard,soft,minimum): """Generic set resource limit function for vserver""" global RLIMITS changed = False try: old_hard, old_soft, old_minimum = self.get_rlimit_limit(type) if old_hard != VC_LIM_KEEP and old_hard <> hard: changed = True if old_soft != VC_LIM_KEEP and old_soft <> soft: changed = True if old_minimum != VC_LIM_KEEP and old_minimum <> minimum: changed = True self.rlimits_changed = self.rlimits_changed or changed except OSError, e: if self.is_running(): print "Unexpected error with getrlimit for running context %d" % self.ctx resource_type = RLIMITS[type] try: ret = vserverimpl.setrlimit(self.ctx,resource_type,hard,soft,minimum) except OSError, e: if self.is_running(): print "Unexpected error with setrlimit for running context %d" % self.ctx def set_rlimit_config(self,type,hard,soft,minimum): """Generic set resource limit function for vserver""" resources = {} if hard <> VC_LIM_KEEP: resources["VS_%s_HARD"%type] = hard if soft <> VC_LIM_KEEP: resources["VS_%s_SOFT"%type] = soft if minimum <> VC_LIM_KEEP: resources["VS_%s_MINIMUM"%type] = minimum if len(resources)>0: self.update_resources(resources) self.set_rlimit_limit(type,hard,soft,minimum) def get_rlimit_limit(self,type): """Generic get resource configuration function for vserver""" global RLIMITS resource_type = RLIMITS[type] try: ret = vserverimpl.getrlimit(self.ctx,resource_type) except OSError, e: print "Unexpected error with getrlimit for context %d" % self.ctx ret = self.get_rlimit_config(type) return ret def get_rlimit_config(self,type): """Generic get resource configuration function for vserver""" hard = int(self.config.get("VS_%s_HARD"%type,VC_LIM_KEEP)) soft = int(self.config.get("VS_%s_SOFT"%type,VC_LIM_KEEP)) minimum = int(self.config.get("VS_%s_MINIMUM"%type,VC_LIM_KEEP)) return (hard,soft,minimum) def set_WHITELISTED_config(self,whitelisted): resources = {'VS_WHITELISTED': whitelisted} self.update_resources(resources) config_var_re = re.compile(r"^ *([A-Z_]+)=(.*)\n?$", re.MULTILINE) def __read_config_file(self, filename): f = open(filename, "r") data = f.read() f.close() config = {} for m in self.config_var_re.finditer(data): (key, val) = m.groups() config[key] = val.strip('"') return config def __update_config_file(self, filename, newvars): # read old file, apply changes f = open(filename, "r") data = f.read() f.close() todo = newvars.copy() changed = False offset = 0 for m in self.config_var_re.finditer(data): (key, val) = m.groups() newval = todo.pop(key, None) if newval != None: data = data[:offset+m.start(2)] + str(newval) + data[offset+m.end(2):] offset += len(str(newval)) - (m.end(2)-m.start(2)) changed = True for (newkey, newval) in todo.items(): data += "%s=%s\n" % (newkey, newval) changed = True if not changed: return # write new file newfile = filename + ".new" f = open(newfile, "w") f.write(data) f.close() # replace old file with new os.rename(newfile, filename) def __do_chroot(self): self.cache = True os.chroot(self.dir) os.chdir("/") def chroot_call(self, fn, *args): cwd_fd = os.open(".", os.O_RDONLY) try: root_fd = os.open("/", os.O_RDONLY) try: self.__do_chroot() result = fn(*args) finally: os.fchdir(root_fd) os.chroot(".") os.fchdir(cwd_fd) os.close(root_fd) finally: os.close(cwd_fd) return result def set_disklimit(self, block_limit): # block_limit is in kB if block_limit == 0: try: vserverimpl.unsetdlimit(self.dir, self.ctx) except OSError, e: print "Unexpected error with unsetdlimit for context %d" % self.ctx return if self.vm_running: block_usage = vserverimpl.DLIMIT_KEEP inode_usage = vserverimpl.DLIMIT_KEEP else: # init_disk_info() must have been called to get usage values block_usage = self.disk_blocks inode_usage = self.disk_inodes try: vserverimpl.setdlimit(self.dir, self.ctx, block_usage, block_limit, inode_usage, vserverimpl.DLIMIT_INF, # inode limit 2) # %age reserved for root except OSError, e: print "Unexpected error with setdlimit for context %d" % self.ctx resources = {'VS_DISK_MAX': block_limit} self.update_resources(resources) def is_running(self): return vserverimpl.isrunning(self.ctx) def get_disklimit(self): try: (self.disk_blocks, block_limit, self.disk_inodes, inode_limit, reserved) = vserverimpl.getdlimit(self.dir, self.ctx) except OSError, ex: if ex.errno != errno.ESRCH: raise # get here if no vserver disk limit has been set for xid block_limit = -1 return block_limit def set_sched_config(self, cpu_share, sched_flags): """ Write current CPU scheduler parameters to the vserver configuration file. This method does not modify the kernel CPU scheduling parameters for this context. """ if cpu_share == int(self.config.get("CPULIMIT", -1)): return cpu_guaranteed = sched_flags & SCHED_CPU_GUARANTEED cpu_config = { "CPULIMIT": cpu_share, "CPUGUARANTEED": cpu_guaranteed } self.update_resources(cpu_config) if self.vm_running: self.set_sched(cpu_share, sched_flags) def set_sched(self, cpu_share, sched_flags = 0): """ Update kernel CPU scheduling parameters for this context. """ vserverimpl.setsched(self.ctx, cpu_share, sched_flags) def get_sched(self): # have no way of querying scheduler right now on a per vserver basis return (-1, False) def set_bwlimit(self, minrate = bwlimit.bwmin, maxrate = None, exempt_min = None, exempt_max = None, share = None, dev = "eth0"): if minrate is None: bwlimit.off(self.ctx, dev) else: bwlimit.on(self.ctx, dev, share, minrate, maxrate, exempt_min, exempt_max) def get_bwlimit(self, dev = "eth0"): result = bwlimit.get(self.ctx) # result of bwlimit.get is (ctx, share, minrate, maxrate) if result: result = result[1:] return result def open(self, filename, mode = "r", bufsize = -1): return self.chroot_call(open, filename, mode, bufsize) def __do_chcontext(self, state_file): if state_file: print >>state_file, "S_CONTEXT=%u" % self.ctx print >>state_file, "S_PROFILE=" state_file.close() if vserverimpl.chcontext(self.ctx): self.set_resources() vserverimpl.setup_done(self.ctx) def __prep(self, runlevel, log): """ Perform all the crap that the vserver script does before actually executing the startup scripts. """ # remove /var/run and /var/lock/subsys files # but don't remove utmp from the top-level /var/run RUNDIR = "/var/run" LOCKDIR = "/var/lock/subsys" filter_fn = lambda fs: filter(lambda f: f != 'utmp', fs) garbage = reduce((lambda (out, ff), (dir, subdirs, files): (out + map((dir + "/").__add__, ff(files)), lambda fs: fs)), list(os.walk(RUNDIR)), ([], filter_fn))[0] garbage += filter(os.path.isfile, map((LOCKDIR + "/").__add__, os.listdir(LOCKDIR))) if False: for f in garbage: os.unlink(f) # set the initial runlevel f = open(RUNDIR + "/utmp", "w") utmp.set_runlevel(f, runlevel) f.close() # mount /proc and /dev/pts self.__do_mount("none", "/proc", "proc") # XXX - magic mount options self.__do_mount("none", "/dev/pts", "devpts", 0, "gid=5,mode=0620") def __do_mount(self, *mount_args): try: mountimpl.mount(*mount_args) except OSError, ex: if ex.errno == errno.EBUSY: # assume already mounted return raise ex def enter(self): state_file = open("/var/run/vservers/%s.ctx" % self.name, "w") self.__do_chroot() self.__do_chcontext(state_file) def start(self, wait, runlevel = 3): self.vm_running = True self.rlimits_changed = False child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid == 0: # child process try: # get a new session os.setsid() # open state file to record vserver info state_file = open("/var/run/vservers/%s.ctx" % self.name, "w") # use /dev/null for stdin, /var/log/boot.log for stdout/err os.close(0) os.close(1) os.open("/dev/null", os.O_RDONLY) self.__do_chroot() log = open("/var/log/boot.log", "w", 0) os.dup2(1, 2) print >>log, ("%s: starting the virtual server %s" % (time.asctime(time.gmtime()), self.name)) # perform pre-init cleanup self.__prep(runlevel, log) # execute each init script in turn # XXX - we don't support all scripts that vserver script does self.__do_chcontext(state_file) for cmd in self.INITSCRIPTS: try: print >>log, cmd # enter vserver context arg_subst = { 'runlevel': runlevel } cmd_args = [cmd[0]] + map(lambda x: x % arg_subst, cmd[1:]) print >>log, "executing '%s'" % " ".join(cmd_args) os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT,cmd[0],cmd_args) except: traceback.print_exc() os._exit(1) # we get here due to an exception in the top-level child process except Exception, ex: traceback.print_exc() os._exit(0) # parent process return child_pid def set_resources(self): """ Called when vserver context is entered for first time, should be overridden by subclass. """ pass def update_resources(self, resources): self.config.update(resources) if not self.cache: # write new values to configuration file self.__update_config_file(self.config_file, resources) def init_disk_info(self): (self.disk_inodes, self.disk_blocks, size) = vduimpl.vdu(self.dir) return size def stop(self, signal = signal.SIGKILL): vserverimpl.killall(self.ctx, signal) self.vm_running = False self.rlimits_changed = False def create(vm_name, static = False, ctor = VServer): options = [] if static: options += ['--static'] runcmd.run('vuseradd', options + [vm_name]) vm_id = pwd.getpwnam(vm_name)[2] return ctor(vm_name, vm_id)